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tech *cough* raiding


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So... recently I thought I had a breakthough in logic, I didn't want to start any real battles with opponents, or hurt anyone's feelings, but I did want to test the military features of my "organization" and see if I could gain anything from pillaging the oponent... consequently I started two very stupid wars... hopefully no worries though...

Despite the fact that this seems dumb, both players seem to be inactive for a great length of time, and the chances of their return are slim I believe (although I could be wrong... horribly wrong). That stated, I gained nothing from the attacks because of lack of understanding... the first oponent had small troop levels but was inactive for a long period of time, and the second oponent was inactive for 10 days and had no troop levels... neither produced anything but lost funds for a whole day and a better understanding of combat operations in the game. (Good but it leaves one to wonder... what does ANYONE gain out of battling?)

My question restated could be as follows:

What are the likely gains from attacking another region IF their army size is greater then 5% of the invading army, and IF they've been active within 13 days (and they haven't been cleared out by other "tech raiders"):

For that matter, how does "tech raiding" work?:

Is it worth the risks?:

Does it make you despised by everyone else? (Especially if you and the targetted nation are insignificantly small and the opponent is inactive for 10 days):

Just curious... No need for examples on my own nation.

Thank you, ;)


Edited by Zarfef
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I'm not quite sure I completely understand your question but I will try to answer. Tech raiding is when you attack a nation in an attempt to steal their. At your size it really isn't worth it, because the amount of tech you get is minuscule at best. But when your larger it can be very much worth (depending on the response of the nation your attacking). You can gain a maximum of 5 tech per attack. So when a nation is big enough to attack a nation with about 75+ tech

As for being despised by anyone else, it depends. If you attack a nation in another alliance, you might find that your nation will be attacked by their alliance mates. If you attack an unaligned nation it is good conduct to send a peace offer after two attacks.

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My question restated could be as follows:

What are the likely gains from attacking another region IF their army size is greater then 5% of the invading army, and IF they've been active within 13 days (and they haven't been cleared out by other "tech raiders"):

For that matter, how does "tech raiding" work?:

Is it worth the risks?:

Does it make you despised by everyone else? (Especially if you and the targetted nation are insignificantly small and the opponent is inactive for 10 days):

1) It's possible to steal land, tech and money, in proportions that are almost entirely dependant on your own current tech level. There is a base value though (I think) which was, back in the years 1 and 2 before the great sausage war, 20 land, 5 tech and the money is capped at 1 000 000.

2) You attack, you win ground battles, you get tech among other things. (see previous)

3)At lower NS, yes, it is worth it. at higher levels you should start buying your tech since A ) you will not find any targets B ) In the long run it's cheaper to buy the tech instead of possibly losing infra to an active raid victim. Although, it's still fun to raid even though you don't really gain anything from it :D

4) no, not really. Unless you do something extremely stupid and raid an alliance member.

Edited by Fredginator
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If your alliance say no, don't tech raid. Avoid tech raiding people who are in alliances unless if you want to be curbstomped. Message the victim ahead of time to ask if he/she is active. If the message has not responded and the victim is over six days inactive, that may show the victim is inactive.

Edited by HHAYD
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