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Raising A Feat.


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As the day starts off slow in Taiwan, Nebu's Secretary has a man walk up to her and ask her if he may speak with the Emperor on a discover he may had made. 'Emperor Nebu, I have someone here to speak to you.' said the Secretary. 'Please check him and send him in.' said Nebu. The man is checked and is shown the office of the Emperor, as he walks in he notices 2 body guards and Nebu. 'Good day, Sir' said Nebu. After a bow, the man also says good day. as Nebu begins to ask him what this discover he had made was. The man lays down a blueprint on the desk. 'You see Emperor, I have a blueprint here to help grow Taiwan in world feats. . But this will take a lot of work, I would also need the help of another Engineer from Somalia, His name is 'Fyr Storm'.' Said the man.

Nebu leans over to the desk, 'Where is this man at in Somalia?' said Nebu. 'He is located in the old Capital is all I know, you should be able to find him if you send a few troops and a transport as the nation is in Chaos.' Nebu leans to one of his body guards and tells him to send 500 troops, a few escort aircraft and a few fighters and tells him that they need to find this 'Fyr Storm' and bring him back to Taiwan to meet with me.

Edited by Ezequiel
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Fyr Storm is actually sitting on the beach in Taiwan, but word gets around. He is in the middle of drinking a beer when he overhears two soldiers discussing the plight of their brothers being shipped halfway around the world in search of himself. It isn't long before he hears that the top man, the Emperor of Taiwan, is looking for him as he listens on the two soldiers conversation. Normally the thought of having 500 troops, fighters, and such being sent after him would tend to make him scurry off into a corner to hide. Actually, the last time that happened he did just that and more, but on this occasion he learns that the Emperor wishes to grow Taiwan.

Being an old school Engineer, the kind of Engineer who has made a damn with two bulldozers and a village worth of half starved Somalians, his interest is immediately raised. He looks out over the water and immediately considers the possibilities. Could it be possible that the sea level is shallow enough to attempt what was attempted in Europe? Or would he have to consider other options to expand the island of Taiwan? Either way he decides to take the ultimate step of identifying himself to the two off duty soldiers by walking up to them and saying, "I dare say my good friends that sending an army after this Fyr Storm is a waste of time."

"Why," asks one of the soldiers?

"I'm Fyr Storm."

"Ummm.. sure."

"I swear, look at my passport," replies Fyr Storm.

"Oh crap.."

It isn't long before he finds himself sitting in a guard post outside of the Imperial palace as the two soldiers excitedly relate their 'discovery' to their commanding officer, who in turn calls the Emperor's secretary and takes credit for the 'discovery', who in turn rushes into the Emperor's office and takes credit for the finding of Fyr Storm. None of this matters to Fyr Storm who is busy looking over a set of survey maps of the island of Taiwan and scribbling away on a piece of paper as he mutters to himself in the odd language of Engineers with an occasional curse word in Ge'ez the language of his birth.

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Fyr Storm looks over the map and grunts. Obviously the avaliable sea bed is limited, but still avaliable. Anything over 10 meters of depth would be unuseable due to the logistics of moving tonnes of material to create man made islands. However, small islands or even sea walls could be made to extend the shoreline of Taiwan to create more arable land.

Using a battered calculator he takes note of the prevailing ocean currents and decides that creating a sea wall might be the better idea as an island would only disrupt the currents and create ecological problems farther down the coast. Obviously East Taiwan is out of the question due to the depth, but West Taiwan does appear to have some promise for expansion.

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As Nebu II gets back inside from the live press conference with Dragonisia, He meets Fyr Storm in his meeting room (Go figure :lol1: ) and shakes his hand. "Good day Fyr Storm, It is great to meet you. I see you have been working on the feat. I am needing your help with. But it looks like you have our former land, our new land is located on this map."

(Map which I can not find here)

"Could you please find out the locations of which we can build this feat. and what we will need and get back to me, I will be leaving until you can figure it out, if you get tired of hungry you can ask the maid for a room or some food." Nebu leaves the room to attend other business.

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Fyr Storm scratches his head and nods. He looks back to his map and begins to write. The sheer volume of material needed will present logistical problems, but those shouldn't be impossible to surmount. He looks back to the Emperor and says, "I'll get to work on it, but I make no promises as to the feasibility of the project. In the end you might end up with nothing more than a high cost island that won't even pay for itself."

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