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Until Death Do Us Part

Sarah Tintagyl

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After visiting Lady Tintagyl, Relena walked to the 2 persons she noticed earlier doing quite strange

"I believe I haven't met the both of you before, my name is Relena Peacecraft, who are you?"she said to Jed and Aaron

Jed and Aaron paused for a bit, considering whether to lie to her. Finally, they decided against it. "We're Jed and Aaron Constantine, former leaders of Byzantium." Jed introduced, smiling.

"Stop showing off." Aaron smirked. Turning to Relena, Aaron grinned. "We're the Byzantine Brothers!" He stated, dramatically. Jed rolled his eyes. "Now who's showing off, huh?" He whispered, sarcastically.

"Shhhh." Aaron whispered back, turning to Relena. He smiled at her.

Edited by JEDCJT
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Jed and Aaron paused for a bit, considering whether to lie to her. Finally, they decided against it. "We're Jed and Aaron Constantine, former leaders of Byzantium." Jed introduced, smiling.

"Stop showing off." Aaron smirked. Turning to Relena, Aaron grinned. "We're the Byzantine Brothers!" He stated, dramatically. Jed rolled his eyes. "Now who's showing off, huh?" He whispered, sarcastically.

"Shhhh." Aaron whispered back, turning to Relena. He smiled at her.

"Ah the Byzantine Brothers I heard a lot about you, how was it in the land of missing?"

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DeSchaine and another man, both in the dark green of Taeunas dress uniforms, came up behind Larsa, claping a hand on the young mans back. "Well done, lad, well done." He took Larsa's hand and shook it.

"It's nice to have something to celebrate in these times. You both picked a hell of a time to do it, but I think we're all glad you did. Now, if the wee lass there ever gets to be too much, you've got a cottage with your name on it at my family lands. Its a bit outside of Ballycastle, so you wont be disturbed. Course, the offer goes for both of you if you just want to get away for a while."

"Good to see you could make it here! Though the boys at home won't let me live it down that I owe my life to a bottle of Scoth and an Irishman." he replied with a hearty laugh.

After a while Relena walked towards the couple acompanied by the Councilor.

"In name of the people of the Imperial Union I wish you all good luck."the Queen said.

"Many thanks, Majesty."

DeSchaine chuckled as he watched Sarah. Her attitude and bearing seemingly set back to normal. He likened her to a hummingbird, fliting here and there... doing what needed to be done and moving on to the next.

Looking to Larsa he said "I brought Maj. Davis with me. I hope you dont mind, but I figured it'd be a treat for him to see the results of his handiwork." He motioned for the man to join them.

Davis stepped up and shook his hand. "Good to see you on your own two feet, sir. My congratulations to both you and the Prime Minister."

"Thank you Major. Good to see you've still got a beating heart." he replied smiling.

Edited by Ranather
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Jed pouted a bit as Aaron smirked and patted him on the back. "Don't worry, sir, I'll put him in drama school when we come back in power." Aaron whispered to Jackson, smirking. Jed rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"That might be too late..." Harlem whispered, seeing relena Peacecraft approaching.

Jed and Aaron paused for a bit, considering whether to lie to her. Finally, they decided against it. "We're Jed and Aaron Constantine, former leaders of Byzantium." Jed introduced, smiling.

"Stop showing off." Aaron smirked. Turning to Relena, Aaron grinned. "We're the Byzantine Brothers!" He stated, dramatically. Jed rolled his eyes. "Now who's showing off, huh?" He whispered, sarcastically.

"Shhhh." Aaron whispered back, turning to Relena. He smiled at her.

"Nice going..." Jackson muttered.

Anthony Harlem, wanting to see another person's reaction to his appearance (near-identical to Baron Uberstein, with black hair instead of grey), introduced himself to Relena after her conversation with the brothers.

"Anthony Harlem," he said, holding out a hand for her to shake. "And of course," he added in a whisper, "We'll have to ask you to keep the brother's current existence secret. We don't know what enemies they might have out there right now."

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Anthony Harlem, wanting to see another person's reaction to his appearance (near-identical to Baron Uberstein, with black hair instead of grey), introduced himself to Relena after her conversation with the brothers.

"Anthony Harlem," he said, holding out a hand for her to shake. "And of course," he added in a whisper, "We'll have to ask you to keep the brother's current existence secret. We don't know what enemies they might have out there right now."

Relena was stunned to see the person's resemblence to Uberstein.

"Euh sure"she said a bit confused.

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