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Global Democratic Alliance- Join if you value liberty and democracy

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Hi! I am inviting you to join a fantastic alliance!

We offer:

*Millions in joining aid(New policy with increased aid under the hammer)

*Personal mentors to train you and send up to 3 million aid every 10 days

*Tech deals which can earn you 12-15 million a month.

*Contests with prizes upto 15 million

*War aid

*Free nation/military buildup programs

*Military protection from attacks which unaligned nations are vulnerable to as the charter of all alliances say that their members cannot attack any aligned member only unaligned nations are plundered.(we've never lost a wareven when outnumbered)

*Democratic elections, liberty and full individual freedom of all nations

*Public debates and voicing of general opinion

*We are friends with most major alliances in the game

*Chance to tech raid and deal/trade with nations out of GDA

*Trade rings to get you the best trade combos.

*Comprehensive guides and walkthroughs


*Chance to become banker, diplomat, soldier, senator or even a Govt. member.

*Personal attention and instant answers to all queries in the


And best of all everyone is really friendly, liberal, progressive and democratic. We honour and respect all our members. You have full freedom of speech and can even speak against the Govt. if you have some reason for a grievance, though we'll never give you any chance to feel that way.

To join Global Democratic Alliance sign up here- http://s10.zetaboards.com/jsd2k/forum/8018/

Or contact me in-game.

My ruler name- garyceraz

Nation name- vurgas luhaka

Nation link- <a href="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=217264" target="_blank">http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=217264</a>

Thank you for reading this. Please feel free to message me if you have any doubts.

Hope to see your application on the forum then!



Edited by vurgas luhaka
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Charter of The Global Democratic Alliance

Article I. Preamble

This document is hereby created to protect the rights and freedoms of the sovereign nations of the The Global Democratic Alliance, a formal alliance which embraces and promotes world peace. The Global Democratic Alliance respects the rights of all nations to govern as they please while abiding by this document during their membership. The Global Democratic Alliance will not interfere in the internal policies of any nation.

Article II. Application and Membership

Nations who are interested in becoming a part of the The Global Democratic Alliance are always welcome. Just fill out the following.

Nation Name -

Ruler Name -

Nation Strength -

Previous Alliances -

Nation URL -

Recite the following:

I, (Nation Name) hereby declare my nation on this day a nation of The Global Democratic Alliance I vow to follow the rules of The Global Democratic Alliance, and agree to for fill all my duties, as i grow with my new found brotherhood. The Global Democratic Alliance

I, pledge not to attack any nation that is a member of this or any other alliance nor any member who is part of the red team or blue team, unless under direct order by the government or military leaders of the Global Democratic Alliance (GDA).

Resignations & Return Membership

(effective: Oct 30 2007 any offenses prior to this date are void)

1. Resignations

A. You may resign from the alliance at any time.

B. If the resigning member holds a government or military position of the rank of Captain or higher the alliance requires 7 day notice before leaving your posted job.

C. If the resigning member does not give notice when notice was required the alliance reserves the right to penalize the offending member an amount equal to $200x<Nation Strength>.

2. Return Membership

A. First Strike: Any member nation my return to the alliance after leaving for the first time without any penalty

B. Second Strike: Any member nation leaving/quitting the alliance for a second time may not run for government office for a period of 180 days and may not hold any military position for 90 days after returning.

C. Third Strike: Any member nation that leaves/quits the alliance for a 3RD time may not rejoin the alliance at any time.

Article III. Rules

1) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will not show disrespect to anyone in the alliance or outside.

2) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will never attack a fellow member and/or attack another alliance and/or attack a member of the red team and/or a member of the blue team without permission of higher authority.

2a) If your nation wishes to engage another nation, included in the above restrictions, for personal reasons it must be approved by a government official before declaring.

3) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will listen to all orders given by high authority(The government will never put you into a harmful position).

4) Any procedure that involves Personal Messaging nations to vote a certain way in a Global Democratic Alliance poll or for a certain candidate during presidential elections whether it be on the GDA site or to her nations will be considered a fraudulent practice and will be severely punished. In the event of such fraud happening, the poll in question may be simply closed, or in the case of a presidential election, it will be restarted after a period of 2 days. Results of the rigged election or poll will be definitely erased.

Article IV. Rights

1) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance has the right to run for the government positions that are open to run for.

2) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance has the right to put laws up for debate, if it passes in the debate it will be voted on.

3) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will have the right to protection against any and all attackers. If the attacker is a member of another alliance, the nation attacked must stand down and wait for further orders.

4) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will have the right to freedom of speech on any Law, Treaty, War, that the alliance is ever in.

Article V. War

1) Every member has the right to join the military forces to do anti-rogue operations during peace time, but in the event of an alliance war every member of the GDA is required to answer the call of War. The military hierarchy is absolute. Every soldier has to obey to the ranks above him.

2) It is strictly forbidden to attack a member of another alliance and/or attack a member of the red team and/or a member of the blue team, unless under direct order of a minister or the president. Any member violating this rule may face a fine, expulsion, or destruction.

2a) If your nation wishes to engage another nation, included in the above restrictions, for personal reasons it must be approved by a government official before declaring.

3) If you are attacked by a rogue from another alliance, you have the choice to retaliate or not, but if you do you might not receive war reparations. In any case you should contact a GDA military officer or government official.

4) If a member of the GDA attacks another player non-aligned then he/she will be given no aid by any other member of the alliance.

5) All war expense should be totaled and given to the Minister of Economics. If you started the war without permission from Government or higher military rank then you will receive no compensation. If you were authorized then you will be rebuilt. Only Infrastructure will be rebuilt, nothing else.

6)If the GDA goes to war with another alliance ALL MEMBERS are required to answer to the call of war. EXCEPT the banking nations that will be giving out aid.

7) In a time of the Global Democratic Alliance going to war. A period of 2 days at the least will be given to allow all nations to prepare & organize & be notified of war. This does not include an attack from an outside power.

Article VI. Government

Section 1. Cabinet

1) The Cabinent is the executive body of the Global Democratic Alliance. It is charged with the duty and responsibility of Foreign Affairs, Military, Internal Affairs, and Economics of the Global Democratic Alliance.

2) All Presidents must take the oath of the Global Democratic Alliance

I ------------- do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the Global Democratic Alliance, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the charter of the Global Democratic Alliance.

Presidential Powers

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army along with the Minister of War of the Global Democratic Alliance,; he will require the opinion, in writing, of the principal Minister in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Ministries, declaring war, treaty, foreign negotiations, and or law.

He shall have Power along with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided 3/5 of the Senators present concur;

He shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and Ministers, Judges of the Supreme Court.

The President has the obligation to inform the cabinet and the supreme court of all foreign negotiations.

The President along with Ministers shall take care that the rules be faithfully executed of all member states.

All documents must go through the President to be read and signed.

Qualifications for office

No person except one that has either been a Minister, Senator, and or a captain may, at the time of the Adoption , shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained 3 months service within the Global Democratic Alliance.

2) All Military procedures will be in control of the Minister of War and President.

If we are to go to war, it must be a written statement signed by Minister of War, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and President.

3).The Minister of Information is responsible for managing the official archive, making an alliance news letter, keeping and updating in game information, and maintaining a program to assist new players in learning the game, and other information activities.

-Mentor Program:

The mentor program is a program for helping new players to learn the game. The program will be headed by an individual other then the Minister of Information, under the authority of said minister, and will as well be a Deputy Minister to the Minister of Information.

-Alliance Newsletter:

The Ministry of Information is to make a news letter informing the membership of the alliance about recent activities and goings on of the GDA and/or the greater CN. This news letter can be made no more frequently then once a week, and no less frequently then once a month. The Minister of Information decides how often a news letter is to be made.


The Ministry of Information is charged with opening up nominations, debates, and polls for the purpose of voting for the elected offices of the GDA. (See Election section for further details)

4) All Foreign Affairs should be taken up with The Minister of Foreign Affairs and President. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is in charge of all diplomats to other alliances, bringing new pacts from other alliances to the rest of government, and any wars that are not sanctioned.

5) The Minister of Economics is charged with the duty of loans and aids, tech deals, resource trading, and is in charge of all bankers.

6) Minister of Recruitment is in charge of all recruiters within the alliance and the recruiting of the alliance.

7) Deputy Ministers are those appointed by a ministry to help with the work loads. Any Ministry may appoint 1 or 2 or more deputies to help with the running of the Ministry.

8) The President and/or any Cabinet Minister of the Global Democratic Alliance, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors. This is to be handled by the Supreme Court.

