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Irksome Cheating Rules

Pete McCavoy

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Alright, I created my nation fairly recently, like last week. And my friends saw me playing it in my room and said it was lame. So then they checked it out and saw how awesome it is, and are now into it also. We are all about the same strength. Problem, other kids get to trade with their friends and stuff, but I can't do any of that with my friends. We go to boarding school in Virginia and therefore have the same network. It seems unfair to me that we don't get to interact when other people can. I have gotten reports of cheating when trying to trade with them, or even send my friend 10 soldiers (he was getting attacked and was complaining to me) Just wondering if there is anything that can be done about this.

Edited by Pete McCavoy
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This doesn't belong in Report Game Abuse.

Multiple nations on the same network aren't allowed because of the rampant abuse that happened when we did allow it.

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