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Generosity of the Republic

A report by the SNN

A few days ago, the Republic, the area-wise biggest african country has given their territory on the island of newfoundland to Saboria.

The Emperor has publically thanked the Republic for this move and expressed his gratitude for them. It is expected that in response to receiving the Republican third of Newfoundland, one of the early missions to the moon will be allowed have one of their astronauts on board.

Currently, three divisions as well as numerous policemen are moving onto the island to tell the inhabitants of the change and to help them leave, should they desire to do so. Travel by ship will be free, travel by plane will only cost a fourth of the original price for these people.

Fusion power

Today, the fusion power plants that will power the research complex Black Mesa have begun power generation.

Thanks to Naboo Technologies, they were finished quickly and efficiently. Within the next days, the first experiments will begin, although the particle accelerators still have to be cooled down to operational temperatures.

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War and Factories

A report by the SNN

In light of the recent war in Europe, which may or may not involve Saboria, several new industrial complexes are being built. Several are intended for war-production, although most are for producing good that can be used by both military and civilians.

The factories will provide many new needed jobs.

Additionally, the birth-rate of the last years has been, according to experts, unusually high. This, together with american immigrants who want to live under the Ubersteinian philosophy, may boost Saboria's population to well over 36 million people within the next years.

It has also been announced that 40,000 new soldiers have finished their training recently, while some hundred tanks were finished, too.

OOC: Got a donation, bought ~200 infra. Hell yeah, 400 infra.

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An address from the Emperor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

Friends and Comrades.

A few weeks ago, a group of citizens wrote their thoughs about Saboria and my rule down, on paper and gave this to the government. Folowing this, a nationwide survey has been conducted and the results are quite interesting.

Many people have expressed their demand for a new national anthem, feeling that our current one does not fit our country. As response to this and suggestions taken during the survey, a composer has written an entirely new anthem for our glorious country. It will be played at the end of this address.

Another thing that showed in the survey is that many of the people have the opinion that the Ubersteinianism we have is, I quote, 'essentially how communism should really be done and how it should work'.

While I, personally, have a different opinion, I will respect the views and opinions of the people I'm ruling. I am, after all, only the voice of the people who brought me to this position when we remade our country. Thus, from now on, my position will no longer be called "Emperor", but "Chairman". We are no imperialistic country, which is another reason why I'm abandoning the old title.

Political parties will soon be established, but there will be no elections for the position of the Chairman until it has been assured that each and every citizen that is capable of voting will do so by using logic and rationality.

Within the next weeks, there will also be polls about a possible renaming of our country as well as major projects for strengthening the economy and reducing the unemployment to zero percent.

Additionally, research on railgun weaponry has begun, inspired by some of the impressive technologies used by the Rebel Army and Naboo Technologies. The current 120 mm barrels of the Leopard 2A7 tanks will likely be replaced by 85 mm railguns once the scientists researching this technology have made using them safe and efficient enough, not to speak of providing the power needed for the railguns.

Last but not least, I have to announce that the expansion of our nuclear arsenal has been completed. The exact amount that we have is, obviously, classified, but let me say that we have more than enough.

Thank you.

The new anthem will now begin playing.

The Anthem

While the anthem was playing, the television showed a military parade, organized to celebrate the new anthem and going from 'Emperor' - and thus Imperium or Empire - to 'Chairman', something that sounded much more peaceful.

And somewhat more "red".

OOC: Disregard the background pic in the Youtube video. And disregard that it's the commie theme.

This song is just too awesome not to use. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

And no, I have no idea what the lyrics are. I don't care.

Also, alternative version, sounding different, but otherwise the same:

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An address from the Emperor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

Friends and Comrades.

A few weeks ago, a group of citizens wrote their thoughs about Saboria and my rule down, on paper and gave this to the government. Folowing this, a nationwide survey has been conducted and the results are quite interesting.

Many people have expressed their demand for a new national anthem, feeling that our current one does not fit our country. As response to this and suggestions taken during the survey, a composer has written an entirely new anthem for our glorious country. It will be played at the end of this address.

Another thing that showed in the survey is that many of the people have the opinion that the Ubersteinianism we have is, I quote, 'essentially how communism should really be done and how it should work'.

