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Ordo Verde Announcement


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An Announcement from the Minister of Foreign Operations

I got tired of all the old embassies lying around collecting dust so I decided it's time to get rid of a few.

If the following embassies aren't posted in within a week they will be deleted:




Assassin Order

Dark Templar



Greenland Republic


Mushroom Kingdom

Molon Labe


Nueva Vida






Monos Archein

Poison Clan


So come by and reclaim them before it's too late! We're located at http://ordoverde.mattluria.com/index.php

Edited by sethb
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Wouldn't being MDAP'd with you sort of automatically entitle them to an embassy?

Because if it wasn't, and you ended up being treated to them but they have no embassy, it would be a peculiar situation.

Not that I'd expect any embassy to have much significance; at that level, inter-alliance interaction would be more likely to take place in IRC or something. But still, at least symbolically, it would have to count for something.

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Wouldn't being MDAP'd with you sort of automatically entitle them to an embassy?

Because if it wasn't, and you ended up being treated to them but they have no embassy, it would be a peculiar situation.

Not that I'd expect any embassy to have much significance; at that level, inter-alliance interaction would be more likely to take place in IRC or something. But still, at least symbolically, it would have to count for something.

Nope, no point in having it if it takes up space. We don't need an embassy to communicate, and as you said we use other means such as IRC. We still <3 GOD embassy or not.

Edited by sethb
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