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A national broadcast

Similar to the last time, the Saborian ruler stood on a podium, once again the flag of Saboria behind him.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Friends and Comrades.

Our national anthem, composed by Theodor Bach, has been finished.

He put his right hand - clenched to a fist - onto his chest, approximately where the heart was. Then the Saborian anthem began playing, with subtitles. The text was not known to most people as of now, it was new, after all.

The anthem

[OOC] Replace 'Britannia' with 'Saboria' and you've pretty much got the anthem. :awesome: [/OOC]

Once the anthem was finished, he waited a few seconds, then resumed speaking.

Glory to Saboria.

But this is not all that I have to say, my friends.

The first of our nuclear reactors will be finished within the next weeks and will soon afterwards go online, supplying the nation with energy. The second reactor has already been begun, but this one is slightly different - it will be capable of creating the material for nuclear weapons. I emphasise that, once we have built nuclear weapons, they will only be used for retaliation, that means if we are attacked first with nukes, we strike back. They will thus solely be used for defensive purposes.

That is all for today.

He walked to the right, out of the camera's field of sight. Then the regular programme resumed.

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Space Program announced!

A report by the SNN

Yesterday, the Governmental Council announced that soon, a space program will be launched, which includes the construction of a space port, a facility where both rockets and spaceshuttles can be built and launched into space.

The Emperor has said, "Space is something interesting. For ages, it has inspired and fascinated people. This spaceport is our contribution for the exploration and better understanding of the universe around us."

When he was asked if a manned mission to the moon would be undertaken, he answered, "Nothing is sure as of now. We will launch manned spaceshuttles, yes. But getting a man to the moon and back is something entirely different, although I for one do hope that we will achieve this goal within the next two or so decades."

According to a Councilman's statement, construction of the spaceport will begin within the next two weeks. People in the entire country are eager to see it finished and hundreds of volunteers are travelling to where the spaceport will be built.

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Canary Islands bought.

A report by the SNN

Recently, the Canary Islands have been bought from the african warlord who owned them and the african mainland nearby, just north of 'The Republic'.

The exact reasons have not been named yet, but there are speculations about turning the islands into a tourist paradise. A scientist believes that one of the islands could even be turned into a spaceport, although that is unlikely, as no territory on mainland africa has been acquired.

Currently, a campaign is running to encourage citizens to move there once the native population has either been brought to the mainland or learned to live with our system.

Construction of a small military base for a garrison of approximately one to two hundred men with equipment will begin shortly, while additional civilian airports and harbors will be built once the islands are deemed ready for them.

Edited by Lynneth
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A report by the SNN

"Merely two hours ago, the first Saborians have entered space, their shuttle orbiting around earth as we speak.

A livestream of what they see from their shuttle will be activated within the next minute..."

The stream activated.


"Saboria is now one of the nations capable of visiting space."

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OOC: Man, I should post more often in here. But 4 days isn't really a gravedig, is it? lol.



A report by the SNN

Today, the Emperor has announced that the Ubersteinian philosophy has been fully implemented in the entire country. The final reform was the dissolution of the Governmental Council, which existed to make sure everything was done properly. While there were protests against some of the reforms, the majority of the populace has approved of the changes.

For more details about how the reforms changed our country, please visit our website at www.news-network-saboria.sb and go to 'Ubersteinian changes'.

(OOC: For details, ask our dear Uberstein. I didn't write everything down he has in his country, lol)


Shortly before the Governmental Council was abolished, plans to build a great research-complex which will include a number of particle accelerators - three in total - were made public. The center will be built in an unsettled part in the north of the country. The biggest of the particle accelerators, a Large Hadron Collider - dubbed 'Halo' - will have a total circumference of 36 kilometers or 22.36 miles.

A nationwide competition was announced to name the complex. You can submit your own suggestion and vote on www.sabresearch.sb. There already are several suggestions, the most popular of them 'Black Mesa', referring to a popular video game.

Following is a picture of where exactly the complex will be built.


OOC: You can make your own suggestions and you can vote. Just post here, lol.

*wants more posts and comments in this thread*

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A report by the SNN

News and opinions.

Construction on the research complex is underway, having been begun several weeks ago.

Currently, the first tunnel into which one of the particle acellerators will be built is being dug. Additionally, the main building is being constructed. Once it is completed, several super-computers as well as dozens of laboratories will be within it. The main functions of the research complex will be to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research. Numerous experiments will be constructed to make use of them. The main site also will receive a large computer centre containing very powerful data processing facilities primarily for experimental data analysis.