While I, personally, have a opinion, I will respect the views and opinions of the people I'm ruling. I am, after all, only the voice of the people who brought me to this position when we remade our country. Thus, from now on, my position will no longer be called "Emperor", but "Chairman". We are no imperialistic country, which is another reason why I'm abandoning the old title.

Political parties will soon be established, but there will be no elections for the position of the Chairman until it has been assured that each and every citizen that is capable of voting will do so by using logic and rationality.

Within the next weeks, there will also be polls about a possible renaming of our country as well as major projects for strengthening the economy and reducing the unemployment to zero percent.

Additionally, research on railgun weaponry has begun, inspired by some of the impressive technologies used by the Rebel Army and Naboo Technologies. The current 120 mm barrels of the Leopard 2A7 tanks will likely be replaced by 85 mm railguns once the scientists researching this technology have made using them safe and efficient enough, not to speak of providing the power needed for the railguns.

Last but not least, I have to announce that the expansion of our nuclear arsenal has been completed. The exact amount that we have is, obviously, classified, but let me say that we have more than enough.

Thank you.

The new anthem will now begin playing.

The Anthem

While the anthem was playing, the television showed a military parade, organized to celebrate the new anthem and going from 'Emperor' - and thus Imperium or Empire - to 'Chairman', something that sounded much more peaceful.

And somewhat more "red".

OOC: Disregard the background pic in the Youtube video. And disregard that it's the commie theme.

This song is just too awesome not to use. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

And no, I have no idea what the lyrics are. I don't care.

Also, alternative version, sounding different, but otherwise the same:

Promised Land is intrigued by this development.

OOC: Oh, yeah, sure, disregard that it's trhe Soviet theme...sure. Meh, I have no problem with that--the soviet campaign in the last game was quite interesting.

Hey, wait, the song only lasts till just about halfway through the video! What's up with that?!

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Promised Land is intrigued by this development.

OOC: Oh, yeah, sure, disregard that it's trhe Soviet theme...sure. Meh, I have no problem with that--the soviet campaign in the last game was quite interesting.

Hey, wait, the song only lasts till just about halfway through the video! What's up with that?!

OOC: I'm listening to the song right now in winamp, and it's only 2:46 long. The videos actually are too long. :v:

Also, planning things. <3

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OOC: I can't wait...

OOC: <3


Working Reforms

A report by the SNN

The Chairman has announced that he want to reform the entire system of how the working sector works - especially the wages, but also securities, worker unions, etc.

From what is currently known, the wage-system will be changed to something similar to the following: Each worker gets a set amount of money for each ended hour of work, depending on the exact kind of job, coworkers and several other factors. Each worker decides for himself how much and when he works, making the system highly deregulated. This also applies to managers, who will additionally have a maximum limit for pay that they may receive in a month. An independent analyst from Promised Land has commented that these reforms, quote "...are completely idiotic. Does the Chairman want to turn his country communist? His title fits already. Stalin and Mao were chairmen, did you know that?", quote end. There was no response form the government to this as of now.

Some have criticised these reforms, claiming that they would lead to nobody working anymore, The Chairman's reponse to this was, quote "If they don't work, they don't get money. If they work, they get money. It's that simple. If you people don't work anymore, they'll simply get no money, because they're doing nothing.", quote end.

Other reforms will follow, but it currently is unknown what exactly they will be.

Foreign analysts believe the reforms to lead Saboria further to a "red" government and state.

That is all for today,

Thank you and good night.

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OOC: <3


Working Reforms

A report by the SNN

The Chairman has announced that he want to reform the entire system of how the working sector works - especially the wages, but also securities, worker unions, etc.

From what is currently known, the wage-system will be changed to something similar to the following: Each worker gets a set amount of money for each ended hour of work, depending on the exact kind of job, coworkers and several other factors. Each worker decides for himself how much and when he works, making the system highly deregulated. This also applies to managers, who will additionally have a maximum limit for pay that they may receive in a month. An independent analyst from Promised Land has commented that these reforms, quote "...are completely idiotic. Does the Chairman want to turn his country communist? His title fits already. Stalin and Mao were chairmen, did you know that?", quote end. There was no response form the government to this as of now.

