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More than 70 tech improves environment?


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I was at 65.49 tech just now and decided to buy 9.5 more, to get close to 75. After buying the tech I noticed that my income and number of citizens had increased. Not sure if the environment increased, but that's the only explanation I can come up with.

Can anyone confirm?

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Technology makes your people happy. Here's how the game currently figures it:

Technology = 0 then happiness = -1

Technology > 0 and <= .5 then happiness = +0

Technology > .5 and <= 1 then happiness = +1

Technology > 1 and <= 3 then happiness = +2

Technology > 3 and <= 6 then happiness = +3

Technology > 6 and <= 10 then happiness = +4

Technology > 10 and <= 15 then happiness = +5

Technology > 15 then happiness = + 5 + (Tech purchased * .02) up to level 200 tech

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I know those numbers, but my happiness went up more than that. Besides, an increase in happiness wouldn't account for the ~350 increase in citizens, now would it?

Edited by ArgonV
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