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Sons of Chaos


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Sons of Chaos


Welcome fellow players, since you looked here you must be interested to know about Sons of Chaos. Well to get started off we are a Blue sphere alliance. The main purpose of the Sons of Chaos is to defend the righteous and weak from the threats of Cybernations. To become a member of Sons of Chaos the nation must have Sons of Chaos in there AA, Must not be at war with any alliance, And must have filled out an application. All members must take and pass the Sons of Chaos entrance exam, to become a full member of Sons of Chaos. Sons of Chaos nations must be in the blue sphere unless given permission by the king to remain in another sphere. If all of the following are met, nations will be given 6,000,000 in start up aid. We give you guys 6,000,000 in aid for our members to grow and prosper. That was a little bit of information about how to become a member of Sons of Chaos.

Application Process

Nation Name:

Nation Ruler:

Nation Link:

Nation Strength:

Previous Alliances:


Alliance Name: Sons of Chaos

Short Name: SoC

Forums Link: http://soc.freesmfhosting.com/index.php

IRC Channel: #Chaos

Protected by: ARES


Sons of Chaos


This charter was created as guidelines for the Sons of Chaos alliance. This charter is to be followed by all nations under the Sons of Chaos alliance affiliation. Even though the SoC may sound like a war happy alliance, the main purpose of the SoC is to defend the righteous and weak from the threats of Cn.

Article I: Membership

To become a member of SoC the nation must have Sons of Chaos in there AA, Must not be at war with any alliance, And must have filled out an application. All members must take and pass the SoC entrance exam, to become a full member of SoC. SoC nations must be in the blue sphere unless given permission by the king to remain in another sphere. If all of the following are met, nations will be given 6,000,000 in start up aid.

Article II: Structure

Under this article the SoC structure is established as follows:

Section I: King

This member is the main leader of SoC and has final say in all matter pertaining to SoC. The king shall remain in power until he decides to step down, In which he will select a successor.

Section II: Princes

These members are children of the kings and shall rule as long as the king rules. These members have almost as much say as the king but can never over power the kings decisions without parliaments support.

Section III: Duke

This member is appointed directly by the king to oversee that the ministry of SoC is correctly in order. This member reports directly to the king.

Section IV: Ministry

These members have been appointed directly by the king to serve as bureaucrats. These members have specific jobs and titles however these members are to meet all demands laid upon them by the king. Each Minister is allowed up to two deputies but the deputies must be approved by parliament, the duke, a prince, or by the king himself.

*Minister of Economics: This member is to establish a treasury for the SoC, Create aid programs that meet the kings demands, And make sure that all nations have the best trades possible.

*Minister of Foreign affairs: This member is to handle all foreign affairs, Help keep the links page up to date, Write treaties, And build a Foreign Division within SoC.

* Minister of Internal Affairs: This member is to make sure that everyone is masked properly, Making sure that SoC has up to date guides, Distributing and grading SoC entrance exams, Keeping the forums clean and up to date, And acting as a police to inappropriate behavior on the forums.

*Minister of Recruitment: This member oversees the recruiting of the SoC. This member is responsible for putting a recruiting team together and creating up to date recruiting messages.

*Minister of War: This member makes sure that SoC can defend itself and its allies if war was to break out, Establish a military structure that meets the demands of the king, And organize safe war training exercises.

Section V: Parliament

These members are appointed directly by the king to serve. The members of parliament decide if the kings authority is to be overthrown in a matter. Parliament can only overthrow the kings decision with an eighty percent vote. Parliament can only overthrow the kings decision on war, government structure change, treaties, and amendments.

Article II: Succession

The technical heir to the throne is the first born prince however, The king may choose whomever he wants to be his successor. If the king does not name a successor seventy-two hours after he steps down from power then the first born prince is named as the new king. If the king decides to step down from power, he may withdraw his resignation within forty-eight hours after he posted it.

Article III: Removal

The king can remove a member of chaos at any time for any reason no matter of rank. The princes, duke, and parliament may also remove any member, at any time, for any reason however, to do so they need the permission of the king. The ministry of SoC may request that a member be kicked out, in which the king will make a decision on whether or not it shall be done. The king can not be removed from power.