Some have criticised these reforms, claiming that they would lead to nobody working anymore, The Chairman's reponse to this was, quote "If they don't work, they don't get money. If they work, they get money. It's that simple. If you people don't work anymore, they'll simply get no money, because they're doing nothing.", quote end.

Other reforms will follow, but it currently is unknown what exactly they will be.

Foreign analysts believe the reforms to lead Saboria further to a "red" government and state.

That is all for today,

Thank you and good night.

OOC: LOL, wut?

IC: Promised Land would hereby make it known that if Saboria wishes to become communist as the analyst believes they are doing, it is their choice. We ourselves allow such free-thinking that you can find opposing ideals in the same cities, in the same neighborhoods, right down to on the same block. Anarchist, nationalist, communist, capitalist, athiest or theist. It does not matter to us, so long as you remain peaceful and obey our laws.

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OOC: LOL, wut?

IC: Promised Land would hereby make it known that if Saboria wishes to become communist as the analyst believes they are doing, it is their choice. We ourselves allow such free-thinking that you can find opposing ideals in the same cities, in the same neighborhoods, right down to on the same block. Anarchist, nationalist, communist, capitalist, athiest or theist. It does not matter to us, so long as you remain peaceful and obey our laws.

OOC: I had to use *someone*, and seeing as your country is completely free-speech etc, there's bound to be haters. lol

IC: Saboria has no intentions of becoming 'communist'. We merely are making steps to ensure that everyone who works gets what he deserves, not more, not less. Marxism is something that cannot possibly be done in a human society.

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OOC: I had to use *someone*, and seeing as your country is completely free-speech etc, there's bound to be haters. lol

IC: Saboria has no intentions of becoming 'communist'. We merely are making steps to ensure that everyone who works gets what he deserves, not more, not less. Marxism is something that cannot possibly be done in a human society.

OOC: Heh, good point.

IC: Our statement stands. How you govern yourselves is your choice--communist, capitalist, socialist, or other, so long as it does not damage your foreign affairs policies, we care not how you choose to govern yourselves, as long as it remains with the approval of YOUR people.

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OOC: Heh, good point.

IC: Our statement stands. How you govern yourselves is your choice--communist, capitalist, socialist, or other, so long as it does not damage your foreign affairs policies, we care not how you choose to govern yourselves, as long as it remains with the approval of YOUR people.

If the people do not approve, they can simply vote me out of office. And, as they are encouraged to think rationally and logically, they will vote me out of office if they think that I'm no longer needed. So yes, they approve of the policy-changes.

As for the foreign relations, we will try to not damage then, although some nations are strongly opposed to anything even close to socialism. I for one believe that every nation should govern themselves as they see fit, unless they do it badly and kill their own people to stay in power, and I believe all the communist-hate that many have is, bluntly, backwards.

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If the people do not approve, they can simply vote me out of office. And, as they are encouraged to think rationally and logically, they will vote me out of office if they think that I'm no longer needed. So yes, they approve of the policy-changes.

As for the foreign relations, we will try to not damage then, although some nations are strongly opposed to anything even close to socialism. I for one believe that every nation should govern themselves as they see fit, unless they do it badly and kill their own people to stay in power, and I believe all the communist-hate that many have is, bluntly, backwards.

Finally, another nation that agrees with us on the subject of Communism and Socialism! While we do understand, somewhat, the source of that hate, it is still an unreasoning hatred, in our opinion. Just because of the violent actions of a few outspoken groups, people automatically label them all as terrorists.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Working Reforms

A report by the SNN

According to the Chairman, all reforms he had planned have been implemented by now.

In the last months, tens of factories have been built, creating workplaces for hundreds of thousands. The economy is at an all-time high, and predictions suggest that the economy will experience a boom within the next months. Currently, the Gross Domestic Product per capita is at 43,674$, but it is expected to rise considerably, makign Saboria's GDP one of the five highest in the world.

The Chairman said, "This should be a lesson to those who think that socialism - and thus, communism, too - is the worst thing to ever be seen on earth. If it's so bad, why is this country one of the richest ones on the entire planet? Answer that, otherwise you should reconsider your opinion about socialism. Good day."