Article VI. Section 2. Senate

Senate consists of 5 members of the GDA which are voted into this position once every two months.

The election process for Senate is separate from the President's campaign. Members nominate themselves for Senate and are voted on separate from President.

Senate Powers

1) Senate can propose laws for the charter with a 4/5 vote. These will then be brought to the President. Which will be reviewed to be signed or vetoed. Only President and Minister's may enforce new laws or charter changes.

2) Senate cannot vote upon impeachment of the President or Minister's. Senate has no controlling power over Fellow GDA members.

3) If a Senator resigns from his/her seat, or from the alliance as a whole, the runner-up from the previous Senate election will take the vacant seat for the remaining duration of the term.

4) All treaties involving the Global Democratic Alliance and foreign alliances which have been approved and signed by the President and Ministers will be brought to the Senate for final approval.

5) 3 of 5 Senate votes will constitute a quorum.

6) If the quorum has not been reached within 3 days of posting of the treaty in the Senate/Government forum, such treaty will be be valid and in effect.

Article VI. Section 3. Supreme Court

The Supreme Court positions are to be held by the 2 nations rulers with the most seniority in the alliance. It is a permanent position.

The Supreme Court may hold any other positions in the alliance including acting minister.

The Supreme Court may rule, by unanimous vote, to impeach the president and/or all ministers only if at such time the president and/or ministers commit traitorous acts of war as determined by the court.

The Supreme Court may also impeach a government official if it is decided that alliance government enters into agreements detrimental to the wellbeing of its member nations or publicly announces untruths on CN main forums.

The Supreme Court may also impeach a government official if the majority of the alliances active member nations petition the court to do so, at the courts discretion.

If a Minister is impeached for any reason the president may appoint any alliance member.

If the President is impeached a new election is to be held immediately, not to be longer then 72 hours.

If impeachment of the president and all ministers occur the Supreme Court shall be the governing body of the alliance until a new government is in place. A new election is to be held immediately, not to be longer then 72 hours

If any such impeachment occurs the Supreme Court with disclose all facts to the alliance member nations in within 3 days of the impeachment.

Article VII. Elections

1)The election process with happen once every two months. Debates begin on 25th & and polls open on the 28th. Polls will remain open for 5 days.

2)Any member can nominate themselves to run for President.

3)The current President will choose out of the nominees who it is that he/she wants to run in government with.

4)The other party running for office will pick hes/her team he/she wants to run in government with.

5)The member's running for President can pick any one of the nominees and in the case that they both pick the same nominee for the same office, it is allowed.

6)Only one office will be voted on (President), once the election polls close then the President and hes/her elected Minister's will begin running the Alliance.

7) Election tampering and poll tampering- Any procedure that involves Personal Messaging nations to vote a certain way in a Global Democratic Alliance poll whether it be on the GDA site or to her nations will be considered a fraudulent practice.

Once information is brought forth of the activity of fraud the poll will

immediately be closed & be restarted after a two day period. The person or

persons involved will face the heaviest of penalties for tampering with a

democratic process.


Assembly Chairman


Minister of Foreign Affairs


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To register, first go here- http://s10.zetaboards.com/jsd2k/index/

Register on the forum with your username and password.

After this, post your application at our registry here- http://s10.zetaboards.com/jsd2k/forum/8018/

Post it as a new topic. The post topic button is on the bottom right corner of the page.

This is the format-

Nation Name -

Ruler Name -

Nation Strength -

Previous Alliances -

Nation URL -

Who recruited you - vurgas luhaka(me)

I, (Insert Nation Name) hereby declare my nation on this day a nation of the Global Democratic Alliance. I vow to follow the rules of Global Democratic Alliance, and agree to fulfill all my duties, as i grow with my new found brotherhood. Global Democratic Alliance.

I, pledge not to attack any nation that is a member of this or any other alliance or attack any red nations unless under direct order by the government or military leaders of the Global Democratic Alliance (GDA).

3. Once that is done & you have submitted your post. You will be approved for membership into the Global Democratic Alliance in a short time & be able to see the rest of our site.

Thank you for signing up.

Please tell me if you have any doubts!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Charter update(Includes a Bill of Rights)

Charter of The Global Democratic Alliance

Article I. Preamble

This document is hereby created to protect the rights and freedoms of the sovereign nations of the The Global Democratic Alliance, a formal alliance which embraces and promotes world peace. The Global Democratic Alliance respects the rights of all nations to govern as they please while abiding by this document during their membership. The Global Democratic Alliance will not interfere in the internal policies of any nation.

