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The Union of Communist Republics


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The Union of Communist Republics is an alliance built apon the principals of communism in it's various forms and the peaceful spread of communism and socialism throughout all of cybernations, freedom from oppression by those alliances and nations whom only seek to exploit their members and exert oppression, and, destruction of those rogue nations whom would otherwise disturb peace or undermine the sovereignity of said nations.

Those whom join The Union of Communist Republics shall exercise character, integrity and diplomacy in times of great duress while giving aid to fellow communist nations and alliances.

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The Union of Communist Republics

Article I, Introduction

Below, is the foundation apon which the Union of Communist Republics is built and the core beliefs of our glorious communist alliance

Article II

Section I, Joining

To join our alliance, one must submit a post in our forum including the following:

Nation Name:

Ruler Name:

Nation Link:

Nation Strength:

Nation Color:


Section II, Small Questionaire

Are you currently at war? If so, with whom and why?:

Please elaborate on your political ideology (I.E. Leninist , Democratic Socialism, ect ect):

What government position would you prefer if a promotion was offered:

How did you hear about us?:

Article III, amendments

1: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics do not have the right to tech raid, or viciously assault a nation without probable cause. Such actions can result in immeadiate termination and military reprocussions to the offending nation.

2: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics may employ what ever team color they wish with the exception of the color red, as per the New Pacific Order's "Moldavi Doctrine".

3: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have the right of appeal should they be tried and convicted by the Supreme Soviet by uninterested members of another alliance should they not be convicted by at least 75% of the Supreme court.

4: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have the right to defend individual trade partners should they fall under attack my a rogue nation, or to give financial assistance if they cannot perform military attacks unless such aid poses a significant threat to the alliance as a whole.

5: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics or their leaders are not to be discriminated against regaurdless of age, sex, physical or emotional disability, height, weight, sexual orientation or race.

6: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have the duty to uphold the values of communism and it's struggle against those whom would cause it harm.

7: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have the right to govern their nations however they please, with direct alliance rule over only the following;

1: That they remain communist or a revolutionary government.

2: That they must come to the aid of a fellow nation under attack

3: That said governed nations uphold the core values and aspects of communism or socialism.

8: Member nations have the right to advance their ranks within the Union of Communist Republics based on the following;

1: Participation or the lack therof

2: Political prowess

3: Military prowess

4: Knowlege of the values of communism.

5: Seniority

9: Member nations have the right to resign after a notice of resignation is given to the CPUCR 1 day before actually departing from the alliance. In which case, the said nation must remove their Union of Communist Republics alliance tags within 24 hours, or equivalent to server update to protect the alliance and it's members. Failure to do so may result in military reprocussions.

10: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have the right to protest the CPUCR if said protest conforms to forum rules (see General Chatterbox) and does not contain derogatory or otherwise offencive or violence orientated material.

11: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have the right to aid other non-alligned communist nations whom are victim of an unprovoked attack either financially or militarily unless such aid poses a significant threat to the alliance as a whole and after exausting all reasonable avenues of diplomacy.

12: Member nations of the Union of Communist Republics have a right to a fair trial.

Article IV

Section I, Government

Below, is a list of the duties of each individual position within the Union of Communist Republics. Each member is required to perform his or her assigned tasks as outlined. Failure to do so will lead to the following;

Infraction 1: Warning

Infraction 2: 3 day suspension from position

Infraction 3: Permenant suspension from position with further actions left to Supreme Soviet's discretion.

Section II, requirements and assignments

Party Chairman CPUCR;

1: Watch over alliance while premier is gone

2: See to it that premier's request's are handled quickly and effeciemtly

3: Decide wether legistlation of measure should be taken to vote or not

4: Initiation of votes concerning the government

CPUCR Members;

1: See to it that the chairman's requests are handled quickly and effeciently

2: Remaining active

3: Voting on legistlation approved by the party chairman.

Supreme Soviet Members;

1: Enforce the rules and regulations of both the constitution and the forum.

2: Decide on punitive actions for members or foreign nations that break our laws and ideals or attack our alliance

3: Vote on the removal or addition of constitutional amendments.

4: Grant or deny appeals for offending nations by vote.

5: Jury duty.

Supreme Commander of Defence;

1: Train new nations on combat techniques.

2: Assign nations that can effeciently and quickly destroy hostile forces during war

3: Work with Soviet Interior Minister of Finance on war surplus

4: Remain Active

Soviet Interior Minister of Finance;

1: Ensure the economic stability and growth of the Union of Communist Republics

2: Work with Supreme Commander of Defence on war spending and budgeting

3: Grant or deny tech deals.

4: Grant or deny foreign aid requests.

Soviet Diplomat of Foreign Affairs;

1: Open negotiations with friendly communist and socialist alliances

2: Display character and integrity regaurdless of situation.

3: Work to meet halfway with other alliances requests and requirements

4: Represent the Union of Communist Republics in a friendly and hospitable way.

5: Remain active in case of emergency.

Political Commissars;

1: Recruit

2: Obey the orders given to you by the above chain of command

3: Remain loyal to both the party and your communist ideals

4: Make sure members are up to date on all internal alliance happenings

5: Make sure that all members of the alliance are happy, and take any complaints or suggestions given personally to you.


1: Obey the premier, CPUCR, Supreme Soviet, and minister of defence

2: Participate

3: have fun

Article IV Section I, Conclusion

These founding principles shall pave the road to becomming a glorious communist utopia, and a home for all communist nations.

Edited by RA2Leader
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The alliance look appealing, but if it wasn't for Article IV that makes it sounds like I am a citizen instead of a Nation, I think I might reconsider if you enlighten me a bit.

Edited by Solo Wing
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