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in need of protection, money, and a strong alliance

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OK, I spoke with prather6, the leader of TUF. He just basically wants to make sure there wherever you go you are going to make a better effort to behave yourself. From the stuff they said you did, I can see why they want to ZI you.

Go ahead and apply to a new alliance and then have that alliance's foreign minister talk to TUF. Once you get accepted to an alliance, you'd better remain on spotless behaviour, though... you've dug yourself into a hole and need to climb out of it first before digging it deeper.

I think sending a personal apology to everyone you offended in TUF might be a step in the right direction, too.

Edited by Vanadrin Failing
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OK, I spoke with prather6, the leader of TUF. He just basically wants to make sure there wherever you go you are going to make a better effort to behave yourself. From the stuff they said you did, I can see why they want to ZI you.

Go ahead and apply to a new alliance and then have that alliance's foreign minister talk to TUF. Once you get accepted to an alliance, you'd better remain on spotless behaviour, though... you've dug yourself into a hole and need to climb out of it first before digging it deeper.

I think sending a personal apology to everyone you offended in TUF might be a step in the right direction, too.

what they say i do yea i broke the tech raid rules 3 times thats almost it besides bad behavior

i don't wanna completely rejoin a new alliance i would like torejoin TUF

Jason, please do not recruit nations like this man.

We will in no way offer a home to this man.

Good day.

why cuz i'm crimanly insane?!?!??!?! jk jk

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Jason, this conservation doesn't need to continue past this, its a waste of your time.

Joker, if you reroll under an all new title, it will be more than annoying to hunt you down, as what you did was bad, but not bad enough to have an entire investigation to find you each reroll. You can reroll and be a good member of another alliance, but I will not have you in ACF so you can end your hopes for us.

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The impression I got is that they'd keep attacking you until you found an alliance that would take resposibility for you.... Thus making you THEIR problem.

You could do better in trying to clean up your image here, lad. Stop trying to paint yourself as an innocent victim of a mean ol' alliance, take some responsibility for your actions, and calm down a bit. I don't think many alliances would even consider you until you at LEAST do that much.

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