Article II. Application and Membership

Nations who are interested in becoming a part of the The Global Democratic Alliance are always welcome. Just fill out the following.

Nation Name -

Ruler Name -

Nation Strength -

Previous Alliances -

Nation URL -

Recite the following:

I, (Nation Name) hereby declare my nation on this day a nation of The Global Democratic Alliance I vow to follow the rules of The Global Democratic Alliance, and agree to for fill all my duties, as i grow with my new found brotherhood. The Global Democratic Alliance

I, pledge not to attack any nation that is a member of this or any other alliance nor any member who is part of the red team or blue team, unless under direct order by the government or military leaders of the Global Democratic Alliance (GDA).

Resignations & Return Membership

(effective: Oct 30 2007 any offenses prior to this date are void)

1. Resignations

A. You may resign from the alliance at any time.

B. If the resigning member holds a government or military position of the rank of Captain or higher the alliance requires 7 day notice before leaving your posted job.

C. If the resigning member does not give notice when notice was required the alliance reserves the right to penalize the offending member an amount equal to $200x<Nation Strength>.

2. Return Membership

A. First Strike: Any member nation my return to the alliance after leaving for the first time without any penalty

B. Second Strike: Any member nation leaving/quitting the alliance for a second time may not run for government office for a period of 180 days and may not hold any military position for 90 days after returning.

C. Third Strike: Any member nation that leaves/quits the alliance for a 3RD time may not rejoin the alliance at any time.

Article III. Rules

1) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will not show disrespect to anyone in the alliance or outside.

2) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will never attack a fellow member and/or attack another alliance and/or attack a member of the red team and/or a member of the blue team without permission of higher authority.

2a) If your nation wishes to engage another nation, included in the above restrictions, for personal reasons it must be approved by a government official before declaring.

3) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will listen to all orders given by high authority(The government will never put you into a harmful position).

4) Any procedure that involves Personal Messaging nations to vote a certain way in a Global Democratic Alliance poll or for a certain candidate during presidential elections whether it be on the GDA site or to her nations will be considered a fraudulent practice and will be severely punished. In the event of such fraud happening, the poll in question may be simply closed, or in the case of a presidential election, it will be restarted after a period of 2 days. Results of the rigged election or poll will be definitely erased.

Article IV. Rights

1) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance has the right to run for the government positions that are open to run for.

2) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance has the right to put laws up for debate, if it passes in the debate it will be voted on.

3) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will have the right to protection against any and all attackers. If the attacker is a member of another alliance, the nation attacked must stand down and wait for further orders.

4) Every Nation of the Global Democratic Alliance will have the right to freedom of speech on any Law, Treaty, War, that the alliance is ever in.

Article V. War

1) Every member has the right to join the military forces to do anti-rogue operations during peace time, but in the event of an alliance war every member of the GDA is required to answer the call of War. The military hierarchy is absolute. Every soldier has to obey to the ranks above him.

2) It is strictly forbidden to attack a member of another alliance and/or attack a member of the red team and/or a member of the blue team, unless under direct order of a minister or the president. Any member violating this rule may face a fine, expulsion, or destruction.

2a) If your nation wishes to engage another nation, included in the above restrictions, for personal reasons it must be approved by a government official before declaring.

3) If you are attacked by a rogue from another alliance, you have the choice to retaliate or not, but if you do you might not receive war reparations. In any case you should contact a GDA military officer or government official.

4) If a member of the GDA attacks another player non-aligned then he/she will be given no aid by any other member of the alliance.

5) All war expense should be totaled and given to the Minister of Economics. If you started the war without permission from Government or higher military rank then you will receive no compensation. If you were authorized then you will be rebuilt. Only Infrastructure will be rebuilt, nothing else.

6)If the GDA goes to war with another alliance ALL MEMBERS are required to answer to the call of war. EXCEPT the banking nations that will be giving out aid.

7) In a time of the Global Democratic Alliance going to war. A period of 2 days at the least will be given to allow all nations to prepare & organize & be notified of war. This does not include an attack from an outside power.

