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[CNRP] A New Dawn

King Kevz

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The wind howled across the walls of Fortress that was located in the centre of the Helzan land. It was a military structure of incredible strength with massive walls rising up on the three sides that boarded the land to protect against possible attack, whilst gun abtteries nestled within gun positions through out to provide the Helzan with the ability to respond. Armoured anti-aircraft guns dotted the wall's surface where they could easily engage enemy aircraft whilst still be in protection. On the fourth side four heavy built piers jutted out into the sea where a number of Helzan civilian ships lay nestled together for protection from the elements whilst inside the fortress the people continued with their lives and from the command centre located at the highest point in the fortress two men clad in heavy fur greatcoats stood oblivious to the wind and snow that arced around them, their bodies barely shivered as they were well use to the conditions by now and as they stood talking their breaths misted the air before them.

"So today is the day that The Helzan finally open themselves to the world. I hope that the world is ready for us" said the older man with a laugh as the more junior man shook his head grimly. "This world is a most dangerous place High General and I do not think we should be discussing it so lightly" replied General Radov. The High General turned to face Radov the grin gone from his face. "You are right of course and we must be prepared as a military nation we stand ready and yet I feel we could do more. Have the production crews focus on building us a fleet of warships and I want an airforce to rule the skies with. We already have the inner airfield for use by our civilian aircraft so with a few conversions it can easily be made into a military base. Now go I must make my announcement" finished the High General. Radov came to attention sharply and saluted the High General before about turning and marching off.

The High General took in one more fresh breath of cold air before walking to the command and control section form where he would make his broadcast. It took him a few minutes to reach the section but he soon arrived and everything was ready so he wasted no time. He took the microphone and switched on the power for the broadcast. The message was broadcasted across the international world.

"Nations of the world I am the High General of Helzan and we have recently opened ourselves to the rest of the world. We are a militaric based people however, do not think this means we are neccessarly violent in nature. If any nation wishes they may send a diplomat to our nation to dicuss possible treaties and such like".

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The High General stood with his hands clasped behind his back as he looked across the room as his people went about their duties without a single complaint or failing. After a minute or two he crossed to one of the communications terminals where a young Helzan was working hard. "Report soldier how many nations have contacted us since I made the announcement" he asked looking down to the young man eagerly awaiting his reply. The young Helzan turned to the High General and did not even attempt to lie. "I am sorry High General but we have not recieved a single reply it seems that either we are being ignored or the other nations of the world have more important things to keep themselves occupied with" replied the man. "I see well it seems that Helzan will have to look to itself still as we have always done before", the High General then snapped a quick slaute and then went back to his quarters where he would wait for any other news or reports.

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Promised Land is unable to send a diplomat at this turbulent time, however, we recognize your existence.

OOC: Y'know, I'm tempted to second your statement. :o:P

IC: The Provisional Government recognizes and welcomes this new state to the world.

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The High General entered the command centre again for the third time that day and he was mildly annoyed though he didn't show it in his tone or expressions. "Sorry to interupt you High General but I thought you would like to know that we have recieved contact from two nations now. One is the nation of Promised Land and the other is a Provisional Government. Neither are able to send diplomats to us but they have, well they have recognised our existance" reported the same young communications officer from before. The High General nodded in response before speaking. "I see that is fairly good news but how do they recognise an existance? We are here and talking to them and so we exsist". The communications officer looked at his monitors for a few seconds before replying. "Maybe nations require others to recognise them first it seems". The High General shook his head before leaving and heading back to his quarters for some well deserved sleep.

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The Hanseatic Republic welcomes the new nation of Helzan to the world stage, we wish you prosperity and success in all your future endeavors and in addition wish to exchange ambassadors so as to keep in contact with our neighbor to the south. Also, though militaristic, perhaps you would be able to use that military force to enforce peace and non-violence to the nations that seem to want to disturb the want of order on our planet.

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Once again the High General was disturbed from his slumber but when he was told that someone was ready and willing to exchange ambassadors his mood perked up. After a little time and with some retuning of one of the aerials from outside they managed to connect to the Hanseatic Republic with a decent signal for them to talk over.

"Hanseatic Republic we would be most pleased to accept an exchange of ambassadors between our two great nations and the point you have raised about our state is quite valid. Whilst we are a military state we do not go looking for violence and war we follow these principles because it inspires confidence and discipline in your fellow man. However, we would not necessary take action against other nations unless so needed".

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