The particle accelerators will have the following functions:

# Two linear accelerators will generate low energy particles for injection into the Proton Synchrotron. One will have a power of 50 MeV and accelerate protons, while the other will have 4.2 MeV/u (atomic mass unit) and accelerate heavy ions.

# The Proton Synchrotron Booster will increase the energy of particles generated by the proton linear accelerator before they are transferred to the other accelerators.

# The Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) will accelerate the ions from the ion linear accelerator, before transferring them to the Proton Synchrotron (PS).

# The 28 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) will be operating as a feeder to the more powerful SPS.

# The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), a circular accelerator with a diameter of 2 kilometres will be designed to deliver an energy of 450 GeV. As well as having its own beamlines for fixed-target experiments, it will be operated as a proton-antiproton collider, and for accelerating high energy electrons and positrons which will be injected into the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP). Once the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) hass been finished, the LEP will also inject protons and heavy ions into the LHC.

# The On-Line Isotope Mass Separator (ISOLDE) will be used to study unstable nuclei. Particles are initially accelerated in the PS Booster before entering ISOLDE.

# The Antiproton Decelerator (AD) will reduces the velocity of antiprotons to about 10% the speed of light for research into antimatter.

# The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be the biggest of the accelerators, with a total of 36 kilometers diameter, 200 meters below the ground. The LHC will be used to test various predictions of high-energy physics, including the existence of the hypothesized Higgs boson, capable of accelerating particles to 99.99999991% of the speed of light.

((OOC: Cern/Accelerators <- Essentially all that stuff that I just described. ))

Additionally to the research complex, new power plants are being constructed to actually power the complex. Rumors are that the Emperor has sent an envoy to Naboo Technologies to discuss the construction of Fusion power plants.

Now, for some opinions:

Most of these opinions would be a short video of the person saying this - sometimes in the middle of the street, sometimes in a studio. Especially the physicists would usually be in a studio, the background being something that is related to physics, such as a supercomputer or the like. Of note would be that most of the comments are on the particle accelerators, as those were the focus of the media.

"I believe that this complex, especially the particle accelerators, will benefit not only our nation, but the entire world. I can't wait for them to finish it."

"Let me tell you one thing beforehand: Some will say that the LHC will be capable of creating black holes. I won't deny that. But they'll say it'll destroy the earth, and that is just idiocy. No black hole created by the LHC could exist for a long enough time to actually suck something in."

"Personally, I doubt very much that the LHC will make discoveries that will neatly fit into our present models for nature. I expect totally new discoveries and puzzles to come out of this instead."

"I've heard that this thing makes black holes or something. I don't think we should try to control that kind of energy. I mean, what happens if one doesn't break down and eats us all? That'd be bad."

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OOC: Geez, page 5. O.o

Gotta post more, seriously.



A report by the SNN

Today, the last piece of the biggest particle accelerator ever built, the Large Hadron Collider, has been finished.

While other parts of the research compley still are under construction and power plants have not been constructed as of now, the scientists already there celebrated because of this milestone. The rest will, according to schedule, be finished within the next two to three months.

Meanwhile, the rumors about power supplied by a Naboo Technologies-designed fusion power plant have been confirmed yesterday, although the price at which it or they will be built has not been made public.

Additionally, the internet-poll has been closed. The research facility will from now on be known as Black Mesa Research Facility, named after the facility in the famous game Half-Life. Copyright-issues have already been sorted out according to the director.


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Military buildup

A report by the SNN

Today, the Emperor has given the order to build 2,000 Leopard 2A7 tanks and to buy 1,000 tanks each from the Uberstein Empire and Prussia.

From the Uberstein Empire, Vessla urban tanks will be acquired, while Prussia will sell Tiger III tanks to the Saborian military.

When asked for the reasons, the Emperor stated: "Do you really have to ask? Tanks are the most useful ground forces of the information age, especially if you have several types for different tasks. For example, Uberstein's Vessla is very useful for urban combat, the Prussian Tiger III is nigh invulnerable against common anti-tank rounds from infantry-carried weaponry. Meanwhile, our Leopard 2A7 tanks are a healthy mix of both, performing well in pretty much all scenarios."

When the Emperor was asked about the rumors of tank-mounted railguns, he responded with, "Even if something like that was being planned, I wouldn't tell you. Such things generally are considered secret by most governments and are unveiled only once they're finished. So, have fun speculating about that."

The ordered tanks will , at a cost of approximately 4.65 million per unit require a total investment of 18.6 billion $, one of the biggest single purchases in the nation's history. The 4,000 purchased tanks will quintuple the total amount of tanks, to 5,000.

