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Tennessee Observers in Fascist Carthage


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Continued from http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...20&start=20

Closed between Carthage and Tennessee.

All classified.


The jet containing both Captain Paul Watson and Colonel James Johnson lands in the Carthaginian Casablanca (OOC: Correct?) in the early hours of morning before dawn.

Their mission is simple. Observe the Carthaginian military as it secures its borders so that the Tennessee Federation can secure it's own.

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Both observers make themselves and their military uniforms presentable for the Carthaginians. The plane continues it's taxi.

Watson says to Johnson, "This is a big day for Tennessean military history. The first real step outside of Tennessee and really outside of America since the federation of the states. Kinda sad that only about three people know it's happening."

Johnson laughs a little. "Yea, this is true. Maybe the culture shock won't be too bad. At least someone should be able to speak English..."

"Haha... Yea, let's hope so! This should be very interesting from a political standpoint too... Their government is on the other end of the spectrum pretty much. Well... how ever far Liberty is from Fascist."

"The whole other side."

"Well... Welcome to the other side of the world my friend..."

The plane stops its taxi.

It's doors open...

Edited by Yort92
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Awaiting the men is Ha-Neul, the Fascist Party Secretary along with a group of Carthaginian soldiers. Ha-Nuel gives the men the national Fascist salute, "Welcome to the Fascist Republic of Carthage." He shows the men to an armored, & tan camouflaged jeep. "If you would come this way, I am terribly sorry President Cutlass could not attend to give you a personal reception, but he is very busy with State matters and it would be better for secrecy if he not receive you out in the open." They enter the jeep and head off followed and lead by to armored personelle carriers.

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Both officers respond with a "Thank you, sir" to the welcome. "We understand that President Cutlass must be busy. And yes, it is probably better this way anyway. As far as most of our people know, we're in Bermuda..." The two go with Ha-Neul into the jeep. The go on their way.

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Watson sits in the jeep and begins talking with Ha-Neul. "I am sure you are well aware as to why we are here. In fact, instances over the past couple of days have made the securing of our borders even more necessary. A socialist state appeared to our great West, we lost annexes to the west of our now border river, the Mississippi. We are currently working for naturally secured borders. We are also having a wargame to practice fighting over relatively flat, unnaturally protected lands. Your nations great military and border situation obviously interest our nation very much. Of course, we must exchange out knowledge in secret as, quiet frankly, the civilian population of our nation hates fascism. However, the military knows it has lots to learn from your nation. That is why we are here. And who knows, maybe one day our nations will become friends. The government of our nation primarily runs on a 'live and let live' philosophy."

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"It is quite simple to tell you the truth, Cutlass has acheived what few leaders in Africa have seen in a long time. He has rallied the nation behind him in a new way, he reversed the imminent socialist revolution, economic decline, and rise in national poverty. He is loved by most and respected by the rest. With that power he has used the military, which he is in full control of, as a way to bypass the government, by ordering them to build up border defences and some of the most complex monitoring stations these lands have seen. Of course none of this goes out to your local news sources. By militarizing the border we have stopped criminals from escaping the nation and harming other nations, as well as keeping detailed records of those who enter. We like to keep order, and our State censuses bost some of the most accurate reports in much of the world."

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Johnson moves in: "That makes sense. Military might is really the answer to securing any border. However, our government has such open borders that it makes it hard to enforce anything. Also, the economy in our country is generally stable... but that doesn't seem to stop some people who want independence. Anyway, I can see the tightening of borders being beneficial. Perhaps we could have open borders, but have stronger tabs on everything that crosses the border. Then kick anything undesirable out."

Watson chimes in, "Yea, and another issue is arms control. Our constitution reads something to the effect of "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Our lawmakers interpret this as allowing everyone to have a gun. While their is really nothing wrong there, it can be used heavily against us as people with wrong intentions can use weapons."

Johnson says, "Yea, cause lawmakers, ironically, can't read people especially in a democracy. The military suggests setting up armories in populated areas so that if we are attacked, the people can get weapons to fight. Doesn't that still qualify as 'the right to bear arms' because of 'the security of a free state?"

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"I won't get into what I think you should do. All I can do is explain to you to some effect, the way we handle things. No civilian can bear arms, and believe it or now, the idea of a public armory during times of war has already been considered and denclined as a viable means of State security. As anyone who may support the invadors will also arm themselves, and a paranoid frenzy will ensue from within the nation tearing it up from the inside while we are assulted from the out. So, only military personelle are given such rights to bear arms. President Cutlass, being leader of the military often carries a concealed side arm as well, but thats beyond the point. Obviously we cannot have our military watch the borders in such mass numbers all the time. This is why we are setting up such defences that can either be operated from bases deeper inland, or by a small number of troops at the border. That is what we are working on now. And our border defences can and will of course also be used in a time of war. For instance the large artillary pieces being built on our coasts are almost completely for wartime purposes, and warding off any pirates too."

