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we are a community of leaders. if we randomly named some guy our official leader would that make our opinions stronger in your eyes?

A community of leaders? I would love to know how that works. I'm pretty sure a "community of leaders" is about the same as a bunch of people in an alliance not knowing who to listen to.

I am done with any discussion about this war on these forums, this is turning into an argument too fast.

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Good. Bottom line? An alliance you see as being inferior to you because we all work together as opposed to relying on a single player with a pretend e-title, is kicking your tails currently. You say you would "love to know how that works"? I think we've proven well enough over the past few days just how well thats worked out havent we?

And it is history that says numbers win the war, not AvgNS. Unless you are foolish enough to forget how all the gang bangs here on CN have turned out in the past. Pacifica being the latest to fall victim to being on the wrong end of the gang bang.

So, both CN history AND this experience regarding both gang bangs and collective leadership have proven you wrong once again.

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I am done with any discussion about this war on these forums, this is turning into an argument too fast.

What did you think would happen by attacking PRI? Obviously both sides will have those who dislike each other. Though it's not my place to question your logic.

The people of PRI just need to get out of this after the wars expire. That's about it. Call us wusses for calling in back up all you like, we will still be the victors, which is essentially all that matters in TE.

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Also, another side note. Now 58% of your nations are in anarchy.

Better yet?

OB total NS losses for today: 5,764

Pri total NS losses for today: 400

You're right, your leadership is impeccable... and ours sucks. Obviously.

You must be fabulous allies for your friends to have.

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Though it's not my place to question your logic.

No, question it. True signs of leadership is to question what is already established and to replace it when it proves inept. It will also help your "leader" become a better one should he/she be open minded enough to listen.

From this topic, I would follow you into battle and fight by your side long before I would follow your pretend e-leader.

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What did you think would happen by attacking PRI? Obviously both sides will have those who dislike each other. Though it's not my place to question your logic.

The people of PRI just need to get out of this after the wars expire. That's about it. Call us wusses for calling in back up all you like, we will still be the victors, which is essentially all that matters in TE.

how are you claiming victory? you guys are the ones that want this war to end. you guys are the ones that are making threats of having to call in for help.

i expected more from an alliance with Valdemar in it. -_-

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What did you think would happen by attacking PRI? Obviously both sides will have those who dislike each other. Though it's not my place to question your logic.

The people of PRI just need to get out of this after the wars expire. That's about it. Call us wusses for calling in back up all you like, we will still be the victors, which is essentially all that matters in TE.

This speaks volumes about you. It doesn't matter if you bring in your friends; we already kicked your donkey. That will never change even if you bring your big brother to the fight YOU started. Do so and you will have lost ALL credibility. No matter. You can't destroy our morale or camaraderie.

As to those I've been fighting, good show. I thank you for a fair fight without any posturing. This has been fun; it's supposed to be. I salute you for picking a relatively fair fight. No fight can be perfectly matched, but at least you didn't go for 2-1 odds.

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how are you claiming victory? you guys are the ones that want this war to end. you guys are the ones that are making threats of having to call in for help.

We may have lost the battle, but in the end, we will win the war. Well, that's if PRI continues to fight after the wars expire.

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And for the last time, we are NOT calling in for help. You guys didn't win this war due to highly coordinated attacks by your leader; the wars were already there, we had attacked you. All you had to do was fight.

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We may have lost the battle, but in the end, we will win the war. Well, that's if PRI continues to fight after the wars expire.


Orbit Black declares war on Priapism. This WILL last for more than four hours, so get the doctor ready.

-eyerack, OB Leader

Pretty sure that this here is a war between our two alliances. No one declares "battles" on another alliance.

We have indeed won the war, and I suspect by the end of today's or tomorrow's conflicts you will see that when our total NS is higher than yours, when yours was higher that ours to begin with. Meaning? You will have lost much more than we have. That by definition is a win, in this war your alliance declared. Face it, in a one on one situation that your alliance started we have indeed won both soundly and with our backs against the wall. Being man enough, and honorable enough, to admit so, is the toughest part it seems.

