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what treaty?


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TL;DR my name is WAPA an i'm mad because i'm losing my pixels


Bah! I shall throw rocks from my smoking crater with a smile.


ps I was doing just fine, winning even, until warlordz and ubercon jumped me...nicely played.

/em hats off.



TL;DR dont generalize an entire alliance by the actions of a few. TE is good war training period.

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WAPA declared on Idiot, which is treatied with Murder Inc, so Murder inc is at war with WAPA, even though they arent attacking each other. With Murder INC being at war with WAPA that puts Warlordz and Ubercon at war with WAPA and we chose to attack them end of story.

-Bill Nye

no if murder declared war on us then you had an arguement. even though they should of honoured the fact we were madp through the prometheus project. so murder inc should of stayed nuertral. even TPA was madp with murder. murder decided to violate all of its treaty obligations for only one. treaty. they can't claim they at contractual right to go to war.

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no if murder declared war on us then you had an arguement. even though they should of honoured the fact we were madp through the prometheus project. so murder inc should of stayed nuertral. even TPA was madp with murder. murder decided to violate all of its treaty obligations for only one. treaty. they can't claim they at contractual right to go to war.

They didn't attack you or TPA so how did they violate anything? WTF are you going on about?

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whole point of this discussion. an attack on idiot does not equal an attack on murder inc let alone its allies ubercon and warlordz. murder inc didn't declare war on us but you did. you did it because you wanted it not for a treaty.

Go check IDIOTs and Murder Incs treaty. It is a blood pact. As stated in the one line of the treaty and attack on 1 is an attack on both.

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It's all for fun, stop this legalizing of it, seriously you will ruin TE.

No, seriously, me stating I think a war is bad will not ruin TE. What will ruin TE is everyone going around saying "don't react like that, it's just TE lol." Trust me, we're aware it's TE. There's no need to remind us. People are free to take this as seriously as they want. Stop telling people how to play the game. THAT will kill TE if it continues.

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No, seriously, me stating I think a war is bad will not ruin TE. What will ruin TE is everyone going around saying "don't react like that, it's just TE lol." Trust me, we're aware it's TE. There's no need to remind us. People are free to take this as seriously as they want. Stop telling people how to play the game. THAT will kill TE if it continues.

TE is about fun and fighting, $%&@ in this war noone has attacked me i've anarchied 6 nations (1 haven't anarchied but destroyed his infra) yet noone will attack me, i welcome attacks, it's just for fun.

why do people have to get so bent out of shape over it...

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Bla bla bla...lets just have a global war and nuke everyone...and watch my enviroment from now being 1 star, to 0 stars <_< then send in soldiers with big guns :jihad: :jihad: supported by ninjas :ph34r::ph34r: and terrorests :wacko::wacko: Then when the dust clears....Planet bob will be one big crater.....with every annoying ignorant human dead. Be a good movie :popcorn:

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not to mention this is TE, we don't need treaties, for the lulz is a valid reason, if people choose to have treaties to guarantee someone helps them fight thats cool, but because your mother is fat is a valid reason. Please don't turn this into SE.

I'm confused. I thought these were valid reasons in SE. ;)

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You know, the funny thing is, I thought to myself, "Self, going it alone just gets me tech raided by a buncha people. So, let's just join an alliance, where we can sit back and grow a bit without being attacked." Wandering aimlessly, I came across Murder, Inc., and thought to myself, "Self, these guys sound pretty clever."

So, I joined, got bushwacked immediately, and have been fighting 4 or more nations ever since, lol. Someday, self and I are gonna meet and I am seriously gonna kick his ---.

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