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The Communist International


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"Just looking over this quickly," said Ron, "it seems to me that the Comintern is confused as to what it is. Is it a military alliance or a confederation? Understand that the Grand Littoral Council has authorized me to sign up for either one, but I would feel much more comfortable if I knew just what I was signing up for."

"I'm concerned about the defense aspects too," added Kieth. "I don't doubt the will of the member nations to defend each other, but my background's naval, and I can tell you right off that as the GLCR doesn't share a land border with another signatory, it's gonna be damn hard for us to fulfill our obligations, or for others to fulfill their obligations to us. The strait leading into Hudson Bay is easily blockaded from Greenland, and the Northwest Passage is only open a few months out of the year. My comrade here forgot to mention that he's only authorized to sign if I give the okay, and I don't think that's gonna happen unless the Comintern backs our claims to Resolution, Akpatok, and Mansfield Islands."

She paused. "I'm not sure what you mean. We are a confederacy for promoting our shared ideals throughout the world and a military alliance so that we might defend them. To answer your question; we're both, I suppose.

"Our supply routes both at sea and in air are strong and more than capable of defending your nation. You can trust the Comintern to defend you - I am sure that we have the means to. We will support your claims over those islands. If you'd like, we could even deploy a force of marines to enforce your claim."

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"What I meant was that a confederation is a political and military union; a military alliance is strictly a military union. From what you've said, it seems as though the Comintern is a confederation."

"It was never about trust," retorted Kieth. "It was about means. If you say you have the means, and there's no reason to doubt that, particularly as there seems to be a unified military command which I hope to participate in--" he looked at Ron for confirmation; he nodded "and since you'll support our claims, I see no reason not to sign." This time it was Kieth's turn to nod to Ron, who dutifully wrote his name on the bottom of the paper.

Ron White

On behalf of the Grand Littoral Council of the Great Lakes Council Republic

and the Internationalist Party

"There's no need to worry about marines," continued Kieth. "We'll supply them ourselves; ours are nearby and used to working in cold climates."

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Jagan Kermani, a part of the delegation from East Pakistan, hesitantly started to speak into the microphone provided for him. Eloquent in his native Bangla, he laid his case before the assembly at the headquarters of the Comintern in New Barcelona.

"Good afternoon to everyone. When I left Chittagong from Shah Amanat, it was pouring rain. This sunshine is a pleasant change." He paused while his words were translated and smiled self-consciously as he heard a few friendly chuckles from around the chamber.

Jagan continued, "As most of the delegates are aware, myself and my colleagues were flown here at enormous expense to our country - our previous government left our economy underdeveloped and it is expensive and time-consuming for us to produce our own fuel. However, the people Chittagong felt that the cost was well worth the possible benefits we could reap from attending this historic conference."

Kermani's mouth had gone dry, and he paused momentarily in his speech to take a sip of water from the provided bottle before him.

"I believe it is in the best interest of the people of East Pakistan to sign this Comintern Pact, but I naturally have no authority to sign anything. The people of my country are currently voting on a nation-wide referendum on whether to sign this pact or not. However, I believe the referendum will pass."

The speaker leaned back from the microphone, then shot forward embarrassedly and added hastily, "The delegation from East Pakistan would of course like to thank the NAAC for hosting this conference, and allowing us to travel to their beautiful country. Thank you again for the opportunity."

His speech finished, Jagan relaxed in his chair and sipped from his bottle of water.

EDIT: typo

Edited by Duce Giordani
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Barra Carlise flashed the smile that was half of the reason she was voted into her position as a diplomat. "It is good to see our Anarchist brothers in the East here with us today. I hope that your vote passes and that you are allowed to join our pact. I have to say; when the NAAC Congress first commissioned this building I never expected to see so many diverse peoples represented here.

"I feel that we have more than enough founding members for the Comintern; if no one else objects, I would like to announce the First Summit of the Comintern over after East Pakistan signs the Constitution."

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OOC: Yes, I'm now in CNRP and CNRPR

OOC: I found your post in the sign up thread - you might want to fill out the form at the bottom of the OP and post your claims in the CNRPR map thread.

The NAAC gladly welcomes you into the Comintern.

OOC: I think I got everybody.

The Constitution of the Communist International


We, the undersigned, do with the signing of this treaty unite our nations for the cause of leftism Communism. We vow to defend and promote freedom, equality, and camaraderie between all nations and people of Earth promote a world revolution and the building of socialism through a world federative republic of worker's councils.

Article I

The notion of existence of nations is a bourgeois notion. Signatories of the Communist International (Comintern) will abandon that notion and seeking to organize the revolutionary efforts of the proletariat will obey the decisions of an executive committee formed by the leaders of every signatory group.

