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Burning Glory


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Oh why hello there.

You asked for a 1v1 war, let's tango.

inb4TPF all counter attack me.

(intended for a OWF type of environment not a AP one)

I switched to MI just for you <3

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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what? is this a joke? seriously, not even worth posting on the OWF. please keep your private matters in IGM's.

Please keep my private matters?

I just attacked him ingame and then offered him peace no worries just a little tech raid <3

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so does this really need to be posted here? shall I make a post for every single one of my own tech raids? seriously.

You completely don't read these forums enough if you don't understand why this post was needed.

Edit: omg I suck

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LOL...yep a surprise attack thats it!

way to be a man and while i was waring with another nation on top of that...

you showed you manly hood there....my daul was one on one fair fight

not lets surprise attack BG while he just attacked another nation and had his pants down

This ain't over though.....i have't even attacked yet!

But i saw your 40 planes are now down to 8...hows that feel :P

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LOL...yep a surprise attack thats it!

way to be a man and while i was waring with another nation on top of that...

you showed you manly hood there....my daul was one on one fair fight

not lets surprise attack BG while he just attacked another nation and had his pants down

This ain't over though.....i have't even attacked yet!

But i saw your 40 planes are now down to 8...hows that feel :P

A) War is not arranged, it just happens.

B) I attacked you BEFORE you hit someone else, check the DoW times.

C) I noticed.

D) Good actually since I somehow destroyed infrastructure when kamikazing into level 6 and 7 aircraft with my level 4 ones. Do you think i expected to win the air war or the war at all? lol

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so you to love birds may have a history... get a room! Don't try and parade around the OWF trying to invoke praise to help your ego.

Because its more entertaining than most things that happen here? Plus we never actually finished our conversation from the last thread and this is my reply to him in that thread :)

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A duel is.

I never claimed this was a duel did I? I said a 1v1 war* (lol I thought I said fight).

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Why don't you shutup and go away? If you don't like it don't watch.

you are pathetic, is all you ever do is shout "STFU, don't read it if you don't like it?"

people are entitled to their opinion, and I have already stated mine. good day, Sir!

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So it's a war now? Or is it a tech raid? Make up your mind.

Tech raid was a joke, we have had disputes over the tech raiding etiquette of TE in the past.

It is what it is, and it will be a fun war if he allows it to stay that way, and that's that :D

We also get the fun of arguing on the forums.

Actually, it is a dance :o

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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BG can't fight me on his own needs allies :/

Good job clarifying this for me, even though you had a huge advantage still needed to call in some backup.

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I never claimed this was a duel did I? I said a 1v1 war* (lol I thought I said fight).
Tech raid was a joke, we have had disputes over the tech raiding etiquette of TE in the past.

It is what it is, and it will be a fun war if he allows it to stay that way, and that's that :D

We also get the fun of arguing on the forums.

Actually, it is a dance :o

BG can't fight me on his own needs allies :/

Good job clarifying this for me, even though you had a huge advantage still needed to call in some backup.

Its your mistake you put Tech raid in your Dow message, LOL! well you know we defend heavily so if you got hit um..... your fault!

And a huge advantage..WHAT? you had like 860 infra or more, you had 40 + planes to my 30, you did a surprise quad attack and while i was deploying troops at that

so i only had less than 1200 troops and 0 tanks on hand to your 4000+ troops and 400 tanks. plus you had 4 GC's But yeah i had the advantage!! RIGHT!!

Your right you said war....After you many times said in the fourms that you were to scared to fight, and the same in the pms you sent me.

I was the man about it, challenging you to a dual, you were the coward sneak attacking me with my pants down.

But as a man i let you be and didn't attack.....Coward that you are the best way to fight someone with 150 less infra and 400 less tanks, and almost 3000 less soldiers


AS far as your planes...they all got shot down the ones that did do damage were only because mine was gone on a mission

Please though...send them back or don't I'll eat them tomorrow night either way :P

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob Date: 1/23/2009 12:00:49 AM

Subject: Aircraft Dog Fight Report

Message: A fighter aircraft dog fight has just occurred against your nation by The Bob. In the attack you lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 1 fighter aircraft launched by The Bob. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob Date: 1/23/2009 12:00:35 AM

Subject: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

Message: A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by The Bob. In the attack you lost 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 0.00 infrastructure. You destroyed 4 attacking bombers. You lost 1 fighter aircraft and destroyed 9 fighter aircraft launched by The Bob. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob Date: 1/22/2009 11:54:28 PM

Subject: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

Message: A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by The Bob. In the attack you lost 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 0.00 infrastructure. You destroyed 0 attacking bombers. You lost 2 fighter aircraft and destroyed 6 fighter aircraft launched by The Bob. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob Date: 1/22/2009 11:54:44 PM

Subject: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

Message: A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by The Bob. In the attack you lost 14 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 20.31 infrastructure. You destroyed 0 attacking bombers. You lost 1 fighter aircraft and destroyed 1 fighter aircraft launched by The Bob. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

You need to learn how to war your not very good at it,lol!