In other news, the government of our southern Neighbour Hurontario has suddenly and unexpectedly disbanded, leaving the people there without any kind of government and in extension without the necessary infrastructure to stay at their current levels of wealth.

Thus, the Chairman has decided to extend Saboria's borders to the five great lakes, effectively annexing the northern part of Hurontario. Already, construction crews are moving there to bring our technology and system to the former Hurontarians. The southern part of Hurontario will receive help from our government, but will officially be independent. Should the people living in the north not want to become Saborians, they are free to leave to wherever they want, with the travel-cost paid for by our government.

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The Theocratic Republic applauds Saboria for bringing government to an otherwise ungoverned people. We're talking about the former Hurontario.

So does the New Byzantine Empire.

(OOC: Heh, this is exactly what I did with the Transcaucasus a while back... :awesome:)

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We thank both the Theocratic Republic as well as Byzantium for their approval.


(OOC: Heh, this is exactly what I did with the Transcaucasus a while back... :awesome:)

Only that your borders didn't look crazy without the annexed territory. :awesome:

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The Theocratic Republic applauds Saboria for bringing government to an otherwise ungoverned people. We're talking about the former Hurontario.
So does the New Byzantine Empire.

(OOC: Heh, this is exactly what I did with the Transcaucasus a while back... :awesome:)

Promised Land also applauds this move. No one should live in fear or uncertainty.

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Scraping the sky

A report by the SNN

Today, the Chairman has announced three mega-projects.

The Center Tower


[Artist's impression]

This skyscraper is to be built in the very center of the capital city, Ferinh. The building, which upon completion will rise to 632 meters (565.6 m without antenna), have 127 stories, and contain an area of 380,000 m², will be one of the tallest in Saboria, more than 60 meters higher than the currently highest building, too located in Ferinh, the 15th Hudson Street skyscraper.

The tower will feature nine indoor gardens at different levels, situated between the main building and the glass facade, with a height of more than 10 meters each. A public park will also be contained within the building. Its construction will take approximately 3 years.

The Nakheel Tower


[Artist's impression]

The Nakheel Tower will be built only 500 meters north of the Center Tower. This building will reach almost 1,200 meters into the sky, with 196 floors and a floor area of 1,490,000 m². 150 double-deck elevators will transport people within it. Aside from office-floors, there will be ultra-luxury apartments, restaurants, a large health club, and an observation deck.

It willlikely be the highest building in the world at its completion, which will be in approximately four years.

The SkyCity


[Artist's impression]

The SkyCity is a proposed 150 square kilometer planned urban area to the east of Ferinh, which, upon construction, would have the highest concentration of 100+ meter tall buildings in the world. It would, upon completion, include the SkyTower (seen in the picture), a natural reservation of 2 square kilometres, a duty free area which will be beside a new airport, in addition to a large business center, conference areas, environmental areas, athletic areas, and areas that concentrate on media, health, education, and industry. The SkyCity will also include numerous tourist attractions, hotels, spas, and public gardens. The city will be built in individual phases with total completion within ten years.

Construction on the actual site has also begun; this is seen through bridges, highways and roads being laid down as basic infrastructure to facilitate future construction of structures within the city. The main attraction of SkyCity, the SkyTower will stand at 1,001 m tall, higher than even the Millenium Tower in Byzantium. It will be the second-highest building in the world, directly after the Nakheel Tower in the north of Ferinh.

The SkyCity will also include Olympic Stadia, residences, hotels and retail facilities. Up to 700,000 people could be housed in the city complex and 450,000 new jobs will be created. The complex is planned to be built across Manicouagan Lake and will be linked to Ferinh itself by a 10.5-kilometer long bridge.

All three projects will cost more than 160 billion to complete, one of the most costly projects in the nation's history.





These are so awesome, I just *had* to use them.

Comments encouraged! :awesome:

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OOC: It still is. My scrapers will take some years (not IRL, of course. lol) to complete :D

OOC: I see...

*secretly modifies the plans so the number of floors of the Millennium Tower are raised from 170 to 220* :ph34r:

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