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Will join the alliance of the highest bidder

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So, I signed up to CyberNations not even a week ago, and already I have been bombarded with people wishing for me to join their alliance, with most offering me a nice "startup" package. That's all fine, but made me think "Damn people really want me to join their alliance pretty badly!"

Well, unlike a lot of newbies, I didn't go to the first one I saw, or the second, or the coolest name, instead I see opportunity. If someone's willing to offer 3 million startup aid to every newbie they say, then there could be big amounts if say, there was competition for one. ;)

So in this case, the newbie is taking the initiative. Here's the deal, I will join the alliance of the person who offers me the most upfront start up aid. No strings attached aid. No $2,000,000 up front then X amount after X amount of posts on the forum, X amount of days, etc etc. You can bid on the thread, or sent my nation a telegram (ruler name: Jessica; nation name: Secristan). Let me have some fun with this and we'll see where it goes!

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Alliances generally want loyal and active players who will interact well with their existing member base.

Any alliance worth anything will have aid programs to build the nations of active players. And tech deals. You can make 7-8 million profit per month by doing tech deals, and sometimes more. The growth of your nation is less dependent on the alliance that you join and more on you as a player.

Do you really want to be nothing more than a street prostitute, out peddling yourself for all you can get? That is what you are doing amounts to. Do you really think alliance leaders are foolish enough to think you would be loyal in time of need?

I suggest that you try to hook up with one of the "just another number" alliances. You'll figure out which ones I am talking about soon enough.

Good alliances value things like friendship, camaraderie, loyalty, and of course, activity.

You don't seem to offer any of the first three.

Please try to take this as constructive criticism rather than a flame.


Edited by Londo Mollari
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Ok, well maybe it is a silly idea, but if no one is going to bid on a newbie, then I don't understand why I have received offers right when I signed up from people just willing to throw money at me, that's why I got this idea. I'm getting very mixed messages then.....

I was just thinking I'd have a little fun with it, but oh well. You can still send me offers. I have gotten one (not the 10k bid on the thread). :)

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Ok, well maybe it is a silly idea, but if no one is going to bid on a newbie, then I don't understand why I have received offers right when I signed up from people just willing to throw money at me, that's why I got this idea. I'm getting very mixed messages then.....

I was just thinking I'd have a little fun with it, but oh well. You can still send me offers. I have gotten one (not the 10k bid on the thread). :)

Every Alliance that is looking for more members will send a message to you. It happened to me and after further research I chose IRON. Alliances will not Bid on you. Also many Alliances will give you start-up money and thats it! you might not even get War Aid! When they offer you money its just a ploy to get you to join since your new and many new people are valnurable. Do the right thing and research every alliance and p;ick the right one the suits you not them!

-General DRU ZOD

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You can not be serious.

No one is going to spend even a dime on you. It's not because you are so amazingly popular and that everyone wants you to join their alliance. Alliances do this to everyone that joins the game and is unaligned. When I go unaligned, I am spammed with all sorts of PMs concerning alliances. Hundreds of nations are offered money depending on the alliance member that tries to recruit them. They don't pay notice to you, just your AA. I suggest you also get rid of this idea of yours about joining just for the imaginary money going on in your head. I can easily say this: Just because they offer money does not mean they are a good alliance. You should go with one that you will be happy with, that you will fight by and have good times with. Not the one that is always in a state of dissolvement that offered you 3M. That's my 2 cents. I agree. This is fairly filled to the brim with fail.

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I will pay you Tibet. It is a very desiered place in the world and it will be all yours!


Seriously though. No alliance in there right mind would buy members. Buying members is not a good way to actually strengthen an alliance, it makes it weaker. Good luck on your hunt to find someone who is stupid enough to buy members.

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Ok, well maybe it is a silly idea, but if no one is going to bid on a newbie, then I don't understand why I have received offers right when I signed up from people just willing to throw money at me, that's why I got this idea. I'm getting very mixed messages then.....

I was just thinking I'd have a little fun with it, but oh well. You can still send me offers. I have gotten one (not the 10k bid on the thread). :)

In making a thread where you base your alliance decision on who offers the most aid, you become labeled an "aid hobo" by the community...generally a bad thing, but I understand that you probably just didn't know any better.

If you're willing to contribute a lot to your alliance, you'll get money back in return (at least from the good ones, see sig). Otherwise, that $3m will be the last aid you see (instead of those $30m+ packs active players get).

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That's not sweet actually, its pathetic and greedy. But funny at the same time.

And the point I'm about to make is very valid, I should know, my alliance believes strongly in it.

We don't offer any start-up money, why? Because its about having fun. Yeah, yeah, all alliances say that. No. CyberNations is a game, correct? Games exist on this earth in order for us to enjoy ourselves, okay. Our alliance is just a group of friendly players who enjoy each others company, and anyone who wants to join us on that is welcome.

But by offering money to players, thats being a total hippocrit to what CyberNations is all about. It proves that the alliance clearly values members only for the improved stats they will bring to the alliance, or the extra member will in turn bring more members, or improve the alliance rank/score etc.

That my dear, is why that not just my alliance, but many alliances that are truly out there to let you and the rest of us enjoy this game don't offer joining gifts. If anything - I know this might sound stupid - but I would avoid the alliances that offer money.

I hope not just you but many people take that into consideration.

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In making a thread where you base your alliance decision on who offers the most aid, you become labeled an "aid hobo" by the community...generally a bad thing, but I understand that you probably just didn't know any better.

If you're willing to contribute a lot to your alliance, you'll get money back in return (at least from the good ones, see sig). Otherwise, that $3m will be the last aid you see (instead of those $30m+ packs active players get).

I've obviously abandoned the original point of my thread and thank those who "nicely" told me it was dumb instead of those who took the opportunity to insult.

This point in your thread though is what really got to me, others said it too.... as if I wasn't going to DO anything FOR the alliance. A lot people made that assumption, and that really wasn't fair. Yes, I intended to COMMIT myself to the alliance and do what is asked of me. I was looking for a good spot to go to. So really, the only thing that really irritated me in this thread was people making the assumption that I wasn't going to do anything once in the alliance.

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Do not use the link in my Sig to sign up for the GGA


Especially since the first words out of your mouth were "Give ME! Give ME! Give ME!"

Good luck finding someone to take you, trust me you will needed it

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I've obviously abandoned the original point of my thread and thank those who "nicely" told me it was dumb instead of those who took the opportunity to insult.

This point in your thread though is what really got to me, others said it too.... as if I wasn't going to DO anything FOR the alliance. A lot people made that assumption, and that really wasn't fair. Yes, I intended to COMMIT myself to the alliance and do what is asked of me. I was looking for a good spot to go to. So really, the only thing that really irritated me in this thread was people making the assumption that I wasn't going to do anything once in the alliance.

In that case, link in my sig. You'll have to earn it, but if you do we have money to burn.

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