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Efficiency level


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It is possible to have an efficiency in the 500s for the first few weeks of your nations. The top nations in CN can keep their efficiency around 200, even in the late stages of nation growth (this is very good). If you have never been in a destructive war, anything above 150 is pretty good, and if you have been in a destructive war, anything above 100 is rather good.

As for bad efficiencies... anything below that?

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I don't believe in measuring efficiencies between nations, but the rate at which your efficiency increases or decreases matters much, much more.

Obviously those with aid contantly channelled into their nations will have efficiencies of up to a few thousand in their early days and up to around 500 once they hit the top 5%.

If I were to give a straightforward figure; above 100 is what you should aim for, however you can sustain 200 without having to sell donations and by playing every trick in the book.

TE is a great way to be able to learn and get a feel of how to maximise growth.

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I think I have about 100 and I have been nuked 30+ times, so perhaps 100 and above is a good number for very old nations.

It gets increasingly hard to maintain that however - for me, I have to gain something like 800 NS a day to maintain an efficiency of 100, which is not very easy to do. For older nations it is even harder.

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I don't believe in measuring efficiencies between nations, but the rate at which your efficiency increases or decreases matters much, much more.

Obviously those with aid contantly channelled into their nations will have efficiencies of up to a few thousand in their early days and up to around 500 once they hit the top 5%.

If I were to give a straightforward figure; above 100 is what you should aim for, however you can sustain 200 without having to sell donations and by playing every trick in the book.

TE is a great way to be able to learn and get a feel of how to maximise growth.

Personally, I would love to see a way to compare efficiencies across nations, similar to how we can currently sort by NS, infra, or tech. It's obviously not the "be all and and all" of success in the game, but I view it as more meaningful than NS as a metric of success, since anyone can eventually get large if they've played the game for 10 years, but it takes a lot more skill to rise up quickly.

As for your comment about 500...really? Could you point out a top nation with that type of efficiency? My guess is that is somewhat overstated, as it has seemed rare in my experience to spot a nation over 250-300 range (older than a couple months anyway), and those are nations that are constantly selling donations and therefore having massive amounts of aid coming in.

It gets increasingly hard to maintain that however - for me, I have to gain something like 800 NS a day to maintain an efficiency of 100, which is not very easy to do. For older nations it is even harder.

:blink: You need to gain 800 a day to maintain an average of 100? That doesn't make sense, unless you plan on losing 7/8 of your NS again very soon...

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As for your comment about 500...really? Could you point out a top nation with that type of efficiency? My guess is that is somewhat overstated, as it has seemed rare in my experience to spot a nation over 250-300 range (older than a couple months anyway), and those are nations that are constantly selling donations and therefore having massive amounts of aid coming in.

Yep, that's precisely it - especially with donations containing a worth in excess of 20 mil these days. However, don't even think for a second that it's the only way to succeed :P

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Yep, that's precisely it - especially with donations containing a worth in excess of 20 mil these days. However, don't even think for a second that it's the only way to succeed :P

Naturally. That is not the only way to succeed and if you don't still do other things right, it won't help you much, but it can certainly help augment success.

I still disagree with your statement about 500 efficiency though (unless you could point out a nation or 2...I'd love to see it!). The best players in the game that do not donate seem to be only a little over 200 typically. The max benefits you can get from donating are to have $3M and 50 tech come in constantly (18 slots/month). For a top 5% nation, the money probably only buys you less than 200 infra, so call that 600NS. The tech adds 50*18*5 = 4500NS. Add 1000NS for a donation to your own nation, and that's 6100NS/month from donations. But compare that to the player that uses his aid slots effectively for tech deals ($18M spent per month, 600 tech gained). He would have just 60 less infra, and 300 less tech. (60*3 + 300*5 = 1680NS/mo. = 56NS/day)

So in short, I estimate that even through donating (or having absurd amounts of constant aid from other sources), a top nation can only maintain an efficiency about 56 points higher than other nations (and this decreases the bigger you get, since the $3M aid means less and less). Donating to your own nation would add another 33 points to this, but that's still less than 100 points above everyone else, so I wouldn't expect anyone to have an efficiency mcuh higher than around 300 once they start getting into the upper ranks.

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That guy has placed emphasis on economics before everything else, always, and only has 175 efficiency (he didn't even have nukes until recently)


He sells donations and has an efficiency of about 250, so that is definitely pretty good.

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A simple example would be a nation going through a bankrolling process:

30 mil in 20 days ultimately takes a nation up to 4k infra; 600 infra from efficiency alone. A top nation at this level can afford well over 50 infra per day from his income alone - added to a healthy 1.5 mil every 10 days in aid, the nation is able to buy a staggering 100 infra everyday (let alone hundreds of miles of land) - more than most.

If they are donation sellers and receive the full 3 mil and 50 tech with all their slots (which some nations do), then that's an extra 25 tech every day.

I agree 500 is over the top; however back in the old days, when tech was worth 25 NS per level - you did have nations approaching 1000 efficency. One example was Rootes.

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A simple example would be a nation going through a bankrolling process:

30 mil in 20 days ultimately takes a nation up to 4k infra; 600 infra from efficiency alone. A top nation at this level can afford well over 50 infra per day from his income alone - added to a healthy 1.5 mil every 10 days in aid, the nation is able to buy a staggering 100 infra everyday (let alone hundreds of miles of land) - more than most.

If they are donation sellers and receive the full 3 mil and 50 tech with all their slots (which some nations do), then that's an extra 25 tech every day.

I agree 500 is over the top; however back in the old days, when tech was worth 25 NS per level - you did have nations approaching 1000 efficency. One example was Rootes.

Ah...that explains it then. There's a big difference between 5 and 25 NS, and I was unaware that tech had ever been worth that much. That must have been before my time (or else I've completely forgotten!)....I'm getting old, but not that old!

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Ah...that explains it then. There's a big difference between 5 and 25 NS, and I was unaware that tech had ever been worth that much. That must have been before my time (or else I've completely forgotten!)....I'm getting old, but not that old!

It was 20 NS; sorry.

Steeldor might in fact be a good example of what you're looking for XD

My peak must have been around 150 efficiency, yet, a lot may have been put into a warchest which others don't know about.

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a lot may have been put into a warchest which others don't know about.

Oooh...sounds all secretive :ph34r:


Yeah, my efficiency has roughly been around 150 for a long time (was a bit less as a tech seller back in the day, I believe). I feel like I've put more emphasis on growth than most nations, but there are definitely a few things I could have done to grow faster, so I'd suspect that this is way above average but definitely not on par with the highest levels.

For some reason, I can't actually get into CN from this machine today (but I can get on the forums...wierd), so I'll have to check out steeldor's nation later.

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Oooh...sounds all secretive :ph34r:

Haha... it can definitely slow your growth :P

Maybe nations should be able to see others' "Total Income Taxes Collected:" :P

Steeldor's is above 300, although it should 'level out' as he grows.

Another reduction in NS worth of tech would be very interesting indeed.

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