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Cyber Nations Alliance Statistics Depot

Unspeakable Evil

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At the moment, the individual graphs are split up by descending NS. That's why FCC doesn't appear in the top tier of nukes per nation (because by NS, they aren't in the top 15). They do show up on tier 3. The idea has been tossed around that I rejigger the way my script works to resort things by whatever metric is being measured, but I haven't put the time in to do that yet. If I do, I think FCC would be #1 or 2 by NPN.

Everything this man says is a filthy lie. Well, maybe not everything. In any case, I did some hackish frankencoding and how all of the graphs are sorted by each metric. So now Tier 1 Nukes are the top 15 nukeholding alliances, and Tier 3 Average Alliance Nation Strength are the 3rd 15 alliances sorted by Average alliance nation strength. NS per nuke is sorted backwards, it's the only metric where lower is better. I'll sort that out eventually.

On that note, this switches things around a fair amount. NPO isn't even in the top 15 by average NS, and IRON is only 15th. TOOL is #3 by membership. Mushroom Kingdom went from tied for dead last with 0 nukes to 9th by nukes. Neat stuff.

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Updated 2007-12-05.

Thats pretty cool, so it will now automatically update? by update I mean tear switches

I presume you mean tier switches. Yes, they will update every day for every metric.

I've noticed some weirdness on the NSPN, now that they're sorted ascending... FAN wins the #1 spot by virtue of having infinite NS per nuke. I'll need to fix that. This weekend I'm going to put some time in to get ranging working right, so the lines aren't so clumped together here and there.

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OMG we finally made Tier 3! That took too long >_>

*KCToker goes to bug the R&R SecInt about it...

Edit: Also, on the Score charts, is there anyway to make the Score be a decimal?

Edited by KCToker
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I hope one of those things on your "to do list" is make it so the chart has a variable option to adjust time of chart. I love your charts, but would love to be able to dynamically adjust the chart to show last week/month/year/etc...

And yes, I am fully aware that that will be a long time in coming, but boy would it be sweet yes/no?

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Also, since I am in a... mood.

Isn't this like a million times more readable:

http://uevil.maybe.net/testing/newcharts/ANS2Disk.html" target="_blank">http://uevil.maybe.net/testing/newcharts/ANS2Disk.html

I adjusted the max-min values (which you sorta already have for your ANS and other charts... the max value probably can't be set just because someone like legion that drops from ANS1 to ANS2 would be broken on with a hard "max"... but since you have cutoffs for each Tier doing the min at least gives a beat more breathing room to the graph.

Also I adjusted the date on that one to be 11-16 (so almost a month old) just to see what it would look like with less data points... I kinda like it. I don't know how hard it would be to do something like "Sunday updates are all time graphs" and then daily updates are like "last 30 days rolling" or something like that...

Sheesh I am picky, bad Diskord, BAD.

Edit: Also, I have no clue whats up with my stupid url tag, I keep editing it to make it right and it keeps going all wonky.

Edited by diskord
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I hope one of those things on your "to do list" is make it so the chart has a variable option to adjust time of chart. I love your charts, but would love to be able to dynamically adjust the chart to show last week/month/year/etc...

And yes, I am fully aware that that will be a long time in coming, but boy would it be sweet yes/no?

It'd be sweet, I agree.

Also good lord!

4997 objects in the uevil root directory, and I didn't even check the other directories... I think you might have every single chart you have ever made in history saved...

Slow directory is slow... :P

I just checked, it takes me 23 seconds to do a directory listing. :wacko: It is every .png I've ever made for CN. Of course now I just update the .xml files once a day, overwriting the old ones for all the graphs. The charts though are all still .pngs. 10 a day.

Also, since I am in a... mood.

Isn't this like a million times more readable:

http://uevil.maybe.net/testing/newcharts/ANS2Disk.html" target="_blank">http://uevil.maybe.net/testing/newcharts/ANS2Disk.html</a>

I adjusted the max-min values (which you sorta already have for your ANS and other charts... the max value probably can't be set just because someone like legion that drops from ANS1 to ANS2 would be broken on with a hard "max"... but since you have cutoffs for each Tier doing the min at least gives a beat more breathing room to the graph.

Also I adjusted the date on that one to be 11-16 (so almost a month old) just to see what it would look like with less data points... I kinda like it. I don't know how hard it would be to do something like "Sunday updates are all time graphs" and then daily updates are like "last 30 days rolling" or something like that...

Sheesh I am picky, bad Diskord, BAD.

Edit: Also, I have no clue whats up with my stupid url tag, I keep editing it to make it right and it keeps going all wonky.

This weekend I'm going to put some time in to get ranging working right, so the lines aren't so clumped together here and there.

It used to be done manually, I'd specify a range and it'd stick until I change them to be more fitting. Doing it programatically is the goal, but because of corner cases, that becomes tricky. I'm going to try and see what I can do with moderate time invested. The big thing for me is that you can see lines and that the divisions by metric and date are clearly delineated.

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Updated 2007-12-09.

The graph ranges are now bound to the min/max of the last month for whichever alliances are in the graph. It's not perfect ( :((MK and GOD :(( ), but it'll do for now. Eventually I'll want to make the end points of the range a bit more meaningful, but coming up with a way to do that where the ranges could be as small as 5-10 or as large as 12,000,000 is annoying, so I've put it off for now. Maybe later.


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Good stuff. Always wanted to ask this, is there some statistical reason you compare to a week ago, as opposed to just yesterday?

On the rankings? Not really. I could adjust it pretty arbitrarily by changing the query that makes those. A day seems too short a period to be a good indicator of alliance performance (some alliances see pretty wild variability over a few days that smooth out on a weekly basis). A week seemed better. It could be a month. I like it to give a longer term view of where alliances are moving.

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