Article II

Civil war is looked down upon, therefore signatories of the International will give up their "right" to engage in hostile actions, both direct and indirect, against any other member of the Comintern.

Article III

Should one member of the Comintern fall under attack or require aid, all other members shall do all that is possible to help them. The militaries of the Comintern are to act as one with full cooperation and shared command under the guise of the executive committee.

Article IV

In the interest of unity, As one, global federation, the undersigned nations will allow free travel between their borders, tariff free trade with one another, and respect all legal documents from another Comintern nation member in their own nation jurisdiction.

Article V

The Comintern nations members must do all within their power to support and defend leftism socialism globally. The Comintern represents leftism Communism, so any attack on leftism Socialism is to be considered an attack on the Comintern.

Article VI

All matters of expulsion of members, admission of members, and amendments to this document are to be decided among the Comintern nations democratically by the Comintern Central Committee, with each signatory given one vote in the decision.

Article VI

The signatories agree to share all available technology and information with one another.


For the North American Anarchist Confederacy,

Representative Barra Carlisle

For the Bolshevik Federation,

Premier Ivan Orlov

For the People's Democratic Federation of America (South),

Premier deSouza

For Mongol-Sweden,

Chairman Marcus Lobonsky

For the Northern Soviet,

Dao Xing

For Yuktobania,

Deputy Prime Minister Victor Zakhev

For Great Lakes Council Republic,

Ron White

For East Pakistan,

Jagan Kermani

For the Anarchist Territory of Mozambique,

Ian Steele

I re-formatted some to make it look better. I hope it's okay.

Edited by mastab
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*Foreign Minister Harry Nelsan walked through the halls of the National Assembly building. Stopping at the door of the President's office. He knocked.*

"Come in."

*He swung the door open and entered. John Raider, the newly elected President of the Azzar, sat behind his desk. Reading some paper about this or that issue to be brought before the National Assembly. The President glanced up, an eyebrow rising in questioning at his foreign minister's unexpected visit.*

"What is it Harry?"

*He asked. Putting the paper he'd been reading aside. Harry Nelsan held out the message he'd been carrying and spoke.*

"We been invited to join the Communist International."

*John Raider's expression morphed from interest to delight he listened and read through the invitation.*

"This is splendid news! Get the other ministers, I'll call a session of the National Assembly."

********Later at the Session of the National Assembly***********

"My friends, my fellow revolutionaries. It is my delight to inform you that our nation has been invited to join the Communist International. A pact between all ideology comrades committed to preserving ideal the forces of reaction would threaten to undo. . At this moment nations moving toward socialism are islands within the furious ocean of capitalism and it is my belief we must stand with our comrades in every part of the world least all of us be swept away by the flood of greed and imperialism of capitalism. Thank you."

*Message to the members of the Communist International:*

The Azzarian Marxist Republic pledges to carry out and uphold the Constitution of the Communist International.

Signed the National Assembly of the Marxist Republic

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*Foreign Minister Harry Nelsan walked through the halls of the National Assembly building. Stopping at the door of the President's office. He knocked.*

"Come in."

*He swung the door open and entered. John Raider, the newly elected President of the Azzar, sat behind his desk. Reading some paper about this or that issue to be brought before the National Assembly. The President glanced up, an eyebrow rising in questioning at his foreign minister's unexpected visit.*

"What is it Harry?"

*He asked. Putting the paper he'd been reading aside. Harry Nelsan held out the message he'd been carrying and spoke.*

"We been invited to join the Communist International."

*John Raider's expression morphed from interest to delight he listened and read through the invitation.*

"This is splendid news! Get the other ministers, I'll call a session of the National Assembly."

********Later at the Session of the National Assembly***********

"My friends, my fellow revolutionaries. It is my delight to inform you that our nation has been invited to join the Communist International. A pact between all ideology comrades committed to preserving ideal the forces of reaction would threaten to undo. . At this moment nations moving toward socialism are islands within the furious ocean of capitalism and it is my belief we must stand with our comrades in every part of the world least all of us be swept away by the flood of greed and imperialism of capitalism. Thank you."

*Message to the members of the Communist International:*

We welcome our new allie to our peaceful pact of unity, constructive relations, & possitive growth.

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Victor Zakhev arrived in New Barcelona in a role quite different from his own. Instead he plays the role of a politician, securing the role of Yuktobania as a premier power in an attempt to establish a new Yuktobanian Empire. The young man was a bit nervous, since this wasn't usually his thing. but Victor would not mind doing so to please his father. He walked up to the NAAC representative to the Comintern, Barra Carlisle and said, "Uh...hello, my name is Victor Zakhev, I am the representative from the Yuktobanian SFSR. I wanted to meet with the leader of the Comintern and to sign it's constitution."

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