Edited by Lynneth
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Fortification of the Canarys

A report by the SNN

Only minutes ago, the Emperor has announced that the Canary Islands, legally bought by Saboria only weeks before the nation of BlackKnight emerged, will be fortified, with an entire division of soldiers and 150 tanks being sent to the military base on the Canarys. Additionally, an airbase will be built, to allow fighters and bombers to land and operate from the islands.

According to the Emperor, this is in response to the aggression of BlackKnight towards the Kaminoan Empire, as he fears that they may try to acquire the Canary Islands with force. The Emperor emphasized that these measures are merely for defensive purposes and that no African nation should feel threatened by this.


Meanwhile, the research facility has hit another milestone, the latest one being a supercomputer which will be used to simulate, among other things, what will happen when two protons hit each other at the speeds that the LHC can produce.

OOC: One Division = 10,000 soldiers.

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A report by the SNN

Today, the order for mobilization has gone out to the military. Saboria will go to DEFCON two, meaning this is an increase in force readiness just below maximum readiness.

The Emperor's statement was the following.

"It has come to my attention that some nations are against what Uberstein currently is doing in Garretia. This move is to show that I fully approve of what Uberstein is doing."

Shortly after this statement, the Emperor ordered two Carrier groups - 2 carriers, 2 destroyers, 3 frigates, 3 cruisers, 3 battleships, 3 corvettes, a total of 16 ships, not including several transports - to Ubersteinian waters, according to the ministry of defense "A large-scale exercise to show our Ubersteinian friends a few things once they get their own navy."

According to an anonymous source, a full five squadrons of airplanes are on each carrier, although it is unknown if the planes are bombers, fighters or both. Reportedly, 70,000 soldiers and 1,000 tanks are on the transports, too for a military exercise of wide scope, together with the Uberstein Empire.

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Against what Uberstein is doing? We should hope so. What he is doing is nothing less than blatant Imperialism.

Message from the Emperor to Promised Land

"So bringing order to a country that is overwhelmed with rebellions because its leader died is imperialism these days? Well then, remind me to neever help Promised Land, should they ever face a rebellion that may well overwhelm them completely. Besides, these people are being brough democracy! Do you not approve of that? You are a democracy yourself, after all."

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Message from the Emperor to Promised Land

"So bringing order to a country that is overwhelmed with rebellions because its leader died is imperialism these days? Well then, remind me to neever help Promised Land, should they ever face a rebellion that may well overwhelm them completely. Besides, these people are being brough democracy! Do you not approve of that? You are a democracy yourself, after all."

He invaded while they were fighting amongst themselves, which we had no problem with, but he refused to get out once they united and asked him to leave--most politely, we wish to point out.

And while we are a democracy, we do not force our ideals on ANYONE, which is what Uberstein is doing.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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He invaded while they were fighting amongst themselves, which we had no problem with, but he refused to get out once they united and asked him to leave--most politely, we wish to point out.

And while we are a democracy, we do not force our ideals on ANYONE, which seems to be what Uberstein is doing.

"And once he's gone again, they'll go back to fighting each other. I know how this works, but you apparently don't. Either Uberstein goes through with his plan, helping to end the rebellion once and for all *and* getting them democracy or he leaves now, letting the country go back to its civil war which will most probably be not only a lot bloodier but may also affect bordering countries negatively. It's all a matter of rational thinking."

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"And once he's gone again, they'll go back to fighting each other. I know how this works, but you apparently don't. Either Uberstein goes through with his plan, helping to end the rebellion once and for all *and* getting them democracy or he leaves now, letting the country go back to its civil war which will most probably be not only a lot bloodier but may also affect bordering countries negatively. It's all a matter of rational thinking."

And we say you are the one who does not know how it works. He is killing more of them and causing more damage than they could possibly do fighting each other. You call that beneficial?

And Somehow we doubt they would go back to fighting each other with his massive presence looming on their border. They would be keeping an eye out for another invasion from his quarter. Once burned, twice shy, we have said for a long time. You need to learn to give people the benefit of the doubt, and let them learn from their mistakes.

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And we say you are the one who does not know how it works. He is killing more of them and causing more damage than they could possibly do fighting each other. You call that beneficial?

And Somehow we doubt they would go back to fighting each other with his massive presence looming on their border. They would be keeping an eye out for another invasion from his quarter. Once burned, twice shy, we have said for a long time. You need to learn to give people the benefit of the doubt, and let them learn from their mistakes.

"I will not comment further. Please attend Uberstein's press conference, all your questions and doubts will be answered there."

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