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Watson thinks on this for a moment. "Well learning about how you do handle things here is pretty much our mission! Your points on public armories do seem valid in my eyes. If someone was to rise against us, there's no reason they wouldn't use them when they could have them. However, it would at least help any internal descent during peacetime, as seems to be our problem."

Johnson steps in here again. "Yea... Anyway, your works on your border sound very intriguing. They're of course our focus."

Watson continues, "Right. Sorry about that." He pauses. "Yea, having 'regionalized' border defenses sounds like a good idea. A benefit for a large portion of our border is that it is a river. Bridges are very easy to monitor. Ships too." He considers the idea of permanent artillery. "Something to that effect could work and would actually help. Reminds me something of some line I remember from some war a long time ago..." (Maginot Line. WWII. French...) "A line of fortifications, along with the natural forts would be helpful in both peacetime border control and wartime repulsion of enemies."

Johnson chimes in again. "The border could also be protected electronically. The hubs could monitor the borders and then signal if something is wrong."

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Watson says, "Right. Anyway, we need to remained focused on our mission Johnson." He turns to Ha-Nuel. "Our objective is to observe both your north and southern/(eastern?) borders. I wish to see the Northern border... namely your coastal artillery. Johnson can handle the rest." (OOC: Will sorta be important later in my things...)

Johnson started in protest, "But our orders..."

"They don't care who reports from where so long as it gets reported."

"Yes, sir." Johnson is defeated.

"How soon do you think we can actually see some of what you speak of?"

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The jeep stops. "I've recieved notice that our nation is now in an elevated level of alert." He hands the men binoculars. "From where we stand you will be able to see our western coast, and the artillary there clearly, but without enough information to know exactly what artillary we use. We do not want any military secrets to get out at a time like this. But I can tell you we use a combination of several long range and many shorter range artillary pieces. We doubt the coastal defences can stop on incoming invasion from the sea, but it can annoy it, and hopefully slow it down while we come up with the next plan of action."

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The soldiers look at the defenses through the binoculars. "Those are impressive," Johnson says.

Watson looks as well, "Yes indeed! Yea, not only would it annoy me if I was invading, it would scare the crap out of me too! Would be a very impressive show of force for crushing morale too. I'm sure we can make good with our own artillery, but the setup here is very impressive. Definitely would be a lot of stall time anyway..."

Johnson thinks out loud. "That's really what we need in our country. Mainly just to discourage outside forces and show we mean business. We like how you've set up here though. Opens up for a large range of opportunities in one direction... something we need for our fringes. Also the extra time would be wonderful as it gets tight on these borders."

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The men enjoy their time in Carthage. They feel they have learned a great deal. "This is what you get when you live and let live", Watson wisely stated, "You get the continuous flow of ideas". They believe they have learned enough to take back to their home country and finally make Tennessee a great power.

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"If you are satisfied with the information you have now, we can get back to the airport. I am glad I have been of assistance. And if there is anything more you wish to know, now is the time to ask. I hope this leads to friendly relations between our nations."

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"I believe we are done here. You have been such a wonderful help to us. Do not worry, our nations will be friendly to each other! Frankly, our people don't care who we deal with so long as they aren't invaded or killed!"

The men express their willingness to go the airport.

On the way, Watson seems to think of something. "What do you think would be the best way to occupy a neighbor... 'peacefully'?" (OOC: To Viniland: No, I'm not gonna suggest anything crazy.)

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OOC: I kinda want to move on and get things rolling so...

IC: Watson listens to his new friend's response (OOC: you can still post it if you'd like) with great interest.

They continue on to the airports. Thanks and goodbyes are shared. Watson assures that Tennessee will not accredit the Carthaginians with the military ideas. "No offense, but we really do not want to start a mass hysteria of fascism. Any mention of going to it would probably cause some panic." Of course, the entire meeting will be kept secret. "May there be peace and prosperity for us both." With that, the two Tennesseans get on their plane and head home.

OOC: You can make some interjections where there are holes... it won't be considered 'godmoding' or whatever. Unless you like don't let them leave or something...

Anyway, this has been great! I hope more opportunities arrive for us in the future to rp together! I'll be starting on reports of the fortifications soon. Keep an eye out!

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