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Ex-member of Eggman Senate murdered

Eggman Empire

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Dmitrii Kuzma, former member of the Eggman Empire senate yawned as he entered his office. His claim to fame was opposing the former Emperor Kintober at every turn, or when the Emperor introduced a self-serving and/or a counter-productive bill that might hurt the country. Which was most of the time.

Kuzma had been investigated numerous times, usually being accused of the same thing:Attempting to undermind the Emperor and sabotoging the government. But they could never mack anything stick. Kintober couldn't just invent something, as people knew of their rivallry and figure out that something was fishy. Kuzma was too well connected, and had a good deal of dirt on the Emperor, as far as budget manipulations and unethical scientific research sanctioned by Kintober.

Now Kuzma was out of the political spotlight. Having retired from the senate, he now spent his time running his own consulting company that made a business out of advising numerous politicians and helping their campains. He still had numerous friends in the senate and in the rest of the government, most of whom he did business with.

He hung up his coat and hat and looked at his desk. A box, about the size of one used to contain a microwave, sat by his desk. Curious, he stepped closer to have a look at it. He then noticed a letter taped to it. He took off the letter and opened it. The letter informed Kuzma that one of his employees had ordered promotional merchandise and wanted Kuzma to look at it and see if he liked it. It all seemed innocent enough, so Kuzma pulled the tape of the box and opened the top lid.


The blast leveled the building, and the surrounding block. Hundrens died instantly. Buildings in surrounding blocks recieved structural damage from the concussion wave. A black cloud visible for a mile rose up from the inferno. As Kintober watched the scenes on a moniter in his bunker, he pulled out a list and scratched of Kuzma's name.

"One down..." He counted the names on the list. "....fourteen to go." Kintober cared not for any bystanders who were caught up in his plans for revenge. He had long since stopped carring a long time ago. He had a plan to carry out, and the first part involved eliminating any individuals who seriously posed a threat to him, either when he was in power or now.

Next to him, one of the consoles beeped. Glancing over, he saw that the first few individuals he had called were arriving. He nodded and opened the bunker door. Everything was beginning to fall into place.

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Procinctia condemns the Dark Hand’s most recent attack, because the death of Dmitrii Kuzma is obviously another unnecessary casualty of the Dark Hand’s war on the world. Remaining vigilant and standing together we can and will overcome the Dark Hand’s reign of terror.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Out of Character: Generalissimo always assumes the Dark Hand is behind any terrorist action, one of Generalissimo’s many quirks resulting from either the extended wasteland isolation and/or being out of the loop for a such long time.

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