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Looking for an alliance

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Hey guys, im looking for an alliance, i played this before,( my bro gave me his account) but i forgot some things, i know about sactions, your fourms, and pacts, im really good with being a bank, and im not much for fighting, so if you guys can toss some fourms at me, id check them out,

Im also very active on this game, and the fourms, so im a very dedicated member

Nation Link:


IM soo sorry if this is the wrong location, these fourms are new to me, i remember when u guys used IF( they came out with a new board, zetaboards)

Edited by palpatine97
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Ahh im glad to meet you, ill cheak out your alliance, im looking for one that is close, strong, but not alot of members, i like interacting with the people, to many people in the alliance, and no one bonds...

We have lots of members but there aren't too many who are on the forums regularly. There are maybe 50-75 members who use the forums daily and we're a pretty close community. ;)

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If you're looking for an alliance that is close, strong but with not a lot of members...you've described us exactly.

Please come visit us at the Hegemony of Periphery States (HPS)!

This is our CN Forum Ad: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...mp;#entry757836

Our Charter can be found here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Hegemon...eriphery_States

and of course, most importantly, our website is here: http://z9.invisionfree.com/Hegemon_Of_PS/index.php?

They're a great group of guys, and we're all very strong, active community. You'd probably feel very welcome with us :)

Hope to hear from you!


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Its a simple decision really, join SDI. :awesome:

SDI are a fast, growing white team alliance with an impressive AV strength of over 18k.We can teach you everything you need to know about the game, and help you grow your nation so you can enjoy this game to its full potential.

Here are some of the reasons you should join SDI.

1) We offer programs and advice to help build your nation.

2) Our mentoring program will pair you with an experienced player for advice.

3) You will be protected from wars and being tech raided.

4) We offer up to 3 million in start up aid.

5) After switching your nation to white, we can help get your trades set up with our access to the SNOW trading circles.

Join us today. Visit our forums at http://www.strategicdefenseinitiative.net

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If you are talking about small alliances. thats Grand Central Agency. We only have 10 members but is growing rapidly.

It not an uptight alliance either.

There are some government spots open if you are interested.

just stop by our forums here.


we also have a protectorate with RIA. so you are safe from raiders.

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