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Out with the old...in with the new


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Prime-Minister Aruj Sampson, stands on the podium, as a stready snowfall falls on the crowd of over 250,000 citizens and press

Citizens, Press and represntives, we are gathered here today, to disseminate that after over 3 years of construction, we have torn down our previous and outdated Parliment Buildings, and have interchanged to an ellegant and more modern Parliment Building, the building includes a very large House of Commons, as well as a majestic diner area, for leaders of the world to have very fine dining, during there stay in our great nation. Moreover an abundant War Memorial, has been built, to commerate the fallen soliders, in previous and hard-fought wars.

Prime Minister Pauses for applause and cheering

The appraisement of the building is around 1.2 billion Bohovian Dollars (BD$)

We will also convene all the leaders of nations around the globe, to visit Bohovia, as they enjoy Bohovian pastry's and traditonal Bohovian aliment's. All nations will be welcome, and security will be covered by are government. We anticipate a large showing of nation leaders our representives. Thank you.

Crowd cheers as fireworks shoot into the sky


The new Bohovian Parliment Buildings.


OOC: We have CHANGED the building type to the Parliment in Ottawa, Canada. Please disregard the comments about the identical buildings, as I want the topic to get back on track.

IC: As of now, nations attending are:


Altin Urda

Angus Redoubt

Promised Land

Neo Olympia

We will be expecting more to attend, this trully special event, will be held on Monday, March 9th 2009.

Edited by ottawa1234
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Hm, we are interested in how similiar the Parliament building looks to the one in Glorious Aotearoa...

Yes, we were contacted and we informed, the two buildings looked almost exactly alike, we have then changed the building structure, to lessen the resemblance, the picture you see was an artists rendition, we do not allow pictures of the building to be published as It could be a danger to national security, In 4 weeks we will publish up-to date pictures for the public.

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Yes, we were contacted and we informed, the two buildings looked almost exactly alike, we have then changed the building structure, to lessen the resemblance, the picture you see was an artists rendition, we do not allow pictures of the building to be published as It could be a danger to national security, In 4 weeks we will publish up-to date pictures for the public.

Altin Urda laughs at the amatuerish dealings of Bohovia.

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We do not read minds, we once again ask, why are these dealings amaturish?

Releasing an artist's rendition (without a footnote) as the real building, making it smilar to that of another government, and not allowing publicnation of pictures when almost anyone can see all add up.

And we would like to kindly request Altin Urda to tone it down. Bohovia should do whatever it wishes, and without unfounded insults and the like.

We kindly request that others see the truth.

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And we would like to kindly request Altin Urda to tone it down. Bohovia should do whatever it wishes, and without unfounded insults and the like.

IC: Thank you for your support

Still IC:

Please announce If you will be attending the events in the Parliment Buildings, If so, please inform us who you will be sending.

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Releasing an artist's rendition (without a footnote) as the real building, making it smilar to that of another government, and not allowing publicnation of pictures when almost anyone can see all add up.

IC: This is why we introduce renditions, to make sure government's of the world approves, and are ok, with the building, in this instance, we will slightly change the building design, so It will not be identical to other government buildingss.

OOC: I really cannot remember thousands of different of government buildings, in the CN forums, It is similar to me requesting you name all the different government buildings of all the nations, quite tough if you ask me. :D

Edited by ottawa1234
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OOC: I really cannot remember thousands of different of government buildings, in the CN forums, It is similar to me requesting you name all the different government buildings of all the nations, quite tough if you ask me. :D

OOC: Try using RL buildings that would exist in the area of your RP nation. That helps a lot.

In your case, you're using the New Zealand Hive, which is pretty far from where you are.

Edited by Sumeragi
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OOC: Try using RL buildings that would exist in the area of your RP nation. That helps a lot.

In your case, you're using the New Zealand Hive, which is pretty far from where you are.

OOC: I was thinking of using the Parliment Buildings in Ottawa, Canada (That is where I live)

IC: Will you be attending the Grand Opening event?

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Glorious Aotearoa is insulted a mockery of our famous parliamentary offices and north wing would end up in such a nation as Bohovia. We will make sure that your poor attempts bear no resemblance to our own governmental offices.

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Glorious Aotearoa is insulted a mockery of our famous parliamentary offices and north wing would end up in such a nation as Bohovia. We will make sure that your poor attempts bear no resemblance to our own governmental offices.

OOC: Sorry to reply in :OOC, but I was not aware you had built a similar building, I will post a new building.

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An observer will be sent from Angus Redoubt to witness this construction and convey our heartfelt best wishes from the Matriarch to your glorious nation.

Bohovia, has put your nation down as attending, we look foreward to your visit

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OOC: I have changed the building, I was not aware that another governemt had the same building, sorry for the inconvience, I do not want to make enemy's, just friends, this is why Im doing this thread, did not work, I guess.

OOC: Ah, dont worry about it. It's hard to get every nation on Bob to like you, that's normal. But I'm sure there are aplenty of nations that would like to befriend you. ^_^

Edited by JEDCJT
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OOC: Ah, dont worry about it. It's hard to get every nation on Bob to like you, that's normal. But I'm sure there are aplenty of nations that would like to befriend you. ^_^

OOC: Well..I do have several allys. But my main goal is to be liked and respected throughout Planet Bob, I always make a stupid mistake, I try not to. I NEED to look over my posts for loopholes. ^_^

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Promised Land will consider sending a representative.

Altin Urda laughs at the amatuerish dealings of Bohovia.

And Promised Land wonders why Altin Urda feels the need to resort to childish taunting and insults.

Glorious Aotearoa is insulted a mockery of our famous parliamentary offices and north wing would end up in such a nation as Bohovia. We will make sure that your poor attempts bear no resemblance to our own governmental offices.

It was not a mockery...perhaps they saw true greatness, and were simply attempting to imitate it.

After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flateriy, in this case, and at least it isn't something having to do with military or weapons.

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It was not a mockery...perhaps they saw true greatness, and were simply attempting to imitate it.

After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flateriy, in this case, and at least it isn't something having to do with military or weapons.

We don't want to be imitated.

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