Article VI. Government

Section 1. Cabinet

1) The Cabinent is the executive body of the Global Democratic Alliance. It is charged with the duty and responsibility of Foreign Affairs, Military, Internal Affairs, and Economics of the Global Democratic Alliance.

2) All Presidents must take the oath of the Global Democratic Alliance

I ------------- do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the Global Democratic Alliance, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the charter of the Global Democratic Alliance.

Presidential Powers

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army along with the Minister of War of the Global Democratic Alliance,; he will require the opinion, in writing, of the principal Minister in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Ministries, declaring war, treaty, foreign negotiations, and or law.

He shall have Power along with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided 3/5 of the Senators present concur;

He shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and Ministers, Judges of the Supreme Court.

The President has the obligation to inform the cabinet and the supreme court of all foreign negotiations.

The President along with Ministers shall take care that the rules be faithfully executed of all member states.

All documents must go through the President to be read and signed.

Qualifications for office

No person except one that has either been a Minister, Senator, and or a captain may, at the time of the Adoption , shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained 3 months service within the Global Democratic Alliance.

2) All Military procedures will be in control of the Minister of War and President.

If we are to go to war, it must be a written statement signed by Minister of War, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and President.

3).The Minister of Information is responsible for managing the official archive, making an alliance news letter, keeping and updating in game information, and maintaining a program to assist new players in learning the game, and other information activities.

-Mentor Program:

The mentor program is a program for helping new players to learn the game. The program will be headed by an individual other then the Minister of Information, under the authority of said minister, and will as well be a Deputy Minister to the Minister of Information.

-Alliance Newsletter:

The Ministry of Information is to make a news letter informing the membership of the alliance about recent activities and goings on of the GDA and/or the greater CN. This news letter can be made no more frequently then once a week, and no less frequently then once a month. The Minister of Information decides how often a news letter is to be made.


The Ministry of Information is charged with opening up nominations, debates, and polls for the purpose of voting for the elected offices of the GDA. (See Election section for further details)

4) All Foreign Affairs should be taken up with The Minister of Foreign Affairs and President. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is in charge of all diplomats to other alliances, bringing new pacts from other alliances to the rest of government, and any wars that are not sanctioned.

5) The Minister of Economics is charged with the duty of loans and aids, tech deals, resource trading, and is in charge of all bankers.

6) Minister of Recruitment is in charge of all recruiters within the alliance and the recruiting of the alliance.

7) Deputy Ministers are those appointed by a ministry to help with the work loads. Any Ministry may appoint 1 or 2 or more deputies to help with the running of the Ministry.

8) The President and/or any Cabinet Minister of the Global Democratic Alliance, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors. This is to be handled by the Supreme Court.

Article VI. Section 2. Senate

Senate consists of 5 members of the GDA which are voted into this position once every two months.

The election process for Senate is separate from the President's campaign. Members nominate themselves for Senate and are voted on separate from President.

Senate Powers

1) Senate can propose laws for the charter with a 4/5 vote. These will then be brought to the President. Which will be reviewed to be signed or vetoed. Only President and Minister's may enforce new laws or charter changes.

2) Senate cannot vote upon impeachment of the President or Minister's. Senate has no controlling power over Fellow GDA members.

3) If a Senator resigns from his/her seat, or from the alliance as a whole, the runner-up from the previous Senate election will take the vacant seat for the remaining duration of the term.

4) All treaties involving the Global Democratic Alliance and foreign alliances which have been approved and signed by the President and Ministers will be brought to the Senate for final approval.

5) 3 of 5 Senate votes will constitute a quorum.

6) If the quorum has not been reached within 3 days of posting of the treaty in the Senate/Government forum, such treaty will be be valid and in effect.

Article VI. Section 3. Supreme Court

The Supreme Court positions are to be held by the 2 nations rulers with the most seniority in the alliance. It is a permanent position.

The Supreme Court may hold any other positions in the alliance including acting minister.

The Supreme Court may rule, by unanimous vote, to impeach the president and/or all ministers only if at such time the president and/or ministers commit traitorous acts of war as determined by the court.

The Supreme Court may also impeach a government official if it is decided that alliance government enters into agreements detrimental to the wellbeing of its member nations or publicly announces untruths on CN main forums.

The Supreme Court may also impeach a government official if the majority of the alliances active member nations petition the court to do so, at the courts discretion.

If a Minister is impeached for any reason the president may appoint any alliance member.

