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Confused about how to change gov/religion/alliance affiliation

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Alright, so I've read the FAQs and I looked through the Question Center Forum, and I didn't see anyone else with this question. So, sorry if it's a repeat.

So, I'm looking at my "View My Nation" page, and I read the government and national religion parts, and they're basically telling me that the people don't mind what government and national religion I have, but that they would want something else. Then, at the end of it, there's an italicized paranthesized phrase that says (Next Available Change 7/1/2008); that is when I signed up for this game.

However, I cannot find any links or dropbars or anything that remotely resembles a way to change the government or national religion. Any suggestions? Are the people supposed to hate the gov/religion in order for me to change it? Is it unchangeable after forming the nation? There's nothing anywhere that says what the hell I'm supposed to do. And, believe me, I've been poking around for the past 5 days trying to figure things out, so it's not like I haven't tried looking for an answer or anything.

As for Alliance Affiliation, I don't know how to change that, either. I've signed up at one player-created alliance's forum site, and I asked how to change the affiliation, and they told me to go in-game and do it, but I can't figure out where to go to change that. Is that something that I need to pry into the alliance forum for, or is that something that can be a quick-solve here??

Thanks for any help that can be provided.

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In that side menu of quick links there is one that says 'Edit my nation'. You will find all the drop down menu's you need after you click that.

As for alliance affiliation, you may find you need to click 'specify other' if your chosen alliance is not in the list, it will give you the chance to manually type the name in then.

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