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White Cross OOC thread..


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In the future I think we should demand some sort of role play for the recovery of nations. We don't even have to involve ourselves if we don't feel up to it, but it does prevent the old grab the money and run routine.

Without the role play I have a hard time seeing how a government can justify claiming they didn't siphon off the money to use for their own personal gain. So basically in character as a member of the White Cross I'd be hard put to want to continue aiding a country that shows no real use and disbursement of the money other than a post saying, "All finished guys, yay for us!"

Those countries who do not do some sort of role play to demonstrate the recovery process I believe should be blacklisted from receiving White Cross funds and assistance of any sort in the future.

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Hmm...harsh, but I can see where you're coming from. It actually makes sense that they should Rp at least to a small degree, the re-building process. I think I did when I was re-building once, though never directly, but rather in indirect references in other posts.

Though my incident happened before the White Cross was formed, I believe.

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I'm not suggesting some massive rp of epic proportions either. But something to verify the resources are being used. If not, it tends to come across as a textbook case of aid corruption and that in itself ought to give others plenty of just cause to intervene in a stronger more violent manner. Something along the lines, "First you ripped us off, then you spent the money on a race horse, and now your people are starving to death. No worries mate.. We'll sort it out for you in the form nation take over."

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I'm not suggesting some massive rp of epic proportions either. But something to verify the resources are being used. If not, it tends to come across as a textbook case of aid corruption and that in itself ought to give others plenty of just cause to intervene in a stronger more violent manner. Something along the lines, "First you ripped us off, then you spent the money on a race horse, and now your people are starving to death. No worries mate.. We'll sort it out for you in the form nation take over."

Have I ever said I love how you word things? :D

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