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I'm not sure if this would be the right area, but my CNextend is getting an interface validation error. It has to do with the navies being introduced. Will it auto-correct once they are in game or will a patch have to be downloaded when available?

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Once the creator (Not CN itself) updates the add on firefox will ask to update it. Then it will work correctly and such. CNextend isn't made by the Admin or Mods of CN, but a player. So this is kind of the wrong place ;)

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Once the creator (Not CN itself) updates the add on firefox will ask to update it. Then it will work correctly and such. CNextend isn't made by the Admin or Mods of CN, but a player. So this is kind of the wrong place ;)

Yea, I knew admin or mods didn't create it, but I wasn't sure where it should go. Mods, please move to appropriate place.

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Yea, I knew admin or mods didn't create it, but I wasn't sure where it should go. Mods, please move to appropriate place.

The author has been informed, its being taken care of.

Am i dumb?


A Firefox extension that modifies the CN layout a bit, and calculates improvement/wonder stuff for you. Perfectly within the rules.

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Once the creator (Not CN itself) updates the add on firefox will ask to update it. Then it will work correctly and such. CNextend isn't made by the Admin or Mods of CN, but a player. So this is kind of the wrong place ;)

CNx is being patched, and the creator is also making it work on Macs, too.

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It's a jolly little script. It also lets one know whenever there's a cool new update whenever it stops working properly! That alone is worth the price of the download - which is free, anyway, so it's an awesome bargain at that price!

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The new improvements broke a few things, so it looks like a real fix (1.2.12) won't be out until tonight. I've taken down the latest update so folks don't get confused.

You created it? Very nice,I must say. When I log in at work, I get all sad cuz I don't have FF.

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  • 2 years later...

I've installed CNExtend v1.4.8 and it seems to work with TE,
How do I go about registering it and if I do, do I get more functionality?
Is this supposed to work with regular CN also? I have Firefox 3.6.15

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