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I'll tell you what our purpose is.

If you don't accept my extremely generous way out of this war. LE will be destroyed, When we're done with you nation's you won't know what's happened to them. see the thing is, you messed with the wrong warmongering egoist. Anyone with half a !@#$@#$ brain can tell that I'm the wrong guy to mess with. You took advantage of IDIOT's perceived weakness from its internal restructuring to pick on a weaker alliance that wasn't prepared for war. You are sowing the seeds of dissent, and you WILL reap the whirlwind, that much i promise you.

Welcome to Cyber Natons Tournement Edition faggit deal with it. OON got side swipped when it wasnt pre-pared or structured... so don't try and whine your way out of thise or bring in other alliances !@#$%^

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So how did Murder, Inc. fare once the current members of Lafayette Escadrille got tired of your nonsense and left?

We accept your challenge and welcome the battle!

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Welcome to Cyber Natons Tournement Edition faggit deal with it. OON got side swipped when it wasnt pre-pared or structured... so don't try and whine your way out of thise or bring in other alliances !@#$%^

classy, really classy bud. there is a line, you should learn where it is. if you think i'm whining you're sorely mistaken

So how did Murder, Inc. fare once the current members of Lafayette Escadrille got tired of your nonsense and left?

We accept your challenge and welcome the battle!

we did extremely well. In fact it took a coalition of 9+ alliances too finally put us down, then i was leading an alliance in SE and didn't try to re-organize things for MI. we went out the way we came in, blowing !@#$ up and i wouldn't have it any other way.

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Welcome to Cyber Natons Tournement Edition *insert extremely discriminating word* deal with it. OON got side swipped when it wasnt pre-pared or structured... so don't try and whine your way out of thise or bring in other alliances !@#$%^

Wow dude.. Thats way overboard.

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"That unenforced policy was no more egregious than LE declaring war on all of TE this round."

Here is the thing, Jim (may I call you Jim?), we declared a War on all alliances of CN:TE, but when we get attacked, we will not whine about it like a little !&$^#. We will fight and salute our attackers for the battle, win, lose, or draw. And we do not require that they do anything at all to have peace, other than ask for it*.

*Certain conditions apply, see your DoW for details

Didn't I make some of your members a bit pissy last round? Sounded like they were !@#$%*ing a lot

It is always the little * that gets ya...

Seems like a valid declaration of war based on principle. Is it against some unwritten rule to have a CB for a CNTE war? I would personally like to see a little more politics come into play, but I realize that is not a popular opinion...

People like you ruin the game

Lafayette Escadrille welcomes all challenges and specifically denounces all threats made against it. Deal with it.

Trying to copy El is wrong on so many levels.

Welcome to Cyber Natons Tournement Edition faggit deal with it. OON got side swipped when it wasnt pre-pared or structured... so don't try and whine your way out of thise or bring in other alliances !@#$%^

No one cares about your alliance now please shut up and stop posting

So how did Murder, Inc. fare once the current members of Lafayette Escadrille got tired of your nonsense and left?

We accept your challenge and welcome the battle!


/me takes a deep breath


Someone is a little full of themselves. Really what could a small alliance like you do against 6 larger alliances? You were just a meatsheild a bandwaggoner a pansy. I've seen it in the past with you guys. You guys go against your words all the time

<-- roots for LE only against Elb i like idiot :D


Wow dude.. Thats way overboard.

Idiots do radical things. And Hey KDL

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I love the smell of empty threats and idle boasts in the morning.... It smells like.... Victory!

Good luck and good fighting to the Idiots and their allies. Time to blow chit up!

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I love the smell of empty threats and idle boasts in the morning.... It smells like.... Victory!

Good luck and good fighting to the Idiots and their allies. Time to blow chit up!

You have a selective memory. IDIOT had no official allies, that is one reason you picked us. If we call upon our friends to help us resist our Lafayette Escadrille oppressors it is only because you forced our hand.

Since you like Apocalypse Now quotes - "I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving."

Edited by JimKongIl
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Well this has been interesting. Poor show LE - You could have atleast picked a fight with someone your own size or NS, attacking a weaker alliance with less members is just cowardly (My opinion, not TRG's).

Keno, Dare I say it you are becoming the new EE except maybe even more of a $%£$.

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Dearest Beazy- I am having trouble finding you in the CNTE world...There is no nation named Iceland, no leader named BEazy, and I don't see anything similar among the 5 members of Murder Inc. Do you just like to post here, or do you actually have a dog in this hunt?

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Wars are fought for fun, for tech, or for principle, but they are never "fair".

