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Nuclear Anarchy


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I've recently tested this in TE and had mixed feelings when I found out that I was no longer in nuclear anarchy, when at the top of my nation page it says that nuclear anarchy ended on the 27th of April 09.

The problem is, is that if you have both the Fallout Shelter System and the Radiation Cleanup, the text at the top of your nation page stating when nuclear anarchy ends states the wrong date and only gives a '1 day' reduced figure; i.e. I got nuked on the 23rd of April; I had Radiation Cleanup and the FSS, but it says:

Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon on 4/23/2009 12:07:28 AM. This will have a devastating effect on your population happiness and economy until 4/27/2009.

It should have said:

Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon on 4/23/2009 12:07:28 AM. This will have a devastating effect on your population happiness and economy until 4/26/2009.

Today (26th), my net income per citizen rose to $90.

Please note that after trade swapping, I no longer have Radiation Cleanup, but did at the time of collection.


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