If the President is impeached a new election is to be held immediately, not to be longer then 72 hours.

If impeachment of the president and all ministers occur the Supreme Court shall be the governing body of the alliance until a new government is in place. A new election is to be held immediately, not to be longer then 72 hours

If any such impeachment occurs the Supreme Court with disclose all facts to the alliance member nations in within 3 days of the impeachment.

Article VII. Elections

1)The election process with happen once every two months. Debates begin on 25th & and polls open on the 28th. Polls will remain open for 5 days.

2)Any member can nominate themselves to run for President.

3)The current President will choose out of the nominees who it is that he/she wants to run in government with.

4)The other party running for office will pick hes/her team he/she wants to run in government with.

5)The member's running for President can pick any one of the nominees and in the case that they both pick the same nominee for the same office, it is allowed.

6)Only one office will be voted on (President), once the election polls close then the President and hes/her elected Minister's will begin running the Alliance.

7) Election tampering and poll tampering- Any procedure that involves Personal Messaging nations to vote a certain way in a Global Democratic Alliance poll whether it be on the GDA site or to her nations will be considered a fraudulent practice.

Once information is brought forth of the activity of fraud the poll will

immediately be closed & be restarted after a two day period. The person or

persons involved will face the heaviest of penalties for tampering with a

democratic process.


Assembly Chairman


Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Bill of Rights:

Proviso I

The governing body shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, right to peaceful assembly, or right to the press. The people reserve these rights as a whole to practice as a whole. The governing body shall never restrict any act of freedom of speech, assuming it is not libel or slander against another member of the alliance.

Proviso II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, arms here defined as Soldiers, Tanks, Cruise Missiles, Airplanes, Nuclear Missiles, Spies, and a Navy, shall not be infringed, nor shall the right to to raid upon nations without an alliance, and not aligned with the teams red or blue be infringed upon. The governing body shall not restrict this right or encroach on its free exercise throughout the alliance.

Proviso III

In the event that the alliance engages in military actions against what is deemed to be an enemy of the alliance, every member is required to answer the call of war should it come from a Presidential, Ministerial, Senatorial, or Judicial position.

Proviso IV

No member of the Global Democratic Alliance may be searched or questioned without reasonable evidence presented that a crime was done by them. Assuming the evidence has been presented to the Senate of the Alliance, the Senate may either approve or disapprove of a search warrant for the member in question, allowing the investigator to commence any questioning that has to be done to retrieve more evidence for use in a case against the member.

Proviso V

Every member of the Global Democratic Alliance has the right to a fair and speedy trial to be overseen by the Senate of the Global Democratic Alliance. A verdict is to be reached through discussion by the Senate of the Global Democratic Alliance. Should either the accusing member or the defending member see the verdict as unfair or illicit, then both have the right to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court reserves the right to deny any case presented before them.

Proviso VI

No member of the Global Democratic Alliance is required to testify against themselves in a court of law. Any member may deny a request to testify in a case that revolves around themselves.

Proviso VII

No member of the Global Democratic Alliance will suffer unusual and harsh punishment for their actions. Permanent Zero Infrastructure is to be used only in the most extreme of cases of betraying the alliance, i.e. plotting to overthrow the president, tamper with elections, or incite a revolt. One term of Zero Infrastructure is to be used for any member that has committed an act of libel or slander against another, and done so excessively. Any member that infringes on another's well being or reputation by giving birth to false rumors or engaging in the spread of such rumors is subject to trial and the penalty of one round of attacks by three members of the alliance, lasting a period of seven days..

Proviso VIII

Should the President of the Global Democratic Alliance be missing, this spot is to be filled by each and every minister. They are to act as a council, fulfilling all the duties that a president should engage in, and deciding on matters with a 2/3 vote.

Proviso IX

The enumeration in the Charter, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Proviso X

Amendments to this document may be voted upon and this document thereby amended pending a vote by the governing body of the alliance


Mergerberger, President

Galvatron, Minister of Defense

PanzerV, Minister of Economics

Thrash, Minister of Internal Affairs

Sf1721xXx, Minister of Communications

Suzyland, Minister of Recruitment

BastardofGod, Minister of Foreign Affairs

For the Senate:

BacTalan, Senator

King_Neil, Senator

vurgas luhaka, Senator

Shadow teh 1337 Senat0r

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