Article IV: War

The king may declare war on whomever he shall wishes as long as parliament does not oppose. If parliament does oppose the kings war, he may still launch the campaign if sixty percent of the ministry or the duke, is in agreement that the war should take place. The king however may launch any defensive war without anybodies approval. The first born prince may declare defensive wars, with the approval of his siblings, the duke, and sixty percent of parliament, only if the king will not be available for 48 hours.

Article V: Tech Raids

Members may only tech raid with the permission of the king, a prince, the duke, or the minister of war. Members are reminded that tech raiding is taken at own risk. Red and blue nations along with all aligned and nuclear nations are not to be raided, doing so will result in severe punishment.

Article VI: Ghosting

Nations caught ghosting the SoC will be warned in which they have 3 days after being warned to stop. All nations who continue to ghost the SoC after their 3 day warning period will be zi’d. If the nation, once being attacked decides to join the SoC, the attacks on them will be immediately halted. Nations who have been attacked for ghosting will be expected to rebuild on their own even if they do decide to join the SoC afterwards. Nations who become members after ghosting are still eligible for the start up aid.

Article VII: Nuclear Warfare

All nuclear attacks must be approved by the king. Nations who launch a nuclear attack without gaining the correct authorization will be punished. Any nuclear attack on the SoC will be considered an act of war in which the attacker will be punished. If the attacker is aligned, then that alliance will be held responsible. Any nuclear rouge attacks on the SoC will be thwarted down with the nuclear capabilities of the SoC.

Article VIII: Aiding

SoC members are not allowed to aid any nation in war with an alliance without permission from the king, a prince, or the duke.

Article IX: Prisoners of War

All prisoners of the SoC will remain under the protection the SoC and allies until they are released. Any attack on a prisoner of the SoC will be considered an act of war towards the SoC, in which the attacker may be punished. SoC prisoners may not launch wars. All prisoners of war must do the following:

*Decom all nuclear weapons

*Decom all cruise missiles

*Decom all military improvements

*Decom all military wonders

*Decom all spies

*Decom all tanks

*Decom soldiers to the minimum amount.

*Decom all aircrafts

*Decom all navy

*Stay in defcon 5

*Stay in a minimum threat level

*Change Alliance Affiliation to SoC PoW

Failure to follow this article may result in automatic permanent ZI.

Article X: Foreign Affairs

The king herby reserves the right to, at anytime, decline any relations with an alliance for any reason. Any embassy on the SoC forums may be shut down at anytime if the king so wishes.

Article XI: Fair Trial

All members will be tried before parliament and will be given the right to defend themselves. If a member is found guilty of whatever they are being tried for, then parliament will pass the case on to the king for punishment, with a recommended punishment. The king may follow the parliaments suggested punishment or create a punishment of his own. The king can not be placed on trial.

Article XII: Treaties

All treaties must be approved by the king before becoming effective, parliament can oppose all treaties within forty-eight hours after they are brought before them. After a treaty has been passed, only the king can cancel it.

Article XIII: Validation

This charter is only valid once signed by the first king. All modifications to this charter may only be done by the current king and no one else. Any modifications to this document by anyone other than the current king may result in severe punishment. If a modification is made to the charter then the charter is only valid once the current king signs below the first kings signature.


-Founding King.

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Welcome fellow players,

I am the member of an alliance called Sons of Chaos, we are a brand new alliance who would like to ask you to join us. I would like you to join SoC and help us grow and prosper, in return we offer you protection from Tech raiders and rogues and we offer you friendship and aid to help you grow and become superior in the game. We aid new member’s 6,000,000 each who join SoC. Our Alliance is new, therefore you can get a leadership position and your ideas will help shape the alliance.

Our Forums: http://soc.freesmfhosting.com/index.php

You need to go there and register and post an application to join our alliance.



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kobiashiy, why did you tell ARES i tried and recruit from your alliance?

Ok im gonna tell you this all i wanted was a merge.

And im sorry if you or anyone else took it for something else.

Are you serious? Look at your first message, I could go public if I wanted to embarrass you, which I wont :rolleyes:

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