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob Date: 1/22/2009 11:55:28 PM

Subject: Battle Report

Message: You have been attacked by The Bob. You lost 1,116 soldiers and 32 tanks. You killed 1,709 soldiers and 378 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $958.10 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob Date: 1/22/2009 11:55:36 PM

Subject: Battle Report

Message: You have been attacked by The Bob. You lost 1,150 soldiers and 111 tanks. You killed 329 soldiers and 36 tanks. Their forces razed 54.907 miles of your land, stole 2.031 technology, and destroyed 20.313 infrastructure. Their forces looted $730.48 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Notice the time on these...the first one I had declared on the raider and was buying troops....You loose B)

The second one, I was deployed to attack him when my troops suddenly disappeared to keep me from anarchy as i only had less than 1200 at home.

But hey you saved him from an attack and between the 2 of you with quad attacks, CM's, and AF runs equaling 24 attacks on my nation, i only dropped less than 200 infra.

What did i get off of you with just 2 Cm's, 2 GA's, and 2 AF runs.... like 110 by my self lol!

But on the bright side, you have 200 infra more than me. But not for long! HE HE

Also I'm not arguing with you...I'm simply going to destroy your nation and there is nothing you can do about it.....You raided :D

Here is you admittance after my attacks;

To: Burning Glory From: The Bob

Subject: Oh sorry

Message: I didn't mean to declare war on you so peace and we call it even? That's the rules of raiding right?

OH snap! :lol:

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if there was a place for the best quotes of this game... this could be added :P

LOL....Ironic how the coward that sneak attacks and then realize he bit off more than he could chew beggs for peace.

But i'm a kind bully, and after all is said and done he will claim thats what i am....I'll let him have peace at oh lets say 250 infra ^_^


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LOL....Ironic how the coward that sneak attacks and then realize he bit off more than he could chew beggs for peace.

But i'm a kind bully, and after all is said and done he will claim thats what i am....I'll let him have peace at oh lets say 250 infra ^_^


It's called a joke buddy, you should learn what those are.

And I won against a 1000 land advantage, 200 tech advatange 3/4 of my battles. I don't think that's failing by any small margin. If you can get this through your head, I sent in 20 lvl 4 fighters against your lvl 6 and lvl 7 fighters which were 20-24 in strength. I wonder whose going to win?

I didn't expect to win, I expected you to be a coward and hide behind your alliance as you have done by having three other people declare on me. Oh yeah guess what? I'm still not in anarchy, despite all four of you attacking me.

You call me a coward for fighting someone with 100 less infra? You had 350 tech, I had 150. You had 1700 land, I had 700. I wonder who has the advantage in every single engagement? Hmm, that would be you! I believe that I only had 832 to your 792, but as I don't check my nation a lot you could be right about up to a 100, but there is no way I had more than 872.

I didn't realize I had bitten off more than I could chew, it was what you call a joke? My god, I made a topic on the OWF regarding it but yet I actualy want peace? Please, use any sense of reasoning that you have. I figured you would not be a coward and call your allies in when you have a clear advantage over me in everything but infra. If this had been a war that had lasted for 7 days, you would have destroyed me even without your allies. It's pathetic and dishonorable what you are attempting to label me as, and you still think that I seriously offered peace. Honestly, if you have accepted, I would have just redeclared that night and attacked you again.

The second one, I was deployed to attack him when my troops suddenly disappeared to keep me from anarchy as i only had less than 1200 at home.

But hey you saved him from an attack and between the 2 of you with quad attacks, CM's, and AF runs equaling 24 attacks on my nation, i only dropped less than 200 infra.

What did i get off of you with just 2 Cm's, 2 GA's, and 2 AF runs.... like 110 by my self lol!

But on the bright side, you have 200 infra more than me. But not for long! HE HE

How many AF did you have at lvl 6 and 7? Oh right, you had 20 something. How many did I have? that many at level 4. I wonder who is going to win an aerial combat.

Actually no, the first set of attacks I only hit you with 2 GCs. The next two, which you conveniently left out, I destroyed you and won both.

Its your mistake you put Tech raid in your Dow message, LOL! well you know we defend heavily so if you got hit um..... your fault!

And a huge advantage..WHAT? you had like 860 infra or more, you had 40 + planes to my 30, you did a surprise quad attack and while i was deploying troops at that

so i only had less than 1200 troops and 0 tanks on hand to your 4000+ troops and 400 tanks. plus you had 4 GC's But yeah i had the advantage!! RIGHT!!

My DoW message was "Let's dance." That's not a tech raid.

I had 34 planes, all lvl 4 (I actually had some lvl 3 as well but eh whatever) and you had lvl 6 and 7 30. I wonder who is going to win...*eyeroll*

I had 2 GCs at update, not 4. You had the advantage as you were 7000 NS to my 4700 NS, but let's ignore that fact shall we and attempt to pretend that I had a huge advantage *eyeroll*

In regards to planes, I could be wrong, I'm not entirely sure how many planes I had lol, because I just bought a few before attacking you, but I know I went in with a huge disadvantage in AF strength.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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