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Account Deleted


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I have no problem posting in the proper forums if my posts actually appear, but alas, my posts were either not approved or something.

I was on a 10 day vacation and I got back yesterday. It looks as if my account was deleted during the server cleanup between the 5th and the 6th. I do not know why it was deleted. It should not have been for not collecting as I was not that inactive, I received no warnings, bans, emails, etc..

I would appreciate any assistance I can get with getting my account put back in place

ruler = Kulmak

nation = Ablutophobia



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I have no record of any staff action taken against your account. If a nation does not collect taxes for twenty days, it will be flagged for inactivity and deleted. If you did not collect taxes before you left, there is a fairly good chance your nation would be no more.

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I have no record of any staff action taken against your account. If a nation does not collect taxes for twenty days, it will be flagged for inactivity and deleted. If you did not collect taxes before you left, there is a fairly good chance your nation would be no more.

When I left, the nation had not collected for only 5 days. 5 Days plus 10 days is only 15 days, not 20. I made sure I had enough time to beat the 20 day deletion period.

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Any news? I certainly hope this is not simply being ignored as I have been a long time player and donater to the game. My account was between 1 1/2 and 2 years old. With plenty of months during that time having donations.

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I suggest you read this post here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=5465

You have actually posted twice in a forum that requires a mod to approve your topic before it is visible by members. Its important members read the pinned threads in the moderation forum because failure to do so will result in you unwittingly breaking the rules and potentially receiving warns. You are requested to go and read the pinned threads so you know the score. Posting in this forum is not appropriate. Wait for your existing topics to be dealt with, or post them in the game abuse forum which is where it belongs.

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