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Invasion of South Africa


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Prime Minister JM Hertzog reviewing troops heading to the front

CYBERNATIONS NEWS NETWORK [PRETORIA]: The Federal Government of Transvaal collapsed this afternoon as rioting broke out and Prime Minister Jakob Herztog was forced to flee Pretoria. Anarchy gripped the nation after Transvaal came under massive attack this morning and the Transvaler Krygsmagte collapsed in the wake of invasion.

Outnumbered, the Krygsmagte put up a valiant fight and secured a few victories in some sectors before overwhelming losses became too much and troops began to rout. The Lugmag and Raketkorps still remain at their posts and are offering staunch resistance in the face of danger.

What remains of the military command technically forms currently forms the legal 'government' but already the airwaves inside the beleagered nation are buzzing with resistance and fringe groups proclaiming themselves as rival or replacement regimes.

Karl van Zyl of the SNP has proclaimed the Federal Republic swept aside and the formation of a new white supremacist regieme with himself as Supreme Leader while from the safety of Tahoe, Annetjie van Matteus has announced the formation of a government in exile with herself as the new prime minister.

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Taoiseach O'Deaghaidh along with members of the Federal Cabinet and Parliament were joined by tens of thousands in an outdoor Mass for Peace lead by Archbishop Wood on the National Park in front of the Capitol.


Due to reasons outside of Tahoe's control, we will not be able to provide direct military assistance at the time being. The Government of Tahoe has pledged to take any refugees from Transvaal as well as establish a Government-in-Exile. A massive aid package along with peacekeepers is being prepared for the purpose of rebuilding Transvaal following the cessation of hostilities. We invite Staatspresident Botha and all government officials of Transvaal to escape to peace from where they can launch a counter-attack to regain their lost territory.

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Admiral R Kruger (centre), military dictator of Transvaal


CYBERNATIONS NEWS NETWORK [PRETORIA]: The Transvaler Seemag [Navy] announced tonight over shortwave radio broadcasts that Admiral Rudolf Kruger had proclaimed himself leader of a provisional military government in Pretoria as the legal successor to the fallen Hertzog government. The remaining military braches still functioning in Transvaal - the Lugmag and Raketkorps - along with the Interior Ministry pledged their support and loyalty to Admiral Kruger.

Admiral Kruger has asked foreign embassies still based in Pretoria not to recognise nor corrospond with any other leadership claims by other groups or parties - citing the SNP and Van Matteus claims for leadership as baseless and illegal.

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"Of course the Reich supports Kruger's junta until such time as new Federal Elections can take place. As always, we uphold our staunch stance against the SNP and continue our arrests of it's member attempting to cross to or from the Empire. As for van Matteus' regime..well...[laughs discreetly]."

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"Provisional governments started by parts of the military during times of crisis are viewed with some pause here in Arctica, and for good reason. How long will this government last, and what does the Staatspresident have to say about it?"

Arctica's ambassador in Pretoria asks whether he should be evacuated or if the capital is safe enough from the enemy not to worry.

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"How long will this government last, and what does the Staatspresident have to say about it?"


Staatspresident Botha's whereabouts are currently secret however for his own safety he is hidden away and cut-off from the remaining active 'authorities' still in Pretoria. Since the military is the last remaining functioning vestage of the Federal Government, the provisional military junta is the only legal authority in Transvaal.

Arctica's ambassador in Pretoria asks whether he should be evacuated or if the capital is safe enough from the enemy not to worry.

Ambassadors and embassy staff will be protected as much as possible by the remaining military forces. If embassies are evacuated, the reasons are understood and no ill-will will be taken. The military junta leadership would encourage all embassies to remain open so as to provide contact and thus legitimacy to the ruling junta.

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Ambassadors and embassy staff will be protected as much as possible by the remaining military forces. If embassies are evacuated, the reasons are understood and no ill-will will be taken. The military junta leadership would encourage all embassies to remain open so as to provide contact and thus legitimacy to the ruling junta.

The ambassador understands this, and will stay in the country to keep diplomatic channels open with the provisional government at the risk of his life. However, he asks that his family be evacuated to the east coast, where he has arranged for a boat to meet the vehicle, as well as a dozen men which will return to the embassy to fortify security there.

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The ambassador understands this, and will stay in the country to keep diplomatic channels open with the provisional government at the risk of his life. However, he asks that his family be evacuated

At the moment, with the situation as it is, minimum essential staff would probably be a wise move. Foreign civilians are being encouraged to leave the country.

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Admiral R Kruger resigned as Leader of the Provisional Military Government after the last remaining ships of the Transvaler Seemag were sunk from enemy fire this morning.

General Petrus Malan and Lieutenant-Colonel Dietrichs Gerhard have formed a diumvirate to replace Kruger and taken over the duties of the Provisional Military Government.

