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Reconstruction of Magenta - CNRP

New Frontier

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As the European conflict finally began to die down, Lord Ammon and his government began to discover the true costs of the nuclear war. Seated around a conference table in his temporary headquarters in Confucianism, His Excellency and his advisors mulled over the problems currently facing the Realm, and his options going forward. Present at the meeting were three Counts of the Realm, with Sir Dagon being notably absent; Captain Antonio Vermette, His Excellency's Chief Security Advisor; Myron Penner, the highest ranking member of the Ministry for Education, Science and Research to make it out of Magenta during the fallout; Barons Julian Lescourtes and Isaac Tavares, both Generals of the Royal Army of the Realm; and an array of lesser government officials, diplomats and nobles.

"Your Excellency, reports from the homeland have said that while the immediate effects of the nuclear war killed roughly a third of the Magentian population, unidentified winds have almost completely negated any long term fallout," Penner said, flipping through his papers. "However, the capital itself is in complete disarray, and apparently, well, it would seem that Sir Dagon has assumed leadership of the Royal Army and proclaimed himself High Lord of Magenta."

The entire table gasped as the news sank in. Sir Dagon, Count of the most powerful region of Magenta, had couped Lord Ammon and announced himself ruler, apparently with the support of the Royal Army.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. The soldiers will stand by you once you return." Baron Tavares was confident, but his partner, Baron Lescourtes, looked considerably less so.

"Actually, my Lord, I'm afraid that may not be the case. As the largest county, Aries sends the most men to the Royal Army of any, and those soldiers may well feel more loyalty to their Count than to you. While we will almost certainly be able to take back control of the country, it will not be without bloodshed."

Lord Ammon sighed as he thought about what he had just been told. Was it worth retaking the throne if it meant the loss of even more life? Surely Magentians had lost enough already.

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OOC: I'll be RPing results of the conflict, but not nuclear winter.


After several hours of consideration, His Excellency Lord Ammon, son of Ammon, sent out a message to Sir Dagon, asking for a peaceful end to this issue. Almost immediately, the following reply was received.

Lord Ammon, Son of Ammon

I, Lord Dagon, Son of Immonen, have considered your request and have come to a decision. My soldiers and I will allow you to return to Magenta and live in peace and prosperity, and to maintain the traditional home of your family.

However, I will neither surrender to you the throne nor grant you sovereignty over Magenta or the newly acquired territories.


His Excellency

Lord Dagon, Son of Immonen

High Lord, Protector and Patriarch

The Realm of Magenta

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After several days of Dagon's rule, the Realm of Magenta found itself embroiled in domestic unrest. Lord Ammon's loyalists had rallied together, forcing the usurper to react with force, using a military made up of at least as many members loyal to Ammon as to Dagon.

Royal Palace, Petra

Sir Dagon paced up and down the conference room as his Generals surveyed the latest information from the field. It was clear that Ammonian loyalists were on the move, and it seemed as if the peasantry had already taken much of the countryside.

"Sir, I don't know how much longer we can hold the Royal Army together. While the Arians are loyal to you, my Lord, I am afraid that soldiers from the other counties are feeling rather... restless." Dagon's highest ranking general, Baron Darius of Thatcher, frowned as he looked at the letters he was receiving from his subordinate officers. "Apparently the battalions in the southeast have already joined forces with the rebels, and more seem sure to follow. Perhaps..."

It was clear to everyone what the Baron was suggesting. The latest communication from Ammon was an offer for amnesty, provided that Dagon and his War Council accepted a life of exile from Magenta. And the longer the battle went, the better the offer seemed.

Baron Tolstoy looked up. "It seems that our informant in the PAC Assembly has some disturbing news. The representative from the Western Republic has recognized Ammon as the rightful ruler, and it seems the rest of the Coalition will as well."

Dagon collapsed into his seat.

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Magentian Government In Exile, Confucianism

Lord Ammon shook hands with a Confucian diplomat as he prepared to board a jet that would take him and his government-in-exile back to The Realm, where he could attempt to finally wrestle control from the Count and his men. According to reports from home his loyalists had arisen in droves, and seemed poised to deliver a killing blow.

"Thank you for everything you've done for us here, sir."

With that, His Excellency and his advisors made their way onto Magenta One, which was fueled up and ready to go.

Next stop, Magenta.

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