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Otherworld's foreign policy announced


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OOC: LVN is a GM

Other people have already been affected by the rule.

This whole discussion might have been avoided if the SoI was posted.

ooc: Nobody ever said LVN wasn't a GM. What I said was a GM, in this case LVN cannot make the rules. I don't see a need for a discussion because he can claim it, as long as its not a huge absurd claim. For instance a brand new country with 10 land annexes half of Antarctica.

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ooc: Nobody ever said LVN wasn't a GM. What I said was a GM, in this case LVN cannot make the rules. I don't see a need for a discussion because he can claim it, as long as its not a huge absurd claim. For instance a brand new country with 10 land annexes half of Antarctica.

ooc: well...there goes my plan :(

but seriously. This is just stupid, I thought this was meant to be a bit of fun.

But no. We have rules that contradict each other, nobody can agree what can happen and it makes no sense.

Why could I conquer the land from somebody..but not just move into it?

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ooc: well...there goes my plan :(

but seriously. This is just stupid, I thought this was meant to be a bit of fun.

But no. We have rules that contradict each other, nobody can agree what can happen and it makes no sense.

Why could I conquer the land from somebody..but not just move into it?

OOC: rules were made because others were making it not fun with god moding and such. Really this rule is made so that other new players have a place to put their nations without having to ask people for the land (aka from a protectorate). So that "Bills 100 SOI land nation moves his military into 1000000 miles of unclaimed land har har har" doesn't happen. Generally protectorates were once the borders of nations that other nations turned into protectorates when they left/moved(aka rerolled). However the nations don't control anything in them.

and now to actually put something not OOC!

IC: While we find this goal to be slightly odd for a new nation perhaps Otherworld has once heard about the now vanished I.S.A.F.? Once an alliance of all the Antarctic nations that kept the peace in Antarctica until its Eastern Members fell silent.

Perhaps discussions of a new Antarctic Coalition are in order?

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OOC: For now let's just assume the claim is valid for argument's sake, the rules clearly state that this claim is viable. Surely then it is whoever attends to the updating of the rules responsibility for the misunderstanding and not Otherworld?

OOC: This is not allowed. Check the map thread.

*There are three ways to gain land: A - Claiming it through your SoI, B - Conquering it from a sovereign nation, C- Being given the land by others in a RP'd IC manner. OOC gifting is not allowed.

This rule simply states, unless you got the land off another RP'er, you can't grow larger than your SoI. (Which means you can put a point on a map somewhere, and a radius of SoI/2 will draw out a line which encircles your lands)

Edited by LeVentNoir
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