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I need veteran help

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So i've been in my first alliance for around 2 months now and i have accomplished a great deal while I've been there but recently i have grown dull to it all. My alliance leader gave me the ok to go but told me it would be hard to get my government position back. Now i'm torn between leaving and joining a bigger alliance or staying and keeping my high government spot. I need some real advice about this from people who have had the same issues.

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Getting bored is a problem lots of people have to deal with. It's hard to say what you should do in this situation. It depends on how good of friends you are with people in your alliance. Stick with your friends and do what would make you happy.

Looking back on this later (if you're not thinking "why did I waste so much time on cn") you'll probably be happy with your choice of a change of pace.

Edited by threefingeredguy
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I will give my advice again, if you don't feel at home over at WKE, then you should find a new home. Even if you have a high government spot you should find a place were you like it and work up to government once again. We will always love you at the WKE.

EDIT: Spelling :P

Edited by kobiashiy
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If you have a strong connection to the people in your current alliance, then this decision is rightfully a difficult one. If you're just bored with few strong connections, go and try something new. Just because you're not high-ranking doesn't mean you can't participate in and fully enjoy a new alliance.

And if you leave and find out that you were happier where you were before, go back. There may not be a government spot, but power really isn't everything.

Or I'm very wrong and you should disregard me entirely.

I've run into this issue a few times and I usually find that I was where I was for a reason, but everyone's situation is different.

Whatever you decide, good luck!

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I'll add my vote to the 'Do what you enjoy' bit. If you're not enjoying Internal Affairs, try a different hat like Econ or Defense. If you just need a new environment, then try another alliance. Resigning doesn't mean you can never hang out with your friends, and actually former alliance relations might help your new alliance form a friendship with WKE that they might not have considered before.

You don't necessarily want to run out and start your own alliance, though. That field's getting crowded, making it more and more difficult to stand out.

If you DO decide to scope out another alliance, spend some quality time here in the PCA thread and carefully search for a place that fits your ideals, mentality and need for fun folks to hang out with. ^^d

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Subject: Cross-Alliance Success

My suggestion is to play the game in a way that makes it enjoyable. If you are a hard-working individual, willing to put in the long hours necessary, have the ability to think creatively, can comport yourself in a pleasant manner and have the drive and ambition to succeed, you can do be successful in any alliance. I believe the saying goes, “Fresh cream and pond scum rise to the top.”



Antonio Salovega VI

Edited by Antonio Salovega VI
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