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The Imperial Assault Alliance


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The Imperial Assault Alliance Recruitment Thread

Hello, and welcome to the IAA! If you wish to join this alliance, please post an application here:

<a href="http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Imperial_A...opic=3&st=0" target="_blank">http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Imperial_A...opic=3&st=0</a>

Just fill out the required information,

The IAA is an alliance based on fairness and voice for all its members. We welcome you to present your views in all our debates and discussions. If you need any help, our members are more than happy to lend a hand. We are essentially a big group of friends. You can join a huge alliance and just be another average member, but what's the fun of that? Join the IAA and let your voice be heard!

So not sure if you want to join yet? Need a little convincing?

Some benefits are:

-The ability to speak out and make a difference. If you have a valid point we will listen.

-Protection and aid, to safeguard your nation.

-All the help you need to navigate the tricky world of Cyberverse politics and nation-building.

-A truly wonderful group of people to work with and get to know.

Here is our official Charter: <a href="http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Imperial_A...hp?showtopic=34" target="_blank">http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Imperial_A...hp?showtopic=34</a>

Please consider joining the IAA, and if you do, it won't be something you regret. Thanks!

Edited by Schecterville
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