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well, looking at this topic, i realize the optimism of th OB members even in time of loss.

its good to see this.

but i cant say that all's fine.

after i m going to post this, i may be looked upon by other OB members.

but to say, we have not lost would be neither true nor false. it was a good fight, that PRIAPISM put up.

we have been successful in some respects and at the losing side at others.

we got some positives from this war, like

1:- which alliance-nations are really OB members.

when i first saw the PRI stats, i thought it would be a fair war with us on the favourable side due to more nation count. but the downfall started from the first declaration of war which was done by me.

it was decided to attack at first update on friday, but due to some confusion, i attacked 24hrs before the rest of us. this led 5 of them to attack me, and they became cautious.

next, they had all the nations except one above 2k ns, we had hardly 5 , they had 2 nations above 4k ns, we had one. so the allocation of targets for nations was not favourable for any nation of OB(i did the allocation of targets and it was like sending them to hell.it was so painful for me). we(OB) got our enemies with more ns.

next: before allocation of targets, i thought most of nations would comply with the instructions, but most of them didnt do. there were no coordinated attacks due to this. also some PRI nations didnt get even declared and those declared on us.

so, in the end, they got the upper hand coz they were more united and activate( we are also united but only some of us, not all 27, hardly 10-15).

so at-last . nice work PRIAPISM as well ORBIT BLACK.

i suggest this war to expire and no more declarartions on each other.

the rocking guy a.k.a. gary8

Minister Of War, ORBIT BLACK.

Edited by the rocking guy
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You guys didn't win this war due to highly coordinated attacks by your leader; the wars were already there, we had attacked you. All you had to do was fight.

1st, its leaderS, not leader.

2nd, Since the 20th of this month, when most of us at Priapism came out of anarchy... there have been 5 declarations made by the 26 OB nations. While on the other hand, there have been 21 declarations out of the 20 Priapism nations. No coordinated attacks huh? its just strictly coincidence then that once you couldnt hold us down that your destruction went into overdrive? Are you saying your alliance is that poor in keeping its advantage then? or we just made all those declarations by accident? Hands down, we've beaten you and you just aren't man enough to admit you made a mistake in guiding your alliance and much is lost because of it. I hate to ask this, as many of my closest friends on here are from the same area of the world, but are you British by chance? From my experience, you guys have a tough time ever admitting when you lose and love to let the condescending attitude spew forth while doing it.

So, if you are, that would explain everything, and I forgive you. Also, we put another one of your members into anarchy today I believe. That is now 64% with one of your members disappearing.


I am done with any discussion about this war on these forums, this is turning into an argument too fast.

Please prove to be an individual of your word, if you cant man-up and salvage face in the eyes of both your allies and alliance mates... then what further purpose would you be serving?

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well, looking at this topic, i realize the optimism of th OB members even in time of loss.

its good to see this.

but i cant say that all's fine.

after i m going to post this, i may be looked upon by other OB members.

but to say, we have not lost would be neither true nor false. it was a good fight, that PRIAPISM put up.

we have been successful in some respects and at the losing side at others.

we got some positives from this war, like

1:- which alliance-nations are really OB members.

when i first saw the PRI stats, i thought it would be a fair war with us on the favourable side due to more nation count. but the downfall started from the first declaration of war which was done by me.

it was decided to attack at first update on friday, but due to some confusion, i attacked 24hrs before the rest of us. this led 5 of them to attack me, and they became cautious.

next, they had all the nations except one above 2k ns, we had hardly 5 , they had 2 nations above 4k ns, we had one. so the allocation of targets for nations was not favourable for any nation of OB(i did the allocation of targets and it was like sending them to hell.it was so painful for me). we(OB) got our enemies with more ns.

next: before allocation of targets, i thought most of nations would comply with the instructions, but most of them didnt do. there were no coordinated attacks due to this. also some PRI nations didnt get even declared and those declared on us.

so, in the end, they got the upper hand coz they were more united and activate( we are also united but only some of us, not all 27, hardly 10-15).

so at-last . nice work PRIAPISM as well ORBIT BLACK.

i suggest this war to expire and no more declarartions on each other.

the rocking guy a.k.a. gary8

Minister Of War, ORBIT BLACK.

To be honest with you, we thought you were a rogue tho and just treated you as such. Usually when someone jumps the gun on an alliance war their fellow members follow soon after, which is why many of us stayed in DEFCON 5 and collected taxes, suspecting nothing.

Its interesting to learn this was a coordinated attack from the start, and not just an alliance backing up a rogue nation and using it as a reason to declare war. Thank you for this.

Also, I like you and most of what you had to say. Please coup your "leader" asap so you may save OB before its too late.

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This thread is confusing:

OB declares

Priapism refuses terms

Priapism turns the tide of the war

OB refuses terms

OB threatens to bring in friends unless the wars are allowed to expire

Priapism declares victory

That about right?

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This thread is confusing:

OB declares

Priapism refuses terms

Priapism turns the tide of the war

OB refuses terms

OB threatens to bring in friends unless the wars are allowed to expire

Priapism declares victory

That about right?

most part of it, yes.

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Pretty sure that this here is a war between our two alliances. No one declares "battles" on another alliance.

I suppose you just ignore the "Battle Report" messages in your inbox then.

