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Join TKO and watch the world burn....

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Join me in Holy War and swim in our enemies blood as we hone our war tactics...We will be together as one and stand up and be counted among the brave who shall live forever in the halls of Valhalla...

No forums unless someone else wants to make one or run it if I make it(got enough forums and stuff to keep up with as it is... :P ) I'm on irc usually every update and/or check my nations frequently for PMs or battle reports...Basically we shall live in constant warfare and help each other as one...o/ TKO

Need warriors with diplomatic skills to handle the foreign affairs which will basically be what ever you want to make it....

Need someone to be in charge of recruiting...

I will be the Warlord over the Militias and have tons of MoD, DMoD,etc. in CN...

There will be no King or Emperor as we are all together as one and all will have equal say....

tl/dr TKO is here and peace sells but we aren't buying... :war:


Join the Crusade and hurry to meet death before your place is taken...God wills it'!

Just change your AA to Teutonic Knights Order and send me a pm...

For God, Volk and Land,

Stonewall Jackson of Dixie Cove

TK0 Warlord

Edit: maybe next round...I rejoined TPF per BGs request...

Edited by Stonewall14
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What can I say I was StoneD when I wrote this and have answered the call to arms of my old friend BG and once again raise the banner of TPF over Dixie Cove...TK0 will remain in our hearts and minds until the time to once again raise the Rebel Flag high above Dixie Cove is once more....God Bless Dixie Cove...o/ TPF


Edit: I just loved the new TK0 banner I made and needed somewhere to use it... :D

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