We have been offering peace since the battle began, with no conditions attached, just as we always do.

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Dearest Beazy- I am having trouble finding you in the CNTE world...There is no nation named Iceland, no leader named BEazy, and I don't see anything similar among the 5 members of Murder Inc. Do you just like to post here, or do you actually have a dog in this hunt?

I do like to post here. And I just restarted a nation in the past couple of days. Now please, you're waisting my time. I will now only talk to true leaders(I know I can point some out in your alliance like Sethb maybe Mrduffy is there too) Now please stop posting

Wars are fought for fun, for tech, or for principle, but they are never "fair".

We have been offering peace since the battle began, with no conditions attached, just as we always do.

If I'm not mistaken there was a condition that Idiot would accept you as their leader.

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I do like to post here. And I just restarted a nation in the past couple of days. Now please, you're waisting my time. I will now only talk to true leaders(I know I can point some out in your alliance like Sethb maybe Mrduffy is there too) Now please stop posting

If I'm not mistaken there was a condition that Idiot would accept you as their leader.

BEazy, unless you are ashamed of your nation, or afraid for its safety, add it's name to your profile. If you don't have a CNTE nation, then it is you who needs to stop posting here. In reviewing some of your posts, it appears that you rarely have anything relevant or constructive to say. You must be one of the bitter nation leaders that just likes to post to see your own words on the forum since you have nothing else to contribute. :gag:

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I love the smell of empty threats and idle boasts in the morning.... It smells like.... Victory!

Good luck and good fighting to the Idiots and their allies. Time to blow chit up!

anyone that knows me, that knows my style, knows that empty threats are not something i do. next time you try to act all tough, at least get your facts straight

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Elbo, looking through the lists, about 15% of your alliance has taken peace. Many more have been offered it. If you are the leader of the Idiots, I suggest you lead.

In regards to my run for the Idiots leadership position, it was, of course, a joke, albiet an inside one since we had been in war planning against them for a couple of days when May-I-call-you-Jim announced it.

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Oh Noes!!!! Look at the big, scary, man threatening us! :lol1:

El, just DO IT ALREADY! Continuing to act as if we're supposed to be afraid of you, just makes you look like more of an asshat than you already are. We would enjoy the challenge. Thats what makes this game so fun, is overcomming challenges.

Now, that being said... Since we're on the topic of quotes:

Since you like Apocalypse Now quotes - "I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving."

Heres one from Justin Timberlake, that I'm sure will hit home with you, El:

"Cry me a River(oh)! Cry me a River(oh)!"

EDIT: I forgot to post one last thing. Just to save you the finger cramps, El.....Ferrie!?!? Who are you? Who cares what you have to say! Dont post anymore!

Agreed! No more posting for me, sir. Apologies. :)

Cheers :) and good game to all IDIOTS!

Edited by Ferrie
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Elbo, looking through the lists, about 15% of your alliance has taken peace. Many more have been offered it. If you are the leader of the Idiots, I suggest you lead.

don't you worry about what i'm doing. You should instead worry about the future safety of your alliance.

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don't you worry about what i'm doing. You should instead worry about the future safety of your alliance.

Yawn. You made me laugh to start with bud......now you're putting me to sleep. Put up or shut up.

It's just a game. If you think losing pixels is gonna make me stay awake at night worried about you, you're sorely mistaken. Most of LE has offered you guys peace LONG before you ever started making idol (and childish) threats. If you want to retaliate, then man up and do it. Otherwise, shut-up, help your alliance rebuild and enjoy the rest of the round. Good luck to you and the other 'idiots'.


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Last round in the presumptive strike war, LE blitzed Swat. That was a great little fight, very intense for a few days before

we both decided to peace out and move on. LE and Swat were about the same size, great fights, mutual admiration afterwards.

Here, we were looking for a quick war with a similar sized alliance that would allow some of our new guys to fight along

with some vets to gain battle experience. Before this started, Idiot and LE were fairly close in size, and Idiot out nuked us 9 to 1. So we

removed Idiot's nukes, and blitzed them holding out around 40% of our people when targets were assigned. Had Idiot chosen to fight instead of dump troops and play dead, this could have been a fun little fight, like we had with Swat last round. All Idiot's leader does

is spout verbal garbage while his troops play dead. Funny way to play a war game. All of LE should have or soon will have sent peace. I have told my targets I will watch them and kill any vultures who try to take advantage. Time to move on to better fights.

This one was nothing.......

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Personally I would count similar sized alliances around similar NS, not numbers. You had a much higher average NS then Idiot but still found it necessary to spy away their nukes. Imo, you have acted as cowards.

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