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Harmful - Changing Times


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Observations from Thaisport:

It's been a a good 1.5 almost 2 rounds since I've been active (not saying I am right now either) but I come back to find friends are now foes. People talking smack behind the back.

I amazes me how the dynamics have changed in such a short span. Maybe everyone wants a tee shirt and a flag. Alliances seeking the number #1 spot and smaller alliances that can't reach that goal building blocks for large alliances so they can have a piece of the pie.

Quickly does greed and corruption set in when one has power...

Here's one thing I would like people to know, Mostly Harmful Alliance is not and will not go anywhere. This alliance was reformed upon principles and the smaller but group you see today are mostly core members who have been with Harmful for many rounds. Win or lose a war, win or lose a battle, it is about members with a common cause building a community together. It's about the people you interact with and friends you make along the way. This is why Harmful did not fade in the past and this is why its core member will ensure Harmful will continue to exist.

Times may change, people may change, but rest assured that as long as I and the core members of Harmful are around, that this alliance will remain.

o/ Harmful


PS: Outside of this, It is nice to see old CN friends again friends and foe alike in the game. Time permitting, I will see you all on the battlefield once more...

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It's about the people you interact with and friends you make along the way.

Well said sir. That's what I love about TE.

I've got nothing but the most respect for you. You're a good man, and well mannered.

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Hurray! Harmful all the way! This is what i like about TE, we can blow the crap out of each other and still say "way to go" at the end of the day.

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