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CK seeking to upgrade the Self Defense Army


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SAPI plates?

The company in charge of filling your order was notified of your request for SAPI plates. They don't currently carry the ceramic designs used by other countries. We do have regular steel plates avaliable and have a load bearing vest capable of using them. The chief designer assures our offices, the United Military Command of Boomtown, they have a simple one size fits all vest for use off the shelf.


We can provide the above plates for immediate use.

The vest that they are recommending uses a modular system of pouches that allows the user to configure the vest to their own needs. This allows you to attach a variety of different weapons, equipment, and radios.

The final product will look something like this:


Ceramic plates are avaliable, but they have to be ordered from a supplier out of country.

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The company in charge of filling your order was notified of your request for SAPI plates. They don't currently carry the ceramic designs used by other countries. We do have regular steel plates avaliable and have a load bearing vest capable of using them. The chief designer assures our offices, the United Military Command of Boomtown, they have a simple one size fits all vest for use off the shelf.


We can provide the above plates for immediate use.

The vest that they are recommending uses a modular system of pouches that allows the user to configure the vest to their own needs. This allows you to attach a variety of different weapons, equipment, and radios.

The final product will look something like this:


Ceramic plates are avaliable, but they have to be ordered from a supplier out of country.

Okay. You can ditch the LBE until further notice. I'll have the boys strap their IFACs and ammo pouches to their IBAS. No need for the LBE until we become mounted.

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Back when we actively used the M-14 we found the Bandolier to be a very useful item for our soldiers. We have a model avaliable to us, in storage, that carries 10 fully loaded 20 round 7.62 clips. They worked quite nicely for our soldiers when on long range patrol due to their lightness and ease of use.

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We've recently cleared space equiped for x4 aircrafts: x2 Chinook helicopter LZs and a landing strip to accomidate a C130 w/ hanger outside Thimphu at 27 32.00 N. 89 43.00 E. Your use of CK air space has been accepted. Please follow requirements below and consider our advisories. Upon departure from Boom Town. Call (4 452 4567 5691 code: 894) with your unit composition: Type and quantity of aircrafts, number of personnel, and ETA.

Airspace requirements and flight advisory:

Check in to tower within 5 km of given lat/long with unit call sign and password: Ti-Lung

Tower Frequency: PT 341790 Ch:1

Tower call sign: White Tiger

Destination lat/long: 27 32.00 N. 89 43.00 E

Intell brief: Intelligence reports a possible rebel attack with unknown capabilities. Possible confiscation/sabatoge of military supplies likely. All military units are advised to proceed with extreme caution. All units have been required to follow appropriate EOF/ROE procedures before engaging enemy combatants.

Enemy threat level: Imminent

Suggested time of arrival, wheels on ground: 0245

Estimated time wheels up: 0345

Armed escort: Recommended

Status on ground: CK Self-Defense Force has dispatched two platoon size (64) elements to patrol within a 2,000 meter radius around the landing site to counter RPG, stinger, indirect fire, and SAF actions against CK/BT forces.

Edited by Lyzah
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We will move your weapons in three stages. First stage will be to fly them in three C-130 Aircraft to a staging base in the Chollan Empire. We will then relay the planes in and out of the designated landing zone one at a time.

You will find on the planes several additional items of classified nature. We think you might find these items useful. j

Classified to Chong Khang:

Shipment also to include the following:

20 M2 .50 Caliber Machine Guns

8 81 mm Mortars

30 Carl Gustav 88mm Recoiless Rifles

Ammunition, medical supplies, field rations, and several portable radio sets.

Consider the entire shipment a gift of The Government of Boomtown.

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