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Meeting of Elves


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The Netherlands would like to invite The Mando'ade for a formal meeting to discuss relation between 2 Similar people.

"Other elves? We thought we were the last of our kind. Yes, we will send an ambassador at once. We've managed to master a machine called an Aeroplane in the last few months. An ambassador should be there in a matter of two days."

Of course, there would be several stops along the way--their planes couldn't make it THAT far without refueling at least twice.

OOC: Feel free to skip ahead to just before the arrival. the plane is not a bi-plane--however, it is only one or two steps after such a craft.

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The Aeroplane would soon encounter 2 state of the art MiG-23s on an intercept course after a short while they turned and each Fighter took oneside of the Aeroplane escorting them to Schiphol International Airport.

(OOC: I expect radio so :P)

"Mando'ade Aircraft please follow our lead we will safely escort you to the Airport.

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The Aeroplane would soon encounter 2 state of the art MiG-23s on an intercept course after a short while they turned and each Fighter took oneside of the Aeroplane escorting them to Schiphol International Airport.

(OOC: I expect radio so :P )

"Mando'ade Aircraft please follow our lead we will safely escort you to the Airport.

OOC: Yes, they got radio... ;)

IC: "Roger that. Will follow."

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OOC: Yes, they got radio... ;)

IC: "Roger that. Will follow."

The moment the Aircraft entered Dutch Airspace they would encounter several Squadrons in the air on Patrol Duties after a few minutes the planes arrived at Schiphol with the plane with the Ambassador landing at the VIP Gateway and the Fighters returning to the Military Airstrip. As soon as the Aircraft landed a Delegation walked towards the Gateway waiting for the Ambassador to come out.

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The moment the Aircraft entered Dutch Airspace they would encounter several Squadrons in the air on Patrol Duties after a few minutes the planes arrived at Schiphol with the plane with the Ambassador landing at the VIP Gateway and the Fighters returning to the Military Airstrip. As soon as the Aircraft landed a Delegation walked towards the Gateway waiting for the Ambassador to come out.

It was a small plane, so they simply had to open the top for the pilot and diplomat.

The pilot exited first, still with his helmet on, then turned around and helped the diplomat, who was doing her best to avoid touching any metal. She didn't want to risk contact with iron or steel.

Once they were down, they turned and saw the waiting delegation, and moved toward them. the pilot removed his helmet respecfully, revealing that his ears were still covered by a gray band of fabric...

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The delegation consisting of the High Elf of Foreign Affairs and his deputies of course with uncovered ears walked towards the Ambassador and saluted shortly.

"Welcome to the Netherlands or as in our original language Quel'thalas"

"I am honored to be here," the diplomat said, each hand in the sleeve of the other arm as she bowed from the waist. Her hair was tied back in a simple braid, and her ears were plainly visible, though something that was not so obvious was that much of her clothing was silk, which insulated from the ne'tra kyr'am beskar (OOC: Their phrase for iron, literally 'black death metal'--these elves are allergic to it/OOC).

The pilot returned the salute, as he was a member of the Scout Corps.

OOC: The collective name for all my armed forces.

BTW, how will they react if the pilot takes off his headband and reveals he's half-human, half-elf?

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OOC: Hmm so better not take them to the Iron Paradise :awesome:


The Delegation was escorted outside and brought to a car that drove them to the Royal Center in Silvermoon.

"We will take you to the palace so you can personally talk to the King"

OOC: Yeah, better skip that part of the trip... :D

IC: "Thank you," the diplomat said.

Without full knowledge of the pair, one might think it odd that the pilot was coming with her instead of remaining with his craft. However, he was there, first and foremost, to prevent any accidental encounters with the metal her race was allergic to, and to be her pilot, second.

OOC: OOC: Again, what would their reaction to an Elf/Human crossbreed be? the reason he's wearing that headband is because they aren't sure, and I'm not, either. :unsure:

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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