General Malan is the commander of the Transvaler Raketkorps which maintains Transvaal's nuclear weapon inventory while Lieutenant-Colonel Gerhard is second-in-command of the Transvaler Lugmag [airforce] (Lugmag commander Leonard Wise is unable to have a government leadership position due to racial requirements).

The PMG has advised all foreign nationals to leave Transvaal although ambassadors are being requested to stay at their posts in Pretoria.

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After the destruction of the last Lugmag aircraft, Lieutenant-Colonel Dietrichs Gerhard resigned from the Provisional Military Government this morning. General Petrus Malan of the Transvaler Raketkorps – the last remaining military branch still functioning – then abolished the diumvirate and named himself military dictator of Transvaal.


General Petrus Malan

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General Petrus Malan, leader of the Provisional Military Government of Transvaal, has requested a meeting at the Tahoe Embassy with Ambassador Séamus Ó Grianna. The nature of the discussions is unknown.

General Malan is the cousin of Piet Malan, Transvaal's ambassador to Tahoe who was assassinated by communists during Tahoe's socialist uprising in December 2007.

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Under the cover of darkness, General Petrus Malan made his way on foot to the Tahoe embassy with a small detachment of Interior Ministry troops to provide security. The last Krygsmagte vehicles had been destroyed days ago in air raids.

“I am General Malan, Leader of the Provisional Military Government” he said, saluting crisply to the guards at the embassy gates. Normally the gates were open, but with Transvaal gripped by anarchy and the streets under mob rule – having the heavy iron gates closed provided a small but nevertheless much-needed sense of security.

“I would like to speak with Ambassador Ó Grianna.”

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Four soldiers in the grey urban uniforms of the Cosaint Thaidhleoireachta SS cautiously opened the gate before quickly hustling the General and his escort inside. The General immediately noticed that most of the windows of the embassy and its surrounding buildings had been covered up, except where a machine gun peeked through a small slit overlooking a strategic piece of ground. He also noticed the dozens of large green Tahoan flags flying, a clear marker to any enemy aircraft that this was an embassy and not a military target.

As the general was lead into the main embassy building, the CT-SS guide explained that per the Government of Transvaal's request, most embassy staff had been evacuated. Only the guards and a few dozen civilians remained, mostly because they couldn't get out in time. The Transvalers were led down a narrow staircase into what was clearly the basement. Inside they found Ambassador O'Grianna sitting at a small desk typing a report of some kind. When the Transvalers walked in, he stood and said,

"Welcome to our embassy, General Malan. I wish it could be under more...auspacious...circumstances, but things will have to do. Would you like a whisky? Please, how may I be of assistance?"

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“Yes ambassador, thank you… I have heard much from our soldiers of the famous Tahoan whiskey.”

After the ambassador’s butler gave Malan a dram, the General sniffed the tumbler, swirled it around, and sniffed it again before taking a sip.

“Ahh, yes… I confess… all the rumours are true” laughed the General.

General Malan didn’t seem like most other Transvaler officer which Ó Grianna had met. He had a cool, strong confidence about him, personable yet someone not to be crossed. He wasn’t dry like Marshal Cruywagen nor one of the progressive apologists which Kruger and the navy tended to be. He had a determination which the ambassador had yet to meet in any of the Transvaler general staff officers.

“Ambassador, your time is important – and so is mine – so I will cut right to the point. As you probably know, I have taken control of the Provisional Military Government. A lull in the fighting has now occurred and the rioting should be under control in a couple of days, however…” – and the General polished off the last of his whisky and put the glass down with a thud – “I have no intention of stepping down to the civilians.”

General Malan took off his black leather gloves and placed them on the table next to where he was sitting.

“My nation has become weak under Hertzog, pandering to the liberals to deflect criticism from abroad. I however lose no sleep at night worry about international opinion.”

The ambassador could sense that Malan was being evasive, cautious, as he used their small talk to build up for something else.

“It is my intention to retain power once peace is declared and the hostilities cease. For me to do that, I now need your government’s support. I plan on severing diplomatic relations with everyone save Tahoe, the Franzharians, and the Arcticans.”

The ambassador felt that Malan was like a vulture in the sky, circling around something – something he could not place.

The General leaned closer and spoke in more hushed tones: “According to our intelligence reports, Transvaal has lost almost 16,000 civilians killed in the war; 80% of them are African natives. An unfortunate loss (the ambassador noted the hint of sarcasm) which has become a convenient opportunity for the future.. After the war, it is my intention to promote a massive influx of white immigration during reconstruction so that our white population is strengthened towards a majority. I need white immigration – from Western Europe, from Tahoe… immigrants who can integrate and assimilate with the Afrikaners. That is the help I need, I need any excess population you can spare.”

The General then started into his second dram of whiskey which had been replaced by the butler.

