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World Tour


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After a succesful tour in Sassain it was decided for the security of the Queen it would be better to visit Oceania first.


It was 9 AM when the Queen arrived at the International Airport she enjoyed being in Sassain and wanted to stay longer but she expected Promised Land to be a perfect nation too. As she walked towards the game she noticed her Personal Lieutenant wanted to tell her something but also wanted to wait until they were safely on their way. After half an hour the jet received the green light and started it's long flight to Promised Land.

"Your Highness I have Important information from your brother"the Officer said.

"Please tell"the queen asked interested by the secrecy.

"The Imperial Union is mobilizing for potential War one in Europe we fear American blood may be needed again to protect Europe from tyrants"

"Mon dieu"

This was an unexpected change.


After a long travel across the Atlantic of Several Hours the jet approached Promised Land.

"Imperial Defensive Air Force 1 requesting permission to enter Promised Land Air Space"

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After a long travel across the Atlantic of Several Hours the jet approached Promised Land.

"Imperial Defensive Air Force 1 requesting permission to enter Promised Land Air Space"

"Granted, Imperial Defensive Air Force One. Your flight path has been logged and cleared of all other traffic."

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The jet safely proceeded to land at the nearest Airport. Not much later the Officer entered the Quarters of the Queen.

"Your highness we have arrived"he said to the Queen who just woke up. After a few minutes she walked out of her quarters towardsthe exit of the Jet again she ordered only her Lieutenant to come with her. As soon as they left the Aircraft they saw the delegation from Promised Land.

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The jet safely proceeded to land at the nearest Airport. Not much later the Officer entered the Quarters of the Queen.

"Your highness we have arrived"he said to the Queen who just woke up. After a few minutes she walked out of her quarters towardsthe exit of the Jet again she ordered only her Lieutenant to come with her. As soon as they left the Aircraft they saw the delegation from Promised Land.

The delegation would consist of Georgina Gates, Theodore Jameson, and an armed guard for each. Jameson towered over the short, petite form of Gates

She indicated to Jameson to take charge, to see how the others would reaci to this 'gentle giant,' so the enormous Black man moved forward, leaving his guard behind.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. Welcome to Promised Land. I am Theodore Jameson, and that is Lady Georgina Gates."

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The delegation would consist of Georgina Gates, Theodore Jameson, and an armed guard for each. Jameson towered over the short, petite form of Gates

She indicated to Jameson to take charge, to see how the others would reaci to this 'gentle giant,' so the enormous Black man moved forward, leaving his guard behind.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. Welcome to Promised Land. I am Theodore Jameson, and that is Lady Georgina Gates."

"Thank you very much mr. Jameson as you already know my name is Relena Peacecraft"she said while looking at the 2 people. "It is a honor I could finally visit your nation.

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"Thank you very much mr. Jameson as you already know my name is Relena Peacecraft"she said while looking at the 2 people. "It is a honor I could finally visit your nation.

"We're honored to have you. Will you follow me, please? We have a limo waiting to take you to see the President before you tour the nation."

OOC: Go ahead and RP them all getting in. Women and guests first...with guests taking precedence ;)

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"We're honored to have you. Will you follow me, please? We have a limo waiting to take you to see the President before you tour the nation."

OOC: Go ahead and RP them all getting in. Women and guests first...with guests taking precedence ;)

"Of course"the Queen said after which they all walked towards the limousine in front of the entrance of the Airport now she could actually look around and see how the nation really was for the first time in her life she saw pictures but never the real thing. Not much later they proceeded entering the car with the Queen going first followed by Lady Gates, mr. Jameson, the Personal Lieutenant of the Queen and the other Guards. The Queen was rather impressed by the big man and wondered how it was possible for a human.

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"Of course"the Queen said after which they all walked towards the limousine in front of the entrance of the Airport now she could actually look around and see how the nation really was for the first time in her life she saw pictures but never the real thing. Not much later they proceeded entering the car with the Queen going first followed by Lady Gates, mr. Jameson, the Personal Lieutenant of the Queen and the other Guards. The Queen was rather impressed by the big man and wondered how it was possible for a human.

OOC: He's about...6 foot six--not impossibly large. just so you know. And built massively.

IC: Jameson had trouble squeezing in, but once he sat, he just managed to fit. they would be escorted, not to the capitol building, but to a rather ordinary-looking office building, with many people going here and there as they went about their work.

they would be escorted inside, where they went up an elevator to the third floor. It would open directly upon the office Jackson was using at the time.

When Jackson saw them, he smiled wearily. "Sorry for my bedragled appearance, but we are in the middle of re-building a large portion of our lands."

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OOC: He's about...6 foot six--not impossibly large. just so you know. And built massively.

IC: Jameson had trouble squeezing in, but once he sat, he just managed to fit. they would be escorted, not to the capitol building, but to a rather ordinary-looking office building, with many people going here and there as they went about their work.

they would be escorted inside, where they went up an elevator to the third floor. It would open directly upon the office Jackson was using at the time.

When Jackson saw them, he smiled wearily. "Sorry for my bedragled appearance, but we are in the middle of re-building a large portion of our lands."

OOC: For the definition they use that's large :P


"No need to be sorry after what I normally see and live in I'm happy to be in an actual working enviroment"the Queen said.

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OOC: For the definition they use that's large :P


"No need to be sorry after what I normally see and live in I'm happy to be in an actual working enviroment"the Queen said.

He smiled, sincerely this time. "I'm glad to hear that. Now, before I give you a map of the proposed tour route, is there anything in particular you'd like to see first?"

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"Not at all I want to see everything of this country"

"In that case, your trip will begin in the North, work its way West along the coast via railroad and ship, then curve south and east once more in a spiral path. Your next-to-last stop will be in Melbourne, and ending right back here in New Jerusalem."

OOC: Sorry, not good with maps, so that description is all you'll get, I'm afraid.

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"In that case, your trip will begin in the North, work its way West along the coast via railroad and ship, then curve south and east once more in a spiral path. Your next-to-last stop will be in Melbourne, and ending right back here in New Jerusalem."

OOC: Sorry, not good with maps, so that description is all you'll get, I'm afraid.

OOC: No problem :P


"Very well I am ready to leave"

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OOC: No problem :P


"Very well I am ready to leave"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come with you, nor will Lady Gates. However, Mr. Jameson will be hapy to accompany you, I'm sure." The big, black man nodded once.

At that, they wold be escorted out to the limo once more, which would take them to the train waiting especially for them. there would actually be one scheduled stop on the waynorth--they wanted to see the nation, so they would--every aspect of its people.

An aborioginal tribe had its territory where the stop would take place, and they had agreed to host the queen and her escort.

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