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Updates from Neues Deutschland

Apollo Shanofan

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The SRM (Sandwüstes Reich Military) has begun rapidly fortifying the border to as an added security measure to avoid expansion from large Asian nations. This is also done to protect the maticulous study to take census of the nation and avoid undocumented immigration into the country. Temporary defences have been put in place, and along with the long stretches of fences, intense patroling has begun. The Government seeks international aid in the establishment of a modern border.

Also, in an attempt to clear the cities of their large population of homeless, the government has stepped in to create housing projects for the homeless. Large communities are being built in currently uninhabited land in Sandwüstes Reich. Old housing projects are being demolished and their former residents will also be moved to these new communities. In exchange, the displaced residents have been given debt forgiveness.

Edited by Apollo Shanofan
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The Kommandant Stemmer, leader of the military controlled government of Sandwüstes Reich makes his way down a solid concrete staircase into a bunker room. On one end of the room hangs the flag of the nation, on the opposite a massive world map. In the center lies a large table with a digital screen used mostly to zoom in on specific areas of the map. Around the table stand 5 officers who stand and salute the Kommandant as he enters the bunker. The map has already been prepared for him, focusing in on the territory of Sandwüstes Reich . The Kommandant begins, "At ease. Now, I want you to show me where we have any land, and I mean any land. Enough land to house the...(he mutters) the Asians." One officer takes the lead and zooms in with the touch of his fingers to several possible areas. "Kommandant, In our far east there is a long strip of untouched land where we may place the communities before transporting them into Asia. Hmm, there is some land up north which is bordering the Cochin protectorate. This land is less...rich? in resource and could only sustain the Naxi population that would be transported there for a short while meaning while they are closer to our planned destination the deportation would have to be rushed and troops would need a stronger supply line to mobilize north and effectively seal them out with rapid fortification of the norhter border." The Kommandant takes little time to contemplate and swiftly gives his answer, "Good. The Naxi communities will be created up north where they will remain temporarily until they are deported carefully into the Cochin protectorate. I need you to begin on that immediatly." The officers salute as the Kommandant exits.

The Germanification of Sandwüstes Reich is quickly begining. The borders have been closed to avoid foreign influence and foreign broadcasting has been cut off from the country. The Naxi population of the nation has almost exclusively filled the ranks of the many homelss and poor within the country. They are being kept away fromt he German populations of major towns and cities as the Kommandant (Commander) Stemmer seeks to avoid the mixing of Germans and Asians and solidify the German control over the land until the Asian population is carefully and secretly deported into the Cochin protectorate to the north.

Edited by Apollo Shanofan
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The Kommandant, Dederick Stemmer formally invites your majesty to conference in Sandwüstes Reich. As new neighbors of your kingdom we wish to persue friendly relations. Dinner will be served along with full services to satisfy your majesty's needs. The Sandwüstes Reich armed forces will provide complete protection but royal Cochin guardsmen or other security detail may accompany your majesty during the visit. We anxiously await your reply and wish you luck to a long, prosperous rule over your kingdom.

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Dear Kommandant,

Owing to a tight schedule I am unable to visit your nation at the present time. However I will send our Secretary of External Affairs, Mr. KP Varma as our representative to your nation. He shall be accompanied by a detachment from King's Guards.


His Highness Rama Varma,

The King of Cochin.

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MESSAGE TO Sandwüstes Reich
We notice that your flag looks near exact ours. Understandably, our population is confused. We kindly ask that you change it. We, as fellow Germans, like our flag very much.

Thank you,
Markus Wilding,
Commisar of Alvonia

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Dear Kommandant,

Owing to a tight schedule I am unable to visit your nation at the present time. However I will send our Secretary of External Affairs, Mr. KP Varma as our representative to your nation. He shall be accompanied by a detachment from King's Guards.


His Highness Rama Varma,

The King of Cochin.

 That is perfectly acceptable we await your arrival whenever you a prepared.

Adalrik Veicht
Minister of External Affairs

MESSAGE TO Sandwüstes Reich
We notice that your flag looks near exact ours. Understandably, our population is confused. We kindly ask that you change it. We, as fellow Germans, like our flag very much.

Thank you,
Markus Wilding,
Commisar of Alvonia


After a short debate we have decide that we will in fact choose a different flag. We apologize for any confusion and thank Alvonia for bringing this issue to our attention.

Adalrik Veicht
Minister of External Affairs

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