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Some Questions On Taxes/Bills


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I'm doing 5 simultaneous tech deals, and need to make sure I have enough cash to buy the tech for my customers, but I obviously don't want to leave too much extra because I can spend it to increase my income. So I'm attempting to budget with a spreadsheet, and was just wondering on the following:

1) With income tax, it has 'Earned Interest Since Last Collection', which says '12% per day on available cash. (Max $10,000)'.

12% of my daily income is more than $10,000. Does this mean that every day I don't collect taxes, I get $10,000 added onto the tax collection, or does it only happen to a maximum of $10,000 (ie not collecting for 3 days will still only net $10,000)?

2) Same with bills, for the $5,000 that gets tagged on?

3) Seems to me last time I played this (a while ago) my account was removed for inactivity. I recall something about having to collect taxes every so often, but I can't find it now. Is there a limit for how long you can postpone collecting your taxes?

4) Is there a limit for how long you can postpone paying your bills? What are the consequences?

Thanks everyone for your help, and I hope this is the right section.

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I'm doing 5 simultaneous tech deals, and need to make sure I have enough cash to buy the tech for my customers, but I obviously don't want to leave too much extra because I can spend it to increase my income. So I'm attempting to budget with a spreadsheet, and was just wondering on the following:

1) With income tax, it has 'Earned Interest Since Last Collection', which says '12% per day on available cash. (Max $10,000)'.

12% of my daily income is more than $10,000. Does this mean that every day I don't collect taxes, I get $10,000 added onto the tax collection, or does it only happen to a maximum of $10,000 (ie not collecting for 3 days will still only net $10,000)?

2) Same with bills, for the $5,000 that gets tagged on?

3) Seems to me last time I played this (a while ago) my account was removed for inactivity. I recall something about having to collect taxes every so often, but I can't find it now. Is there a limit for how long you can postpone collecting your taxes?

4) Is there a limit for how long you can postpone paying your bills? What are the consequences?

Thanks everyone for your help, and I hope this is the right section.

1. Your daily income isn't a factor in determining interest income. Interest is based only on the money you have on hand; it doesn't include money yet to be collected. So if you had $83,334 in surplus cash, that would earn you the $10,000 maximum in one day. You have to not collect for two days for the interest to kick in however. And the $10,000 is the max paid at one time. So having $83,334 and collecting on the second day will net the max $10,000. Additional days of not collecting will still net the same $10,000.

2. The up to $5,000 maximum interest payment on your debt is based off the value of the total of unpaid bills at the time you collect.

3. You're good for up to 19 days. At some point on day 20 your nation will be deleted for inactivity.

4. There is no limit as to how long you can avoid paying bills. However there is a penalty imposed for going 20 days or more without paying your bills. From the CN Information Index (the relevant portion is in bold):

A nation pays bills on the items and equipment that it has purchased over time including infrastructure, military equipment, improvements, and wonders. Nations are not billed for land or technology. Being up to date on bills means that you have paid your bills within the last 3 days. A nation must remain up to date on their bills in order to perform certain transactions in the game which includes the ability to make purchases of infrastructure, land, technology, improvements, and wonders, the ability to spy on another nation, the ability to purchase all military equipment, and the ability to perform battle attacks (except ground attacks). The ability to declare war and perform ground attacks is not restricted as a way to allow a nation to wage war in an effort to raid other nations to help pay off bills. A nation that is unable to pay their bills is considered to be in bill-lock. There are a couple of options to get yourself out of bill lock which includes 1) receiving foreign aid from another nation 2) raiding other nations in war 3) adjusting the setup of your nation to change your tax collections and bill payment structures 4) selling off and deleting your nation's assets in order to lower your bills enough to pay them off. If you do not pay your bills for 20 days you will begin to accrue a bill avoidance fee on your income tax collections of 20% at 20 days plus 2% per day after that.
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