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Imperium Cracks Down On Crime

King Kevz

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After numerous reports and files were checked over a shocking discovery was made by Imperium officals when they found reports showing that a very large number of Estovakian police officers were corrupt and were actively allowing criminals to get away with their crimes throughout the nation as well as ensuring that any who were caught were swiftly released from prison and the officer who had them arrested were either suspended from work or sent to desk jobs in remote villages. Perhaps more shocking was the evidance that a number of officers had been in fact arming criminals with police weapons as well as allowing weapons from the black market into the nation. When Empress Kusanagi heard of this she immediatly had the plans for a new police force to be brought up and now after months of planning and supplying the new Police force has been released into the nation to hunt down criminals and corrupt police officers alike.

Currently the Generation-Police as they have been called are using very heavy handed tactics in their line of work. Numerous arrests have been made and people are constantly stopped in the street to be searched, with some residents saying that in these searches they are being violated. In response a number of communitys have came together to petition the government for the removal of the G-Police however, the Empress as stated for everyone to calm down and allow the G-Police to carry out their jobs. The fact the G-Police are armed is also causing worry but so far crime rates are down by 16%.


A G-Police officer moves to storm a warehouse full of Black Market weapons.

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As much as we dislike such heavy-handed tactics ourselves, in very special circumstances such as yours, they may be necessary.

But, please indulge us in this one question--how do you ensure that these "Generation-Police" don't get corrupted themselves?

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As much as we dislike such heavy-handed tactics ourselves, in very special circumstances such as yours, they may be necessary.

But, please indulge us in this one question--how do you ensure that these "Generation-Police" don't get corrupted themselves?

"The Generation-Police are recruited from the most loyal of citizens and ex-military personal. They also go through constant background checks and regular Internal Inspecters ensure that if there is any corruption it is found quickly and removed just as quickly".

Police Update

In a unexpected turn of events a large number of Generation-Police officers and units have come under heavy fire by criminal gangs who are carrying upto heavy military weapons and have inflicted heavy fatalities on the Generation-Police with at least 13 officers killed and another 40 wounded. A number of modified gun trucks have hit the streets throughout the Imperium and the Generation-Police are calling in military support to deal with them. Further updates coming soon.

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"The Generation-Police are recruited from the most loyal of citizens and ex-military personal. They also go through constant background checks and regular Internal Inspecters ensure that if there is any corruption it is found quickly and removed just as quickly".

Police Update

In a unexpected turn of events a large number of Generation-Police officers and units have come under heavy fire by criminal gangs who are carrying upto heavy military weapons and have inflicted heavy fatalities on the Generation-Police with at least 13 officers killed and another 40 wounded. A number of modified gun trucks have hit the streets throughout the Imperium and the Generation-Police are calling in military support to deal with them. Further updates coming soon.

OOC: I'm guessing this is largely fallout from the Night of the Black Knives?

IC: Well, your security measures sound as tight as it is possible to be. Continue on with the good work.

OOC: Also, sounds like the US Secret Service, the way you describe them.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: I'm guessing this is largely fallout from the Night of the Black Knives?

IC: Well, your security measures sound as tight as it is possible to be. Continue on with the good work.

OOC: Also, sounds like the US Secret Service, the way you describe them.

OOC: I wouldn't say fallout more as uncovered evidance as the last government was very corrupt and pretty much allowed the criminals free reign as long as they kept it low key.

As for the Generation-Police they are more of a military police than the secret service.

IC: Due to the recnet Gun-Trucks that have appeared in a number of placs and the fact that the military has stated that "due to individual court laws" they can't intervene the Generation-Police has allowed their compliment of Rhino Assault cars out of their Headquarters earlier than planned. These vehicles will be used to engage the criminal Gun-Trucks and other vehicles. It is expected that they will achieve great success.


One of the many Rhino Assualt Cars

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC: I wouldn't say fallout more as uncovered evidance as the last government was very corrupt and pretty much allowed the criminals free reign as long as they kept it low key.

As for the Generation-Police they are more of a military police than the secret service.

OOC: Still, you used many of those criminals in your takeover... :P

Well, the security and recruitment measures are still similar. That's what I was referring to, not their actual jobs... ;)

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OOC: Still, you used many of those criminals in your takeover... :P

Well, the security and recruitment measures are still similar. That's what I was referring to, not their actual jobs... ;)

OOC: Ah i see check above for the new vehicle they are using bet the Secret Service would like a few of those.

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Bohovia is a strong believer in diplomacy, though we commend your nation on this, we recommend you hear what your citizens have to say and apply what they say, to the new G-Police Force, this way the situation does not turn into a protest, then a violdent protest and perhaps anarchy, you would be surprised how much less crime there would be when your citzens are happy, then when the are angry and protesting against the governemnt.

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Bohovia is a strong believer in diplomacy, though we commend your nation on this, we recommend you hear what your citizens have to say and apply what they say, to the new G-Police Force, this way the situation does not turn into a protest, then a violdent protest and perhaps anarchy, you would be surprised how much less crime there would be when your citzens are happy, then when the are angry and protesting against the governemnt.

Diplomacy is over rated, takes too much time to achieve and never appeases everyone. The Empress rules this nation and that is final if the citizens don't like it then they can easily leave however, they don't because we still give a great health service to them and we provide a good standard of living. Also it is believed most of these criminals are actually foreign and that they may be buying out our youth so we must come down hard on them.

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The wave of crime is increasing with two full districts in Gracemeria rising up against the G-Police units and have since managed to close down both districts which has badly affetced Gracemeria's industry as they are both warehouse districts where a large number of goods have been stored. It seems the crime problem was vastly underestimated and it is believed the criminals have been provided with outside assistance. At this time it is not known who may have provided them with assistance and investigators are still looking into it. At this current stage a number of G-Police units through out the city are being called to the warehouse districts where they will assemble, plan and eventually seize control of the area. To assist them the engineers for the G-Police are trying to finish up on the maintenance for the Havoc Gunships that will support them.


An image of how two of the Havoc Gunships will function on patrol.

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