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Assassination! So read the headline on every newspaper in the Empire. Derick Jesus, a member of the High Council, had been shot and killed earlier in the morning by Marxist rebels. The same rebels that had led to the formation of the High Council no less. Chancellor Alix Smith sighed, if not the Crown Prince, then the Marxists.

"They are just mad they lost, sir." An aid had just walked into the room.

"Lost... Lost months ago, why start this now rather then then?" Alex frowned in frustration.

"Well, I don't know, sir. If I had to guess, it was due to their shock at having their government established with them not part of it quickly followed by 1st the princes attempted coup followed by not 1 but 2 wars." The aid laughed, "Had we known peace after the election, they may well have started this back then."

OOC: Feel free to join in if you want. I've not bothered RPing the elected part of my gov't much and I want to fix that oversight.

The gov't of which I speak.

Edited by New Inca Empire
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OOC; I wouldn't really know how to join it, actually... :(

OOC: If you're a communist nation, offer support to the rebels. If not, offer support to my gov't. Also, I still have that as yet unknown weapon and my rouge prince. So this is really up to you.

IC: The police station burned, shards of glass and twisted bodies lay up and down the street. Capt. Donald Sanchez shook his head and got out of his squad car. "Goddamn rebels!"

A seemingly shaken bystander asks, "Wha- What happened?"

"Bomb. Must of been left in the lobby from the looks of the blast." Battered and dazed shapes emerge from the dust and smoke, "And it seems I'm right. Most of the station must of survived, I see my comrades now."

The bystander stands in place for a moment and looks at his watch, then leaves without another word. As he walks down the street, he mumbles to himself, "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." The blast can be heard 5 miles away.

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OOC: I'm assuming the only public bit of information right now is the assassination?

IC: Promised Land condemns the assassination of a leader in a peaceful state. There was no reason for such a despicable act.

OOC: A bit of back story. A few months back, the Marxists rose up in an attempt to seize power due to the unchecked authority of the New Inca. After a brief series of attacks and riots, the New Inca capitulated and held elections. However, the new gov't ended up having allies and even family of the New Inca elected keeping them out of their own gov't. They aim to rectify that now. Now the elections were legit but they think otherwise yet on the other hand, the next in line to rule the Empire is a crazy fascist who thinks he and the Inca in general are deities, so it's not as if they're not justified in their opposition, even if the prince is a declared traitor hiding in Africa. I will bring the prince back if this RP ends up deposing my current ruler, otherwise he'll stay in Africa until a good RP opportunity pop ups their.

Some rules, no posting about anything you don't know (at the moment all you know is that a gov't leader was killed and that riots have started all over the Empire and have escalated to terrorist attacks), no contacting the prince until and if I bring him into the RP and obviously no god modding.

Otherwise have fun. I'll even tolerate an invasion (not IC obviously) to stabilize my nation if it really gets out of hand.

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OOC: A bit of back story. A few months back, the Marxists rose up in an attempt to seize power due to the unchecked authority of the New Inca. After a brief series of attacks and riots, the New Inca capitulated and held elections. However, the new gov't ended up having allies and even family of the New Inca elected keeping them out of their own gov't. They aim to rectify that now. Now the elections were legit but they think otherwise yet on the other hand, the next in line to rule the Empire is a crazy fascist who thinks he and the Inca in general are deities, so it's not as if they're not justified in their opposition, even if the prince is a declared traitor hiding in Africa. I will bring the prince back if this RP ends up deposing my current ruler, otherwise he'll stay in Africa until a good RP opportunity pop ups their.

Some rules, no posting about anything you don't know (at the moment all you know is that a gov't leader was killed and that riots have started all over the Empire and have escalated to terrorist attacks), no contacting the prince until and if I bring him into the RP and obviously no god modding.

Otherwise have fun. I'll even tolerate an invasion (not IC obviously) to stabilize my nation if it really gets out of hand.

OOC: OK, thanks for the clarification. I probably won't get too heavily involved, though. I have a number of Rp's I'm already participating in.

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The chancellor paced back and forth in his office, yet another target, this time a busy grocery store, had been bombed. It was the same as the others, a small charge to bring in rescue teams followed by a larger 1 to destroy the building and kill everyone in range. "We know what's happening but what can we do, let the victims die unaided?"

The New Inca looked at the chancellor with a grim face, "That my be exactly what we must do to reduce casualties.'"

"As you wish, I'll give the order. Also, any word on your son?"

"He's still in Africa. His banking operations and work camps have made him quite powerful from what I hear. Let us hope he doesn't successfully establish a shadow government. I can't deal with another coup attempt by his followers now."

"Sirs?" An aid enters the room. "The rebels have taken the airport and port. I'm told to inform you that it's unlikely we'll be able to quickly retake them."

"Tank you." The New Inca turns to the chancellor, "It would seem we're under blockade."


At that moment another small blast blows open the palace gate followed by the arrival of trucks from which rebels pour out.

The New Inca grabs his phone and hits the speed dial for the local LISF base, "We need help, NOW!"

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OOC: I'm trying to get my crackhead nation destroyed right now, so I claim responsiblity for this, but I don't have enough time to do a decent RP right now, so just do something related to that

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"All things are subject to interpretation, the interpretation that prevails at a given time is a function of power not truth." - Nietzsche

That being said we offer support to the existing government as they still remain in power and are therefore the rulers of the territory in question.

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"So your majesty," Antonio Regen, the mastermind behind the revolt, says the word with a snarl, "Will you abdicate or will we have to just kill you and your family?"

The New Inca spits in Antonio's face, "The Chavez Dynasty will always survive, even now my son is building himself up in Africa. Would you rather be forced to bow to him as a god, to all of us of Inca blood as deities? That is your fate if he rules. 1 fitting for the likes of you I should add." The New Inca smiles a sinister smile.

"You're son would die the moment he made landfall. Now," Antonio raises a pistol level with the New Inca's face, "will you abdicate?!"


Antonio pulls the trigger and... Nothing happens.

The New Inca lunges at Antonio, knocking him down. Before the other rebels can react, the chancellor, prime minister and the rest of the cabinet follow his lead. After a few wild shots and enraged punches and kicks, the fight is over. The rebels are subdued, however as the New Inca looks around his face takes on the look of a stricken man, "No!"

Minister of Domestic Affairs Princess Ailina Chavez lays dead, a bullet wound to her chest.

As the New Inca weeps over his daughters body, more rebels enter the room, M-16s at the ready. Before they can react to the seance before them however, more shots can be heard in the palace grounds. LISF reinforcements have arrived.

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The door was kicked down and Srg. Tom Gonzalez's strike team entered the room, M-16's at the ready. All they could see was overturned chairs, blood and the dead princess.

OOC: I'll add more later. Suffering a writers block atm.

OOC: You just continue it when you can... :)

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