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Looking for an Alliance

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As a new member to Cybernations my inbox seems to flow with spam from just about every conceivable alliance and it seems like the core experience of Cybernations is in the Alliances. So I thought I'd try asking the members that frequent these forums what alliances meet or come nearest to the requirements I might have of a potential alliance.

1.) Be either Orange, Blue or Black (Orange is preferred)

2.) Be among the top 20 Alliances

3.) Allow individual members to attack other nations without having to ask for permission from the head of an alliance and go through 10 tons of paper work in the process

4.) Have a mature membership

Thanks for any help or assistance you might be able to provide.

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1.) Be either Orange, Blue or Black (Orange is preferred)

2.) Be among the top 20 Alliances

3.) Allow individual members to attack other nations without having to ask for permission from the head of an alliance and go through 10 tons of paper work in the process

4.) Have a mature membership

1.) Easy enough, lets go to number 2 though to get to specific alliances.

2.) Orange: The Order of the Paradox, IRON, ODN. Blue: New Polar Order, MCXA. Black: Sparta is a good alliance on Black.

3.) I doubt any of the above alliances will allow you to attack anyone at will. However, there are always alliance wide wars to keep things interesting.

4.) All of the above and many others have a mostly mature membership.

Also, you a Davidson basketball fan?

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1.) Easy enough, lets go to number 2 though to get to specific alliances.

2.) Orange: The Order of the Paradox, IRON, ODN. Blue: New Polar Order, MCXA. Black: Sparta is a good alliance on Black.

3.) I doubt any of the above alliances will allow you to attack anyone at will. However, there are always alliance wide wars to keep things interesting.

4.) All of the above and many others have a mostly mature membership.

Also, you a Davidson basketball fan?

Nope. Never actually heard of Davidson. Thanks for the suggestions though.

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1.) Be either Orange, Blue or Black (Orange is preferred): we are a BLUE alliance

2.) Be among the top 20 Alliances: um... try top 120 <_< but we are very experienced and old

3.) Allow individual members to attack other nations without having to ask for permission from the head of an alliance and go through 10 tons of paper work in the process: well, you have to either ask me or a higher position but all we have to do is the OK but we will usually deny most requests unless you can back it up... so we might allow some

4.) Have a mature membership: definately. we have a very mature membership (along with some good ol' fashion spam :awesome: ) and we love to teach our youngsters. We are very experienced (had an old alliance before merging with GATO way back when while i was not a gamer then)

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Let's see how RIA fares

1.) Be either Orange, Blue or Black (Orange is preferred) We're Maroon, so that's one no

2.) Be among the top 20 Alliances We're around 26th last I looked, so I guess there is a no there as well

3.) Allow individual members to attack other nations without having to ask for permission from the head of an alliance and go through 10 tons of paper work in the process Nope, but I don't think there is a single alliance in the top 20 who allows this either, so good luck

4.) Have a mature membership lol

Yeah, we didn't do so well.

In all honesty, there aren't any alliances that fit all of those requirements. I think the best you'd get would probably be IRON, but don't expect to be able to attack things at random.

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