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Seeking an Alliance

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I am a new member of this comunity, I am seeking an alliance, that is willing to put the time into it's members as it wants out of them. I would perfer to join a smaller alliance of 15-50 members, preferably red. I will join another alliance, but will not change from red. I have 5 questions for those who wish to recruit me.

1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

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I am a new member of this comunity, I am seeking an alliance, that is willing to put the time into it's members as it wants out of them. I would perfer to join a smaller alliance of 15-50 members, preferably red. I will join another alliance, but will not change from red. I have 5 questions for those who wish to recruit me.

1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

Hey there. My name is rattlehead. I am a proud member of the Perennis Imperium.

We are an aqua alliance. But I think yiu will love it here.

I recommend you check us out.

forums at: http://s10.invisionfree.com/Perennis

I hope to see you there!

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Our alliance isn't actively recruiting now, but your questions intrigued me so I decided to answer.

1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

My alliance is Athens. We are aqua. Requests not to switch would be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on your reasons.

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

We are normally peaceful and nonagressive, but we hold nothing back when our friends are threatened, no matter the cost.

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

Our closest allies are the Mushroom Kingdom and the Complaints & Grievances MADP bloc. We all just went to war for each other - against 5:1 odds. The relationship we have is fantastic. We will never let them down and we know they will never let us down.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

Our forum is active throughout the day. We have about 35 registered users check the forum each day.

Our IRC, #athens on coldfront, is very active for our size. The channel swings from about 15 users in the morning to 35-40 in the evening. We top out at around 12 alliance members on IRC at the same time, usually, and usually in the evening to night, EST.

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

I am the sovereign ruler of Athens. I am very open to ideas and input.

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1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

Sure,we are a multi colored alliance (for the most part)

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

we are largely neutral,we have been around 3 months now,and no wars,more just a friendly community

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

We have allies in SPA,UDCS,a and UCN, we have a friendly,brother like relationship with all three alliances

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

our forums are somewhat active,it really depends on whats happening.I am the main one online though.

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

The USA has three current govt members,we are very open to new ideas,and I am the current President,you can talk to me anytime by messaging me ^_^

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1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?


2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

We try to remain neutral in most wars, and if attacked, we prefere to use discussion over war.

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for each other, describe the relationship you have with them.

Pandemonium, Crimson Brigade, and Element, now The Dark Evolution.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

Forum: We're kind of small, but it's pretty active... IRC: Just tell anybody that you'll be there and someone will meet you.

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

Jack Whinterstein; Very easilly. Jus PM in game or on the forum and someone will get back to you, but since I'm the most active, you would have better luck PMing me.

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Hiya, Soldier!

We'll always welcome new folks with open arms, even if we don't actively recruit (for the most part).

I just happened to be passing through, and your questions caught my eye. I'm a sucker for a questionnaire, so... ;)

I am currently one of the three elected Triumvirs of UberCon, and here's a little tidbit on us based on your questions.

1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

UC considers itself a Black Team alliance--however, switching to black is not mandatory, only recommended for trade purposes. We have a handful of others who were already established on other spheres before coming to us, and that's just fine.

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

Before my arrival late last year, it's my understanding that UC did involve itself in some aspects of warfare. However, it had a very loose government. During that time, UC came to know Ragnarok rather well. :) However, working out some kinks and forming the more structured government we currently sport, we've valued our resulting friendship with RoK, while still working hard to maintain a neutral stance even in the midst of raging, chaotic warfare. We don't consider ourselves aggressive at all, and prefer diplomacy over warfare.

