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Looking for an alliance!

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Dear Recuriters,

I'm currently looking for an alliance where I may play an active role in the membership.I have been on an alliance goverments and have much exp. there,also I looking for an alliance that offers aid.I am trying to grow my nation.

Thanx -VH

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If you're looking for an alliance that offers aid; Cimeria or whatever isn't for you. They're all too small to give out anything.

For a real alliance check out Camelot

We're out 100k ns and have several open government positions for qualified members. We're extremely responsible and professional, aid goes to our loyal and dedicated members. We have great guides and nation building plans to increase your nation optimization. We're currently protected by the Mushroom Kingdom [MK] so you can definetly feel safe with us.

Check us out at camelot.ipbfree.com

or on IRC

at #camelot


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Including several in you're charter.

don't have a go at him about grammar; that's a horrendous grammatical error there, so don't be hypocritical. it should be "your", for future reference. "you're" is a shortened version of "you are", which clearly isn't appropriate.

join The SONS (the syndicate of new sovereignty). we are nearly 20 members (18, with total NS over 150k), up and growing alliance, several big members to aid people, a $3million new member aid package, govt. positions open, closely allied with Nueva Vida, involved with their tech enterprise, and the BLEU bloc.

The SONS Forums

Edited by Fandellos
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If you're looking for an alliance that offers aid; Camelot or whatever isn't for you. They're all too small to give out anything.

For a real alliance check out Nueva Vida

We're out 4mil ns and have several open government positions for qualified members. We're extremely responsible and professional, aid goes to our loyal and dedicated members. We have great guides and nation building plans to increase your nation optimization. We're currently protected by ourselves(and our thousands of allied nations) so you can definetly feel safe with us.

Check us out at http://www.nuevavida-cn.net/forums/index.php

or on IRC

at #nv


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no no no.

GGA is the place to be...

We offer you $3 million for passing our training program. We'll teach you the ins and outs of the game. We have several aid programs to make your nation bigger. And we have me, which is crucial. The leadership is top notch, plus our alliance is big sanctioned and can offer you the protection you need and the society everyone craves.

In conclusion, join GGA, we're the best.


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I'm not going to tell you to join my alliance because you'll get tons of aid, and stuff like that, cause then I'd be flat out lying. I know we're small, brand new, and all that, I'm not so full of myself as to think otherwise. Instead, I'll just drop my name here now, knowing full well the odds of you picking me are slim to none considering your other offers. But, whatever, it's your nation, go for whatever suits you, and if that's with someone else, so be it. Enjoy yourself, you should have fun regardless of where you go, as for myself, I hope you enjoy your time here on Planet Bob. Ciao.

-- Hivemind

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Consider the Greenland Republic!

We're a respected, active, and growing alliance on the Blue team, with 130 members and an NS of over 2.3 million and growing rapidly.

We have an extraordinarily generous program to aid smaller nations to reach high levels of nation strength quickly.

Our membership consists of a wide range of ages, nationalities, and interests.

We value active members and can always use more. You can move up quickly in our ranks if you are active, loyal, and industrious.

Finally, we don't worry too much about grammar. :)

Check us out at:


If you have any questions, please ask. And good luck wherever you end up!

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it'd be nice if you can spell; there's a grammatical error in every single post you've ever made. Including several in you're charter.

How ironic, you're scolding him because of grammatical mistakes, but in that very post you made quite a few grammatical errors. -_-

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  • 6 months later...
Your welcome to join the Socialistic Empire. We may have some government positions open and we do provide aid to nations. If you have any questions or concerns, pm me or go to our forums.


I agree with him and any way you see how these feeble minded people fight over little things such as grammar and punctuation. We in the Socialistic Empire are not so immature and so overbearingly serious, one has to remember that this is a game and one plays this game to have fun not argue about grammar and how to properly use "you're", leave that to the tedious atmosphere of school. I will make this short because I see no use in wasting your time. If you join SE you are guaranteed aid, protection, comradeship and "a place where everybody knows your name" - Cheers theme song :D . There are important government positions awarded to people who are responsible and loyal.

Thank you for your time.

- Comrade 360 of Africa

Click this to go our new site.

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Why not join DOOM alliance? We offer a $3 million start up aid for new members.

DOOM is an alliance that looks for new members that are committed to their alliance and are loyal. We have a large library section that contains many reader friendly nation building guides (not the ones that make you feel like a dummy or the ones that drives you insane from the wall of math formulas) and a nation audit section to point out problems in your nation and give suggestions to help your nation get the max growth.

Heck, I might need you for a trade circle that I am setting up in my alliance. Be warned that DOOM alliance does not like members who are disloyal and/or lazy.

Link to DOOM alliance is in my signature.

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The way to learn about an alliance is not througha recruitment message, or one of these shameless posts (sorry guys, you know it is). I suggest you check out some of the IRC channels, most of them are on coldfront.

A few for quick referance:








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