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My friend and I both have nations.

Mine is Here

His is Here

We arranged a tech deal where he would be the middle man but when I tried to send him the 50 tech it said it was automatically canceled due to possible multi's. We occasionally log on to our accounts at one another's houses because we visit one another frequently. Is there a way to fix this problem so that we do not get accidentally banned?

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You need to familiarise yourself with the game rules.

It is against game rules for more than one nation to exist from the same network. By accessing your nation from your friends house you put both of you on the same network, and therefore you risk both of your nations getting deleted.

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Oh, so the simple solution would be just not to log in at one another's house.

I could have swore that about a year ago there was an area where you could tell the admin about situations such as this so that he could set up exceptions, an example was when people were accessing the site from a school network they would all be counted on the same network but obviously they were not multi's. Is that gone or does it just not apply to this situation?

Well, I guess we can manage to just not log in at each others houses. What do we do about the warning for out last aid agreement? Will we get our nations deleted for that or is that taken care of?

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Times have changed, and as such we only allow one nation per network. You shouldn't be deleted for it now, but please refrain from trying again. Since the system has detected multiple nation logins from one IP, you can never again send aid to one another.

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As far as I know when people were allowed to log in from the same IP for some reason (like nation sitting), it's never allowed to ever have a trade agreement / AID slots or other kinds of 'interaction' between those 2 nations?

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As far as I know when people were allowed to log in from the same IP for some reason (like nation sitting), it's never allowed to ever have a trade agreement / AID slots or other kinds of 'interaction' between those 2 nations?

This is accurate. Nation sitters cannot interact. It will be automatically flagged for cheating, and if you survive deletion you will get a warn.

As for this question, its been answered. Be more careful next time.

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