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Looking for an alliance that I can count on.


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You could try out Defense Confederation, DefCon for short. We're smaller, care for our members, and are always looking for an active addition to the alliance. All we ask is that you pass our academy(which helps you learn the ropes) and then once you pass you receive a generous sum of cash.

Check us out at www.defcon.ipbfree.com

With regards,


Trium of Foreign Affairs

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The Global Order is deffinetly reliable. We offer 1M to start out your nation, nation building guides, and tips on war and tech dealing.

many government spots open, 6 members strong!

check us out and let me know what you think:


Edited by Jason Salovsky
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I urge you to check out The Shadow Confederacy. We are still fairly young but are growing rapidly due to our dedication to the development of our nations (especially the younger ones). We offer a start-up aid, plus a lot of opportunities to get a lot of money through games and such on our forums. Message me if you want more info, or visit our site.




Grand Moff of Immigration

The Shadow Confederacy

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Good day to you!

You might check out our alliance, the Central Association for Tactical Security (CATS)!

We are a small alliance of 7 nations (hopefully 8, if you know what I mean ;)) and if you join us, we will offer you the aid to get you up.

I myself had need for help short time ago and now I'm in surplus again and I was able to restore my defense line and compensate the losses of infra, tech and else.

Check out our board!

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Check out MFO if you wish. mrfixitonline.com/cybernations We're a black team alliance involved mostly in black sphere politics. 20 members, 30k aveNS.

We won't give you straight up cash just for joining, but we'll help you out, give you a constant flow of tech deals, and of course a great community. Then maybe if we like you enough we'll randomly hand you some cash. haha

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Join The British Empire.

We are a small but growing alliance which can offer aid and othe sorts of help.

I can give you $1 million plus more if you need it and if I feel in the spirit of the Christmas season. Plus there is an oppurtunity to receive $3million every 10 days or so.

The British Empire Forum

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Join Soldier,

Our Alliance is awesome,

Also we write funny stuff on our forums,

But not all has been said,

We are a great community,

Democracy Rule,

Plenty of Tech Deals,

Meaning more money,

Meaning good powerful nation,

So join Soldier now and be greeted with money.

Just change your AA to 'Soldier'

And register at the forums below:


and post an application in the Enlistment Office.

Thank you for reading.

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Looking for an alliance that I can count on. I need aid terribly right now and I was kind of hoping for a small alliance. If your not in one and intrested in helping me build one pm me whenever want! :awesome:

Would love to create or join an Alliance!

my alliance doesn't give aid. but we would love members to join, so we can teach them skills of CN. so far, i'm the only member, so if you have any experience with forums, give us a go and there'll be a government post in it for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I'm looking for new recruits if you haven't joined anyone else already. The Grand Republic. I am working on getting some money for the alliance so I should be able to help you out a bit. We are brand new too, look for The Grand Republic in these forums for more details, and the first 29 who join will be in our council. They will run the alliance, and deal with matters.

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Hi Arrow:

The following link is to Montevalia's recruitment thread.We are a small,new aqua alliance.We can't do much on the aid part yet, but we are an alliance centered around our citizens.And helping in any way we can at the time.We are an alliance that sticks together,and you will always be able to count on us.We are not just a community on CN,we are a CN Family.

We have just hit 5 citizens and are growing.And we invite you to come join us,and see the Montevalian difference!


Our forums link is also availabe int he posted link.

If you have any questions,feel free to pm me!

Have a nice afternoon...


Edited by Cinzia
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