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

I pester lots of folks these days... ;) We have, I think, warm and fuzzy relations with RoK and Apocalypse, and I've enjoyed diplomatting with folks at FLY, UBD, TDE, OBR, TLC, and more. Oh, and our poor diplomat from NPO probably dreads the spam in his embassy on our forums when we get on a coffee kick. ;) We can be professional, business-like folks when necessary, but yes, we do like our silliness, too, and tend to treat our diplomats just as much like family as we treat our members.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

There are a few of us who are very active on our forum, but we do get a decent amount of traffic from the quiet ones, too. For the most part, we're nocturnal creatures, so you'll see the most replies filter in right about evening time. IRC is not as active, admittedly, because most of our folks already connect with each other through our MUD, Avatar. A few UCers park in our IRC channel pretty frequently, it's just a matter of catching them away from Avatar. :D

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

At the moment, I'm one of them. ;) Trinit and Alrin make up the rest of the Triumvirate. Our Minister of Foreign Affairs would be Nadreck. They always respond to PM's in game, and can occasionally be spotted in IRC. At the very least, if they're pressed for time, they'll forward any issues on over to me. As for myself, I'm always available--don't get outside my border walls, much. :D I'm available via PM, can log into IRC, I always check in on our forums, and can even be contacted by email--it's available through my profile on our forums. As for new ideas, we're always open to suggestions, and I frequently invite discussion and opinion sharing either through PM or on our forum, so that anyone can chime in if they like.

Anything else I can help you with?


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1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

We are a multi color alliance so yes you can stay red

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

Americas Army has never been in any major nor small words. we handle everything diplomatically first. We are not the kind of alliance that goes out killing other people. We love just about everyone. So as of right now AA has no enemies.

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

Well our closet ally is The Legion as we have them as our protectorate. We are also GREAT friends with IMD (Imperium of Mutual Defense) The relationship between our alliances are great. We love talking and helping each other out. Not only that but both AA and IMD are under the protection of The Legion.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

Our forums are semi active. we have people get on all throughout the day and post.... some stuff is quite humerous. our IRC channel is also very active. although most members of AA cant seem to be able to download IRC :/

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

Well I am the top Dog of Americas Army. I am the General. There are 3 Generals and we are all easy to get a hold of. and YES we LOVE NEW IDEAS! :D Any ideas are great

Thats it for the questions

But on a personal note. we treat our members with all the respect in the world. So Americas Army would suite you perfect.

Plus there are a few people that are actualy in the military :)

here is our forums:


I really hope you join us


Thank you for taking the time to read my post



quick edit

Were are an alliance of 29 members ;)

Edited by Joffrey17
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1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

We are a Predominantly White but we Accept nations From ALL COLORS!

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

We are a new and growing Alliance, were you AREN'T an number but a valued member who's opinion we respect.

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

The Order of Light (TOOL) is our closest ally, but the list of allies for Our alliance is HUGE.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

IRC is a must, if you are a member of The order of the Black Sails IRC is :wub:

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get a hold of them?

Our Captain's name is JonathanHXC, you can reach him Via in game PM, on or forums (See my signature)

even on IRC,

We also have a 5 member directors government which you can contact, i am one of those members so just PM me if you want,.

and we listen and complete ALL suggestions VIA member vote.

Edited by Sumion
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I would like to thank those of you who posted, I have spent some time considering the offers and have decided that I will apply with the New Pacific Order, Since my loyalty is first and for most to my color sphere, I will go with a red alliance, If things don't work out I will look into the alliances listed here as well as thouse who pm'd me the answers to my questions.

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1. What color is your alliance, can I stay red?

multicolour, and yes

2. What is your war history, are you an aggressive alliance, passive, how would you describe your alliance?

no war, we're new. and we're totally peaceful.

3. Who are your closest allies, have you or they went to war for eachother, describe the relation ship you have with them.

we don't really have any, but have some fairly good relationships with Jade Confederacy because our founder was an active member of JC for a while.

4. How active and when is your forum and IRC active?

forum-fairly IRC-don't have one

5. Who are your leaders how open to new idea's are they, how easily can I get ahold of them?

i am the leader. very open, but diehard republican, god-fearing, patriotic americans need not apply. and you can just pm me on CN, i'm on that more than i am on here.

so far there's only 1 member(me). and i'll give you all the help and time you need to grow. we're more focused on teaching and passing on experience than giving money.

and that is An Dair.

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