“I also plan on cracking some skulls, so to speak. This too I need your ‘support’ – or rather, your silence in the international forum. While the nation is still in anarchy I want to eliminate those who will pose a threat to me. I will also need your help to rig elections so I can become the permanent prime minister of the nation.”

The General then sat back so what he had told Ó Grianna could sink in. He waited patiently for the ambassador’s answer.

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"Well, I remember years ago my government suggested that if Transvaal wanted to avoid many of its problems, it simply remove the negro population. The then government of Transvaal didn't think highly of such an opinion, unfortunately."

The Ambassador scratched his head, trying to remember what his childhood history textbooks had told him about European immigration to Tahoe.

"I don't mean to bore you with a history lesson, General Malan, but this is pertinent. In the late 1800's, after Tahoe had one its independence from the former United States, we had a similar problem that you have. A small white population surrounded by natives, Indians in our case, Negros in yours. Our nation was intended to be an Irish homeland, the Republic of New Ireland we called it...and nobody supported us. The British feared we would use it as a base to liberate Ireland. They were right, after all. Our early leaders decided to appeal to all oppressed Europeans, changing the name to Tahoe and making English an official language, and guess what, massive influxes of immigrants from Europe followed. Irish, Scots, Germans, Scandinavians. Our problematic native population was overwhelmed and either exterminated or put on reservations. Now I'm not suggesting you do something so dramatic, nor that Transvaal becomes anything but an Afrikaner homeland, yet you must be willing to stomach making fundamental changes to the way you percieve your nation."

"Now, my government has already said it will support whomever can control Transvaal and we will dedicate significant monetary aid to your reconstruction post war, surely many of our citizens who participate in that effort will be willing to stay."

"My advice to you though, General, is to declare a total amnesty for all whites in Transvaal. Release Cruywagen, send him somewhere unimportant, watch him, keep him busy, but don't turn him into a martyr. Same with the others, Van Zyl, Van Matteus, Hertzog, do not let them become martyrs. Don't let yourself be seen as a dictator. You are the great benefactor who rescued Transvaal and led her back into the golden age, not an opportunistic despot. Understand?"

Now the General understood why Tahoans had such a reputation for being blunt. They were.

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Ambassador Ó Grianna’s words had made an obvious strong impression on the General – it was plain to see. The wind was taken out of his sails, and General Malan sat and thought carefuly before responding.

He fidgeted with one of his medals on his uniform before quietly speaking. “That is most interesting, amusing actually, that you mention an amnesty as I was planning on arresting Hertzog, Geldenhuys, Stellenbosch, and Matambanadzo at Government House on Thursday.”

“As for Cruywagen and Van Matteus, the destruction and subsequent rebuilding of the Kyrgsmagte has removed any real political power they still had in Transvaal - the army is mine now. Van Zyl I have no idea where he is since escaping from custody during the riots.”

“Well ambassador, I welcome your advice and at least I can inform the PMG where we stand in regards to our Tahoe friends. I must be going now, and I shall think your words over very thoroughly.”

The General got up to leave.

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"Well General, you certainly have an interesting chance here. Don't waste the opportunity making rash actions."

The Ambassador gave an unsettling smile as he showed the General to the door. Turning back to his desk and a report on the likelyhood of an ultranationalist regime post-war. Picking the paper up, he crumpled it and threw it into the garbage. He was all wrong. This General Malan chap, he changed everything.

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Later, back at Malan's barracks:

“Thirty-two percent, sir. That is what our civilian casualties have been so far” said Lieutenant-Colonel Dietrichs Gerhard. Then a smile broke across the air force officer’s face. “But… if we can rebuild our population back to our pre-war levels through European immigration, then we shall finally have our beloved white majority”.

“I see” said a somewhat glum General Malan. The meeting with the Tahoans had been a rude awaking into the realities of realpolitik. He started to comprehend the notion of not making martyrs out of minnows, but the advice which he had received from Ambassador Ó Grianna went against his grain. ‘You are the great benefactor who rescued Transvaal and led her back into the golden age, not an opportunistic despot’ the words echoed in his mind’s ears over and over again.

“Ach, I am not a politician, I am not that man the Tahomans speak of!” bellowed the General to his listener. “I do not have the niceties of being a civilian. I only understand order and discipline... which this country solely needs. I don’t use kidgloves, I use my fists!”

The lieutenant-colonel pondered. “Sir, now I wouldn’t worry too much. We have had our fair share of civilian morons at the helm – and, I’m not comparing you to a moron – ” Gerhard quickly backtracked himself “…but let’s face it, you cannot do any worse than Van der Byl or Van Matteus did. Hertzog also made his fair share of blunders.” Gerhard then laughed, to stress his point regarding Hertzog: “So unless you are planning on invading Paraguay anytime soon, I say do what you can for the next six months and when your term in office expires in November, just retire and let the civilians pick up the pieces from where you left off. Who knows, you might do a good enough job that you get re-elected!”

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