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The Phantom Warrior Corps

Tron Paul

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The Phantom Warrior Corps

We, the Phantom Warriors are a group of warriors that have simply always been, standing in the shadows, lurking in the darkness, watching and waiting. We shall remain until the end of time, we shall be strong in the face of adversity; we shall be fearless in the face of danger, we shall be vigilant and stand guard over our brothers and those who are fortunate enough to have earned a place at our table. Like the knights of old, Chivalry shall be our creed and Justice our banner. At such times when it seems we are we weak, the memory of those warriors who have gone before us will be there to make us strong; we shall be a beacon of light when all seems dark.

Policies of The Phantom Warrior Corps


We're a small 12 man alliance on the Aqua sphere. Just like every other alliance in the game, we aspire to be the very best, but we go a little further than some people. Our emperor has even gone as far as to ban the menace known as "RL" from the alliance. Anyone caught with this demon of "RL" will be looked down upon. Phantom (as we like to be called) prefer a focused player who is willing to help is succeed in any way. Victory is the sweetest aspect of gaming, after all.

Forum Behavior:

If you stay active on our alliance forums, I can almost guarantee you that government will have a positive bias towards you. Activity is the key to any alliance and we expect our membership to constantly ask questions, apply for nation auditing, and update their military statistics on our alliance forums. For some people, forums are not that cool of a thing, so we also offer a great IRC channel; #phantom on Coldfront server. We have a link to our own IRC applet at our alliance forums.


We do not condone attacks on aligned nations, and we also do not allow tech raiding of any sort. If you are attacked by a foreign nation, if negotiations with said foreign nation fail, we can always call in our protector TCB, or we can send in one of our own nations to defend you.

Government & Alliance Structure

At the top of The "Phantom" Government is our Emperor, Commander John. Below Commander John are the positions called Chancellor of the Interior, Chancellor of the Exterior, and Grand Vizier of the Imperial Guard. These 3 people work as a triumvirate of sorts, handling the internal, foreign, and military affairs of the alliance. Below them are various cabinet positions that handle finances, mentoring, recruiting, and other services beneficial to the alliance. We are always looking for eager and active members of the alliance to mentor into government roles, so don't be afraid about helping out. We have a couple of the most experienced officials on Aqua, so you won't need many qualifications to excel in our government, we can teach you everything you'll ever need to know.

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