To be honest with you, we thought you were a rogue tho and just treated you as such. Usually when someone jumps the gun on an alliance war their fellow members follow soon after, which is why many of us stayed in DEFCON 5 and collected taxes, suspecting nothing.

Its interesting to learn this was a coordinated attack from the start, and not just an alliance backing up a rogue nation and using it as a reason to declare war. Thank you for this.

Also, I like you and most of what you had to say. Please coup your "leader" asap so you may save OB before its too late.

Mis-communication within the alliance, nothing more. We absolutely dislike rogues, therefore we would not be declaring war to protect one.

And no, we will not be couping eyerack. Maybe in a few rounds I may become leader or MoW, but there will definitely not be any coup happening.

This thread is confusing:

OB declares

Priapism refuses terms

Priapism turns the tide of the war

OB refuses terms

OB threatens to bring in friends unless the wars are allowed to expire

Priapism declares victory

That about right?

Right. I just don't get how they can declare a victory when the war isn't even over...

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Right. I just don't get how they can declare a victory when the war isn't even over...

I thought it wasn't a war? Rather these were just "battles" that you were losing to us? You suggested the "war" would be won by OB if we continued on.

So, at what point is this a "war" between our alliances? Your leader says it is, but you said it wasnt, then when I pointed that out to you... you mention something about battle reports in your inbox (the ones that surely have put you and so many of your friends in anarchy) and now youve said it is a war as well.

I think you have managed to confuse yourself. What a shame, really. Especially when you were doing soooo well in your previous replies. I'm sure your head is just spinning because you cant figure out how this happened after things looked so promising.

I'd be interested to hear tho how you feel it is determined who the loser is when a war between two alliance happens. Maybe you can enlighten the rest of us, because on my planet, the one who loses the most... is the loser.

7/17 when you attacked us:

OB= 57,998 total NS

Priaprism= 57,085 total NS

Today, 7/23[

OB= 35,819 total NS

Priapism= 36,534 total NS (we actually GAINED strength since yesterday)

Total losses for each side

OB= 22,179

Priapism= 20,551

We caused you to lose more with less nations and playing from behind. How can you deny this? And the pendulum is still swinging in our direction as the bulk of our defensive wars don't expire till the 27th, while the bulk of your offensive wars expire TODAY :) Get back to me in a few days and we'll see how much worse its gotten for you by letting the wars play out with no redeclarations.

Amazingly enough... theres this message YOU sent out today in-game.

Subject: RE: peace offers?

Message: We have admitted that PRI was a bit more than we should have tried attacking. (As I have said many times on the OWF, PRI wasn't my first choice, in fact it was my last.)

We admitted to having a tie, which should be good enough. Accept the peace offers, don't attack after the war expires, and we may become friends. Keep attacking after the war expires and we will call for back up.

You can either accept a tie or defeat. There will be no victory if you continue fighting.

-Emperor Stranger

-MoFA of OB

Sounds both desperate and further confused since you're the ones on the defeat end of the NS spectrum currently, and are contradicting your own leaders very words when he said there would be no cries for help from OB to its allies. I quote:

And for the last time, we are NOT calling in for help.

Are you saying your leader is a liar? that his word is no good? are you saying that you have no intentions of following his statement and have a different agenda all your own? that you wish to run the show now instead of later?

He says no cries for help will be made, instead you threaten with them all over again like a desperate man clinging onto that last bit of hope before your ship passes quietly under the waters unnoticed.

And what on earth would make you think we would want to be friends with you? The OB members we have respect for already know who they are from private conversations with them... but why would we want to be friends with an alliance as a whole who cant finish a job they started and still tries to claim tie out of defeat?

We may as well round up every None nation out there in anarchy and add them to our list of friends too.

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This thread is confusing:

OB declares

Priapism refuses terms

Priapism turns the tide of the war

OB refuses terms

OB threatens to bring in friends unless the wars are allowed to expire

Priapism declares victory

That about right?

Close, but numbers 2 and 3 need to be switched with one another and OB was never offered anything remotely close to serious terms by us.

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lets not continue on bullying and justifying ourselves.

the point now is, OB has lost more than PRI, and now, how can we come to an end of this war?

as i said earlier, can u join #orbitblack on irc for discussion?


Minister Of War, OB.

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I thought it wasn't a war? Rather these were just "battles" that you were losing to us? You suggested the "war" would be won by OB if we continued on.

Are you really being ignorant, or are you just doing it to piss me off? We are in an "alliance war" and our nations are "at war".


Do you see this image? It is called the "Wars and Battles" page. In this page, we can attack each nation. These "attacks" are called "battles". Do you understand?

Edited by Emperor Stranger
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